Lose belly fat in 3 simple steps!

lose belly fat
lose belly fat

Would you like to lose belly fat? Then read on.

Because losing weight has more benefits than just a good appearance. Belly fat in particular has many health dangers!

In this article, I will show you exactly where belly fat comes from and how you can get rid of belly fat.

I’ll show you what to eat and what to do so that you can burn your belly fat!

You don’t see the most dangerous belly fat!

Not only is too much belly fat not very attractive from a beauty point of view but also dangerous to your health than you think.

The main risk is a greatly increased risk of cardiovascular disease. But your joints (back, knees, ankles) also have to endure a lot when you are overweight. Finally, excess belly fat is seen as a strong indicator of developing type 2 diabetes, leading to serious, sometimes even fatal, cardiovascular diseases.

A belly is therefore not without danger. Often people think that a small tummy does no harm. But beware, the extra fat that is stored around your waist is dangerous!

The human body stores fats in two different places. We know the former all too well, clearly visible under the skin of the abdomen, hips, buttocks, and thighs.

But fat is also stored deeper under the skin: around the heart, lungs, stomach, and liver. This organ fat is invisible, but very unhealthy if you have too much of it. And that belly is a direct indication that too much fat is stored around the organs.

Belly fat makes cortisol hormones

But it goes further; research shows that belly fat produces a lot of cortisol hormones. And these have a strong relationship with the development of cancer cells and tumors. Cortisol is produced by the body during stress (read: danger) and for that reason it is assumed that you need extra energy later to curb the danger. And so the body is going to store it. In addition, cortisol increases appetite so that you unconsciously eat even more.

In short, a negative spiral that is very dangerous. Don’t get distracted by the cosmetic side of the story, belly fat is not a matter of appearance alone. It is simply life-threatening.

Are you too fat?

Take a tour of the supermarket. And try to estimate the percentage of foods you actually need in relation to what is only luxury.

All things considered, any supermarket with half of the range would be able to meet all our nutritional requirements without any problems.

Belly fat is the result of a drastically changed diet

Many health problems, including excess belly fat, in particular, are the result of a drastically changed diet. Just think, almost all the food we can buy today comes from a factory. Where in the past we simply bought fruit and vegetables on the market or from a farmer, everything is now offered ready-made in packaging.

Another problem was also introduced with these so-called manufactured foods; masses of artificial additives got into our food. They are cheap, easy to package, and easy to consume. And preferably as much as possible, the mega packaging, 2 for the price of 1, and a kilo of bangers are flying around your ears. The increasing supply has not improved the quality, on the contrary.

Do you want to know if you are overweight? Grab a tape measure and take the test. For men, a waist circumference of more than 94 centimeters is considered overweight, for women this circumference is 80 centimeters. If you are above these values, it is really five to twelve, no matter how old you are. Then make sure that you quickly lose 5 or 10 kilos for your health.

“Too much organ fat or ‘visceral fat’ increases the risks of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. A good way to see if you have too much belly fat is to measure the waist circumference. You can read how to do this in this article: measuring the waist circumference.”

Lose belly fat by choosing the right fuel

Your car will not run without petrol. Logical, but the human body also needs continuous fuel. Where cars can run on petrol, diesel, gas or electricity, the human body needs 3 different fuels. These are carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

Carbohydrates can be found in bread, pasta, noodles, potatoes, rice, grain products, fruit, vegetables, and all sugary products such as candy, chocolate, cakes, cookies, and ready-to-eat sauces.

Fats come in roughly two types:

  • Unsaturated fats have a positive effect on your health and can be found in nuts, seeds, fatty fish, avocado and olive oil.
  • Saturated fats such as snacks from the deep fryer or frying fat, on the other hand, have a negative effect on your health.

Proteins are essential building blocks for the body and can be found in meat, eggs, fish, and to a lesser extent in nuts, seeds, and beans.

Carbohydrates are the main cause of belly fat

All these types of fuels have different effects on your body. This effect is very important if you want to lose weight healthily and especially if you want to get rid of your belly fat!

Unfortunately, for many things, advancing insight never breaks speed records. For years we have been misled by the food industry and governments about the truth about carbohydrates and fats. You would think that by eating fats you store body fat. While that’s partly true, carbohydrates are the main cause of excess fat.

Wrong carbohydrates

Healthy fats and proteins do not cause obesity. There has been a lot of scientific evidence in recent decades that eating too many carbohydrates is the main cause of excess body fat!

In short, food rich in carbohydrates ensures that you store belly fat, and foods rich in vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and proteins ensure that you burn belly fat easily.

Sugar causes your body to store fat

Sugars are a separate category of carbohydrates. Sugar is widely used, but it contains no nutrients and almost only calories.

The effect of sugar is that it tells your body to stop burning fat and start storing fat. That sugars have come to play an enormous role in our diet is evident from the fact that a hundred years ago the average sugar consumption was 2 kilos per year. Fifty years later, this had increased to 6 kilos.

