List of Seafood: Names with Pictures

list of seafood

List of Seafood: Seafood is the general name given to the creatures that live in the seas, lakes and streams. The edible ones of these creatures are almost a healing reservoir for the human body . Seafood is especially rich in protein and omega 3. These are great ingredients for the body. They reduce the risk of developing cancer, fight chronic inflammation that opens the door to autoimmune diseases, rejuvenate the skin, and regulate cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Seafood is excluded from these 2 components; It is rich in calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, folic acid, magnesium, selenium and vitamins A, B group and C. Experts recommend consuming seafood at least 2 times a week.

So what are seafood? In this article we will discuss sea foods with names and pictures. You can also check a lots of wallpics, custom canvas prints, and many other pictures on website. Let’s get to know these healing creatures a little more closely!

seafood list

List of Seafood

1) Mussels

  • We start our list of seafood names with shellfish! Mussels are the most consumed shellfish in our country. It lives attached to rocks, piers and planks in the seas.
  • Stuffed, pilaf, stew, boiled and grilled. It is especially famous for stuffing.
  • It is rich in protein, zinc, folic acid, iron, phosphorus and potassium. However, since it contains cholesterol and sodium, it should be consumed in a controlled manner. When consumed in excess, it can cause heavy metal accumulation and poisoning in the body.

2) Oysters

  • It is a type of mussel. It has a double shell. Compared to mussels, its meat is much more delicious.
  • Oysters get sick in the summer. Therefore, consumption in this season can cause poisoning.
  • It is consumed raw. The skin is divided into two, leaving the meat on the underside. It can be consumed plain or by adding lemon, salt and pepper to it, according to taste.

3) Shrimp

  • It is extracted from the seas and fresh water sources. It is very rich in protein. It is even shown as an alternative to red meat with this feature. However, it is recommended to be consumed in a controlled manner due to its high cholesterol content.
  • The meat of the shrimp is white in color and very tasty. It can be boiled, consumed plain, or cooked in a casserole.
  • Small and medium shrimps are more suitable for grilling.
  • Shrimp is a must when making seafood salad.

4) Lobster

  • Among the seafood varieties , one of the most striking species with its appearance is the lobster.
  • Lobster; It is rich in folic acid, magnesium, potassium, zinc and calcium. Compared to shrimp and mussels, it has a lower cholesterol value. It is sold alive and cooked alive again.
  • Salad, soup, boiled and sauced dishes are prepared.
  • It is consumed by boiling. When boiled, its color changes from black to red. When it reaches the ideal boiling level, it is divided into pieces.
  • First, the claws are bent and broken. Then the body is cut from length to length with the help of a sharp knife. Both the claws and body flesh are removed.

5) Crab

  • Just like lobster, crab is sold alive and boiled alive. Extracting and cooking methods are also the same.
  • There is only one difference between them: Crab should not be boiled for longer than 12 minutes.
  • It can be consumed plain. It is suitable for cooking with oven and grill method.
  • With elegant presentations among seafood dishes in luxury restaurants , Crab recipes are eye-catching.

6) Crayfish

  • Also known as freshwater lobster. Extracting and cooking methods are the same as for lobster.
  • Crayfish are boiled in boiling water for no more than 13 minutes. After it cools down, the meat in its claws and body is removed. These meats can be consumed after boiling.
  • It can also be grilled and stewed.

7) Langust

  • It is one of the delicious seafood. Also known as an insect.
  • Its flesh is white in color.
  • It is consumed by boiling.
spiny lobster

8) Anchovy

  • We continue our list of seafood varieties with fish species. Anchovy is the most hunted fish species in our country. It is mostly found in the Black Sea and Marmara. There are 3 types. These are Azov, Black Sea and Marmara anchovies.
  • 100 grams of anchovy fish is 150 kcal calories. This value is equivalent to about 6 percent of the daily amount of calories needed. 100 grams of anchovy fish contains 17 g of protein, 5 g of fat, 20.0IU of vitamin A, 0.5 mg of vitamin C, 383 mg of calcium and 3.3 mg of iron.
  • Anchovy; It is cooked by oven, steaming and grilling methods. In addition, its pan, rice, soup, meatballs and even desserts are made.

