How to make lemon syrup

lemon syrup

How to make lemon syrup? Be careful, here we recommend yellow lemon, because lime is much too acidic.

When cooking becomes an art form, each ingredient is a palette of colors, flavors and aromas.

One citrus fruit is a star, it’s the lemon. It shines brightly, bringing its brilliance and liveliness to a multitude of dishes and drinks.

When transformed into syrup, lemon reveals its most intense aromas and sweet bitterness, adding a note of freshness to all your culinary creations.

Whether you want to enhance a fruit salad, add a tangy twist to a cocktail, or add a touch of delicacy to a dessert, lemon syrup is the key ingredient to brighten up your taste buds. By following our recipe, you will discover how to concoct this golden nectar, offering a unique taste experience with every drop.

Prepare to enter the wonderful world of lemon syrup, where the simplicity of its creation hides an explosion of flavors. Follow the guide to master the art of making your own lemon syrup and awaken the creativity in your kitchen.

How to make lemon syrup?


  • 2 yellow lemons
  • 250ml of water
  • 250g of sugar


  • Zest the lemon
  • Put the zest and juice in a saucepan with the water
  • Leave to macerate over low heat for 5 minutes
  • Add the sugar and mix until smooth and bring everything to a boil.
  • After boiling, lower the heat, let stand for about 3 minutes and turn off
  • Let cool and filter and put in a jar
  • Store for 30 days

How to use lemon syrup

You can use your lemon syrup in cocktails , mixed rums , pastries and as a syrup for lemon water.

What are the different varieties of lemon?

Worldwide there are approximately 100 species of lemon trees worldwide. However, the most popular varieties in Brazil, such as Galician lemon and lime , are not part of this list. In reality, these two fruits are not lemons, but rather sour limas , as they say in Brazil, it is a species of citrus fruit with a maximum of ten varieties on the planet.

The main differences between lemons and sour limas are their size and slightly different taste.

Lemons have a slightly sweeter taste. Despite this, the two fruits have similar origins.

It is likely that both appeared in India, before being introduced to Europe by Arab merchants in Antiquity. The true lemon arrived in America during Christopher Columbus ‘s second voyage in 1493 and quickly adapted to the continent’s temperate climate. In contrast, sour limas arrived in Brazil with the Portuguese in the 16th century and thrived in the tropical climate.

Besides their appearance and taste, another thing that sets lemons apart from sour limas is juice yield (limas have a slightly higher yield). However, their nutritional characteristics are similar. The presence of vitamin C in both fruits contributes to the prevention of more than 60 diseases.

It is good to know that timut pepper is a distant cousin of lemon.

Discover the different lemons most consumed in the world


This is the lemon itself, the most consumed variety in Europe and the United States. This yellow-skinned fruit produces a less acidic juice than the Tahitian lemon. Its sweet aroma is ideal for the extraction of essences used as a base for perfumes and cosmetics.


The most popular variety in Brazil is actually a sour lima. Brazil is the second largest producer of this green, seedless fruit, present in 90% of the country’s plantations. It is excellent for making juice, offering a juice yield of 50% , compared to 42% for real lemon. It is widely used in the preparation of ice cream, confectionery and pies.


The Galician lemon is also an acid lima, smaller than the Tahitian lemon and its skin turns yellow when ripe. Despite its gradual disappearance from supermarket shelves due to a virus that has plagued plantations since the 1970s, the Galician lemon is considered the best fruit for preparing caipirinha. It is still present on the tables and in the glasses of Brazilians.


Famous for having orange-colored flesh, the CLOVE lemon is a cross between the lemon and the tangerine. Most plantations of this variety are affected by a disease called “wart blight” , which, although harmless to humans, gives the skin an unattractive appearance. The perfect balance of acidity and sugar makes this lemon the best choice for seasonings.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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