Today we consume an average of 65 kilos of sugar per year…

And sugar is not only bad for the diet … Sugar is also linked to various health problems such as cancer, heart failure and is bad for the development of the brain.

The process that leads to belly fat is simple

The process that leads to belly fat is not rocket science. After consuming carbohydrates, these are immediately converted into energy by your digestive organs. This energy is called glucose. However, too much glucose in your blood is dangerous.

Incorrect carbohydrates ensure a high insulin value

To bring glucose to the right place, your body immediately produces the hormone insulin. Insulin first transports the glucose to your liver and muscle cells to supply them. The crux is that the wrong carbohydrates are digested quickly and are the main cause of a high insulin level. They disrupt your hormone balance and cause you to store fat in all parts of your body.

Our body is based on evolution based on survival. Unlike now, the next meal was not a certainty in the past. For this reason, carbohydrates that are not needed for direct combustion are stored for survival.

But if you don’t give your body these carbohydrates, it doesn’t have to store them either. Fortunately, a low-carbohydrate diet does not mean that you can no longer eat carbohydrates at all. Switch from simple to complex carbohydrates and you will feel energetic and fit while losing belly fat like snow in the sun.

Lose belly fat in 3 simple steps

How do you lose belly fat? If you follow the three simple steps below you can easily lose your belly fat:

Step 1: Get lose belly fat by changing your diet and lifestyle

The first step is to change your diet and lifestyle. A regular and stable diet is necessary. You don’t burn belly fat if you don’t eat regularly. The engine must keep running, which is best for your combustion.

An additional advantage is that you are less hungry and therefore do not tend to snack unhealthily.

Do you want a handy diet plan that will help you lose belly fat? Then you can click the big download button below and request my free diet plan:

Step 2: Cut sugar from your diet to lose belly fat

In addition, it is important to choose the right fuels:

Immediately remove (refined) sugar from your diet and watch yourself burn belly fat! A recent study showed that you can expect the most fat loss around the abdomen and waist.

The second step is to eat healthier and more sensibly, which means fewer simple carbohydrates, more healthy fats and enough protein, then the belly will disappear by itself.

Step 3: Exercise more for weight loss on your stomach

The next step is best known, move, move and move again. This does not mean that you have to run for 2 hours every day. By walking for half an hour every day, taking the bike more often, and regularly leaving the car at home, you can lose belly fat very quickly!

If you like to exercise, this will help! During sports, belly fat and organ fat are the first to be used to provide energy.

It does not matter what you are going to do, lose weight and running, walking, cycling, cardio in the gym on, for example, an exercise bike or spinning bike. Half an hour a day if possible.

Another important item is sleep. This is often underestimated, but research has shown that people who sleep 6 to 7 hours a night build up less organ fat in five years than people who sleep less or longer.

Finally, reduce stress. Stress leads to a higher production of the hormone cortisol, which provides extra storage of the dangerous organ fat. De-stress by relaxing enough, taking time for yourself, and keeping an eye on the work / private balance.

How do you lose belly fat through the right diet?

The first question people ask when they want to lose weight is a logical one. What should I eat if I can cut back on carbohydrates? Don’t worry, there are plenty of foods to eat healthily and responsibly.

Not all carbs are bad

The most important step if you want to lose belly fat is to eat less simple carbohydrates. Carbohydrates can be divided into 2 groups:

Complex carbohydrates

  • Fruit
  • Vegetable
  • Nuts
  • pips
  • seeds
  • Brown rice
  • sweet potato
  • oatmeal

Simple or simple carbohydrates

  • Biscuits, sweets, pastries, chips
  • White bread
  • Pasta
  • White rice
  • potatoes
  • Soft drink
  • processed dairy products
  • fruit juices

It is precisely the simple carbohydrates that increase your blood sugar level at breakneck speed and thus provide more belly fat. Carbohydrates are certainly not prohibited, just make sure that you do not get too many simple ones.

What is the best thing to eat?

Eat a lot:

  • Vegetables (all vegetables, unlimited)
  • Fruit (maximum two pieces per day)
  • Fish (especially cold-water fish, herring, mackerel, sardines, and salmon)
  • Eggs
  • meat (especially organic)
  • nuts, kernels, seeds
  • natural oils
  • Complex carbohydrates (quinoa, sweet potatoes, and to lesser extent oatmeal and couscous).

You can also consider replacing bread for breakfast with, for example, oatmeal with almond milk and blueberries or with a salad with pieces of avocado, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, spinach, and a boiled egg.

And it is better to replace soft drinks with water, tea, and coffee or mineral water.

Taking action for change

Every change starts with an understanding of the current situation and a goal for the future. This article contributed to the former. You now know how dangerous belly fat is. It is now up to you to get started.

A few final tips. Get the right groceries: you can’t eat what you don’t buy. There are plenty of parts of the supermarket that you can skip without any problem. Furthermore, have a number of healthy snacks within reach. Losing weight means that you sometimes get hungry. Do not fall into the old mistake, but make sure that a number of healthy options are ready.


Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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