9) Trout

  • It is a type of fish that can be found in all seasons of the year. Trout, a close relative of salmon, has many subspecies.
  • 100 grams of trout is about 120 kcal calories. This value is equivalent to about 6 percent of the daily amount of calories needed.

10) Sea Bream

  • When counting seafood names , the most familiar type of fish is sea bream.
  • It is seen in our country, especially in the Aegean and Mediterranean. It is a type of fish suitable for farming. The sea bream we see on the stalls is usually farm bream. Sea bream is tastier and more expensive than farm bream.
  • Sea bream is a hard fish with few bones. The breeding time is between October and December. The most delicious period is January, February and March.
  • The calorie of sea bream is slightly lower than other anchovies and trout. 100 grams of sea bream is 96 kcal calories.
  • It is a type of fish rich in protein. There are 19.6 grams of protein in 100 grams of sea bream. This amount meets about 39 percent of the daily required amount of protein.
sea ​​bream

11) Red beans

  • It grows in the Aegean and Mediterranean. April and July are the months when the flavor reaches its maximum level.
  • 100 grams of red mullet is 124 kcal calories. The same amount of red mullet contains 20 grams of protein.
  • This provides 40 percent of the daily required amount of protein. It contains omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins A, B and K.
red mullet

12) Sea Bass

  • It is a native fish species that is also produced on farms. It lives in warm and cold seas. It grows in the South Aegean and Mediterranean coasts of our country. There are 12 species. The period when it welcomes its fans in its most delicious form is between February and May.
  • 100 grams of sea bass fish is 97 kcal calories. It gets 80 percent of its calories from protein.
  • If seafood soup is to be made, one of the most preferred types of fish is sea bass.

13) Horse mackerel

  • It is a wandering fish. It descends to the Marmara Sea as of September, and returns to the Black Sea after May.
  • It takes its place on the counters in the autumn and winter seasons. The most delicious season is October and November.
  • There are 2 species, namely blackeye horse mackerel and yellowtail horse mackerel. The yellowtail species is larger than the bream.
  • Although it is a small type of fish, it is high in calories. 100 grams of horse mackerel is 205 kcal calories. This figure meets 10 percent of the daily amount of calories needed.
  • Seafood can also be cooked in casseroles, and horse mackerel is among the species in which this method is applied. While making horse mackerel in the oven, you can try cooking it in casserole dishes.
horse mackerel

14) Haddock

  • Haddock, one of the most consumed fish species in our country, grows in the Marmara and Black Sea regions. It is available and can be consumed all year round. The period between February and April is the most delicious.
  • Since whiting is not an oily fish, it contains less omega 3 compared to other types of fish. 100 grams of haddock is 70 kcal calories. 87 percent of those calories come from protein.
  • When the nutritional values ​​of seafood are examined, haddock is among the oily fish.

15) Acorn

  • Bonito fish grown in the Black Sea and Marmara are called by different names according to their size. The larger the bonito fish, the higher the oil content it contains. The period between August and February is the most delicious.
  • 100 grams of bonito fish is 216 kcal calories. Based on this value, it is possible to say that bonito fish has more calories than other fish species. Bonito fish takes 62 percent of its calories from fat.

16) Mackerel

  • Mackerel is a type of fish that is remembered with its delicious meat. The peak period of this flavor is between September and January. It is mostly found in the Sea of ​​Marmara.
  • 100 grams of mackerel fish is 205 kcal calories. 62 percent of those calories come from fat.

