Medicines for childhood fever: understand how they work

Remedies for childhood fever are antipyretics developed specifically to help the body lower its temperature, reducing the discomfort and risk associated with the symptom. In addition to having the desired effect, these medications need to be safe and suitable for pediatric use, so as not to harm child development . 1

In this context, it is worth emphasizing that children’s bodies and immune systems are more fragile than those of adults, as they are still developing. For this reason, little ones tend to get sick more often. Likewise, some drugs can be very strong and harm the health of young people. 1

In this post, we will talk about thefever in childrenand the level of danger indicated by the symptom according to age. Based on this information, we will discuss the medications that are usually recommended by pediatricians to alleviate pyrexia, as it is also known. 1

Good reading!

What can cause childhood fever?

Generally, childhood fever is caused by viral infections such as the flu and cold . Other common causes are gastroenteritis, a viral infection of the digestive system, and certain bacterial infections, such as otitis and pneumonia. 1

To determine the cause of the fever and make a diagnosis, the doctor can assess the child’s condition and perform tests. Age is a very important factor at this stage, as there are more common conditions in each age group, which facilitates this “investigation”. 1

Is fever in children a dangerous symptom?

For healthy children, the danger of fever is very low as it helps fight infections. However, children who suffer from congenital problems, such as lung, heart or brain disorders, can develop serious consequences due to the additional burden brought by the increase in body temperature. 1

In these cases, changes in heart rate, blood pressure, blood circulation and body oxygenation can overload the child’s body and pose more serious risks. 1

The younger you are, the more fragile your child’s health is. Therefore, concern for little ones in the first months of life should be greater. As they develop and strengthen, attention and care can be softened. 1

Fever in a baby 3 months or younger

For babies up to one month old, fever is a greater cause for warning. In this age group, the pediatrician may recommend preventive hospitalization to carry out tests and monitor the child’s condition. Between one and three months of age, the measure may not be necessary, especially when there are no signs of danger, such as appearing sick, lethargy or unusual crying. 1

In any case, blood tests, urine tests and chest x-rays can be carried out to find out what causes the symptoms and the appropriate treatment. In some cases, a medicine for childhood fever can do the job. 1

Fever in children between 3 months and 3 years

Between three months and three years of age, childhood fever can be addressed with a more superficial assessment. When there are no risk factors, such as congenital problems or a very high temperature, the pediatrician evaluates the child’s appearance and complaints to determine the probable cause and begin treatment. 1

In other cases, if the fever rises above 39°C or a bacterial infection is suspected, additional tests may be performed to obtain a more accurate diagnosis.  1

This measure is important to avoid the inappropriate use of antibiotics in childhood, which can harm the development of immunity and have no effect on combating other disease-causing microorganisms, in addition to bacteria. 1

Fever in children aged 3 to 12 years

From the age of three, it is easier to talk to the child and find out what they are feeling. Therefore, it may not be necessary to carry out specific tests to evaluate the condition, as she is able to describe the symptoms to the doctor. 1

Only in specific conditions, when the condition indicates the possibility of more serious illnesses or it is not possible to determine the cause of the increase in temperature, should additional tests be carried out to diagnose the problem. 1

Children’s fever danger signs

In general, the danger signs and warning signs of childhood fever include 1 :

  • the child is less than three months old;
  • very high fever, above 39 ºC;
  • fever lasting for more than five days;
  • there is a diagnosis of congenital problems of lung, heart or brain origin;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • unhealthy appearance, such as pallor, accumulation of secretion and prostration;
  • lethargy or apathy, the child does not react to interaction;
  • persistent crying, without being able to console and calm the child;
  • headache, stiff neck and/or mental confusion in older children, between three and twelve years old.

For babies up to three months old, medical evaluation must be immediate, with or without other signs of danger. Up to three years of age, only very high temperatures, persistent symptoms or no signs of milder respiratory infections may require urgent attention. 1

For children over three years old, the recommendation is to pay attention to the symptoms and monitor the condition, keeping an eye on warning signs. However, there is no need to be alarmed. 1

In any case, the doctor must be consulted to recommend the most appropriate and safe treatment for the child. The choice of medicine for childhood fever should follow the pediatrician’s guidance. 1

Children’s fever medicine: which one to choose?

The medicine for children’s fever must be recommended by the child’s doctor, who chooses the appropriate compound for the child’s age and weight. Known as antipyretics, these medications serve to control the increase in temperature, alleviate the symptom and reduce the burden on the body, helping with recovery and combating the cause of the problem. 1

How to reduce high fever in children quickly?

To reduce the discomfort of children with a fever, you can choose to place damp cloths on the little ones’ forehead, wrists, armpits and calves. In addition to compresses, a warm bath can help. Don’t forget to offer fluids to avoid the risk of dehydration and consult your doctor to determine the most appropriate medicine for childhood fever 1

Benegrip has specific anti-flu medications for pediatric use, check out:

  • Benegrip Multi : anti-flu liquid, suitable for children from two years of age, with analgesic, anti-allergic, decongestant and antipyretic action;
  • Benegrip Multi Fever and Pain : antipyretic and analgesic drops with fast action and a safe formula to relieve pain and fever in children from six months of age.

Conclusion: what is the best medicine for childhood fever?

There is no way to say which is the best medicine for childhood fever, as each child can react specifically to treatments. In general, the most commonly used drugs are based on dipyrone, paracetamol or ibuprofen. 1

To choose an antipyretic medication safely, it is important to consult a pediatrician, who can carry out tests and assess the child’s condition, advising on the best treatment for each case. 1

Fever is a symptom, not a disease. It is not a cause for immediate concern in most cases and the condition can even benefit health, helping to control infections. However, it is worth paying attention to risk factors and warning signs to protect children’s health and reduce their discomfort. 1

We hope this has answered your questions about medicines for childhood fever and headache. For more informative guides and health tips, stay tuned to the blog. We’ve put together some posts that might interest you, check them out :

  • Everything about childhood fever: main causes, home treatments and remedies ;
  • How to reduce a child’s fever? Know what to do .


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