17) Flounder

  • Sole, which is abundant in the Aegean and Mediterranean, is a type of oily fish. The meat is soft and delicious.
  • 100 grams of sole fish is 98 kcal calories. 86% of this calorie amount consists of protein.
sole fish

18) Mullet

  • Mullet is the common name given to nearly 100 fish species. Only 6 species live in our country. These; lipped mullet, Russian mullet, gray mullet, blue mullet, golden head mullet and pointed-nosed mullet. Among them, the most delicious ones are golden mullet and red mullet.
  • The most delicious season of mullet fish is the winter season and the months of April and May.
  • Mullet live in turbid waters. Therefore, it is recommended to buy from reliable places.
  • 100 grams of mullet is 117 kcal calories. 69 percent of those calories come from protein.
gray mullet

19) Bluefish

  • It is a wandering fish. It circulates between the Black Sea and the Aegean. It has different names according to its size. The most delicious seasons are autumn and winter.
  • 100 grams of bluefish is 159 kcal calories. 67 percent of this value comes from protein.

20) Coral

  • Coral fish in the Marmara, Aegean and Dardanelles Straits live in the stony and rocky parts of the seas. It can be hunted in all seasons of the year, but the main season is April and May.
  • Coral is a delicious and meaty type of fish. It is easy to prepare. For this reason, it is especially recommended for people suffering from digestive problems.
  • 100 grams of coral fish is 110 kcal calories. The same amount of coral fish contains 6 grams of fat and 16 grams of protein.

21) Sardines

  • It lives in Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean. Due to the warming of the waters, it has started to live in the Black Sea in recent years.
  • It is accepted as the anchovy of the North Aegean. It is already related to the anchovy fish. It takes its place on the counter between July and October. Sardines, which are used in the production of fish meal, are also canned.
  • 100 grams of sardines is 138 kcal. 63 percent of those calories come from protein. It is a medium oily fish.

22) Angler Fish

  • The angler fish, which breeds between March and August, is most delicious in the months of November and December.
  • It lives in the Sea of ​​Marmara in our country and in the Atlantic Ocean in the world. It is 40-60 cm tall. The flesh is white and firm.
angler fish

23) garfish

  • Garfish is a type of fish that is often preferred thanks to its delicious meat. It has high oil content.
  • 100 grams of garfish is 130 kcal calories. 42 percent of that calorie count comes from protein.
  • Garfish is a complete phosphorus store. It contains 250 mg of phosphorus in 100 grams.

24) Crane

  • Pike is a type of freshwater fish. There are two species living in our country, namely the Northern Crane and the Striped Crane.
  • It is usually seen in lakes and streams. It breeds in the period between February and June.
  • One of the most striking features of the pike fish is that its awns are “Y” shaped and forked.
  • It is considered the fastest fish in the world. For this reason, it is very difficult to catch it and remove it from the fishing line after it is caught.

25) Salmon

  • Among the seafood fish varieties , salmon is the favorite of many people because it does not have thin bones.
  • The homeland of salmon is North America. Its height varies between 60 and 100 cm. Its weight is an average of 13 kg.
  • Salmon contains high levels of omega 3 unsaturated fatty acids. Its flesh is pink in color and very tasty.
  • It gives 231 kcal calories to the person who eats 100 grams of salmon. 53 percent of that calorie count comes from fat.

26) Silverfish

  • It is a type of fish almost the size of an anchovy.
  • Its meat is very tasty. It is boneless, so it is cooked in a short time without picking. February, March and April are the most delicious months.
  • It is seen in all seas in our country.

27) Scorpion

  • Scorpionfish have poisonous arrows. These poisonous arrows on the back, anus and abdomen need to be cleaned carefully.
  • Its meat is very tasty. In August, the flavor of the meat reaches its maximum level.
  • Although it can be seen in all seas in our country, it is mostly found in the Aegean Sea.

28) Shield

  • Turbot, which can be seen in all seas in our country, is abundant in the Atlantic Ocean in the world. It is a kind of bottom fish.
  • It can be consumed in any season of the year. The most delicious season is February and March.
  • 100 grams of turbot is 95 kcal calories. 70 percent of this calorie amount comes from protein.

29) Swordfish

  • It is very tasty with pinkish soft flesh. Although it is seen in the Black Sea, Aegean and Mediterranean; It can be seen only in summer in the Black Sea, and throughout the year in the Aegean and Mediterranean.
  • It can be consumed in all seasons of the year; however, it is most delicious between September and February.
  • Consuming 100 grams of swordfish provides 135 kcal of calories. 68 percent of those calories come from protein.

30) Tabby

  • Tabby fish is often confused with red mullet. The difference between them is the whiskers located under the chin of the tabby fish. Apart from that, the head of the tabby is slightly longer and the halos on the fins running on its back are more prominent.
  • The mullet can be eaten in any season, but it is most delicious in the months between July and October. It is rumored that it was known even in Ancient Roman times with its taste.
  • 100 grams of mullet is 117 kcal calories. 69 percent of its calories come from protein.
tabby fish

31) Tuna – Tuna

  • It is a wandering fish. He starts his journey from the Black Sea at the beginning of the summer season. Afterwards, it descends to the Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean Seas.
  • Another name for tuna is tuna. It is often referred to by this name.
  • A tuna fish is on average 4 meters long. Its weight starts from 100 kilos. It is mostly consumed canned. The color of the flesh is pinkish.
  • 100 grams of tuna fish is 144 kcal calories. 32 percent of this energy comes from fat.

32) Lagos

  • We continue our list of seafood names and characteristics with a different type of fish.
  • Lagos fish occurs in the Mediterranean. The color of its flesh is white. It can reach up to one meter in length. Its weight is an average of 25 kg. This fish species is known for its predatory feature. The most delicious period is February and March.
  • As Lagos fish grows, its meat becomes harder, so it is recommended to choose those that weigh 3-5 kg ​​when buying.
  • Another feature that distinguishes Lagos fish from other fish species is the method of cleaning. Since it is a large and scaled fish, its scales must be scraped. For this, the Lagos fish is first kept in warm water, then the scales are scraped off, the area from the bottom of the fish’s chin to the belly is slit with a sharp knife. All internal organs of the fish are removed. It is cleaned so that there is no blood anywhere. As the last step, the skin is peeled off.

33) swallow

  • It is the native fish of the Marmara Sea. Its height is in the range of 25-30 cm.
  • It takes its place on the counters between January and September.
  • Thanks to its delicious meat, it is a very popular and consumed type of fish.
Red snapper

34) Squid

  • If you go to restaurants and bars and order a seafood platter, no one can tell when the crispy calamari ends.
  • One of the most popular seafood appetizers is the calamari dish.
  • It harmonizes perfectly with calamari, especially with tarator sauce.
  • Although it is seen as a fish, squid is actually a sea creature.
  • In our country, squid is mostly extracted from the Mediterranean.

35) Cranium

  • At the end of our seafood list article, there is snail fish.
  • Although it is said that the snail looks like a mackerel, there is a clear difference between them in terms of appearance. It can grow up to 50 cm in length.
  • It grows in all seas in our country.
  • The most delicious time is January. If we compare mackerel in terms of taste; Mackerel is a tastier type of fish.
  • 100 grams of sea bream is 158 kcal calories.
mackerel fish

Is seafood haram?is a question that comes up frequently. A detailed answer was given to the question asked about this issue on the website of the High Council of Religious Affairs. We can read the summary of the answer from the following sentences: “Since not all species are mentioned as names in the Qur’an and hadiths about land and sea animals, different provisions have emerged in this regard. In this context, according to all scholars, fish species are halal. Products other than fish were not considered halal by Hanafi scholars. According to Maliki and Hanbali scholars, sea animals are halal in principle, but predatory animals such as crocodiles are not. In the Shafi’i madhhab, on the other hand, animals such as frogs, crabs, turtles and water snakes are not halal because they are malignant and harmful. Other than these, mussels, squid, lobster,

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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