Kegel exercises for men that can improve potency

The pelvic floor muscles hold the pelvic organs in place: the bladder, rectum and small intestine. These muscles also help control urination and bowel movements, so if they lose strength for any reason, it can cause urinary or fecal incontinence.

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The pelvic floor muscles can weaken due to:

  • Prostate surgery.
  • Prolonged straining to empty the intestines. This usually happens with constipation.
  • Persistent cough, for example, with chronic bronchitis or asthma.
  • Excess weight.

By strengthening your muscles through exercise, you can increase bladder control and eliminate accidental leaks when you strain or, for example, sneeze.

In addition, the condition of the pelvic floor muscles, specifically the ischiocavernosus and bulbospongiosus muscles, can affect erection. The first covers 33-50% of the base of the penis, the second is steamy and is located on both sides of the base of the penis.

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When the corpus cavernosum inside the penis fills with blood and increases in size, these muscles compress the veins and restrict blood flow, maintaining an erection.

In one study , researchers found that Kegel exercises for men can improve erectile dysfunction. After three months of training, 40% of participants had an erection restored, and 35.5% had significantly improved. True, only 55 people were involved in the experiment, and half of them were in the control group, so they did not perform the exercises.

In addition, strengthening the pelvic floor muscles can restore erections after radical prostatectomy, surgery to remove the prostate gland. This is the conclusion of the authors of a systematic review of 9 studies, although they mentioned that some scientific works were lame in methodology, and more high-quality studies are needed to draw a conclusion.

Thus, Kegel exercises cannot be declared as a cure for erectile dysfunction, but it may work for some men.

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How to Find Kegel Muscles

Follow these steps:

  1. Take a comfortable position sitting or lying down, relax the muscles of your hips, buttocks and abdomen.
  2. Tighten the area around your anus as if you are going to hold back gas or diarrhea. Relax. Repeat several times to make sure you’re doing it right. Make sure that your buttocks, thighs and abdomen do not tense – the large muscles should remain relaxed.
  3. Imagine trying to stop the flow of urine while urinating. If you do the exercise correctly, each time you tense your pelvic floor muscles, you will feel the base of your penis move slightly upward.

If you want to actually hold in your urine to make sure you’re doing it right, you can try it, but only once. You need to perform Kegel exercises with an empty bladder.

How to do Kegel exercises for men

Follow these steps:

  1. Squeeze your pelvic floor muscles and hold them tight for 5 seconds. If this is easy, you can increase the hold time to 10 seconds.
  2. Relax and rest for a few seconds.
  3. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.
  4. Then perform a series of quick compressions. Tighten and relax your pelvic floor muscles as quickly as you can while maintaining the force of the contraction. Do 10 of these repetitions.

Do this workout 4-5 times a day. The big advantage of Kegel exercises is that they do not require special conditions. You can train anywhere and in any position: lying down, sitting, standing or even on the go.

What mistakes should you avoid when doing Kegel exercises?

To reap the benefits of Kegel exercises, it is important to do them correctly. Avoid the following mistakes:

  1. Holding your breath. During times of tension, continue to breathe freely.
  2. Tension in the buttocks and thighs. Only the target muscles should contract, and not all of them.
  3. Straining. To make sure you don’t do this, place your hand on your stomach and control it, making sure it remains relaxed while your pelvic floor muscles contract.
  4. Skipping workouts. If you remember to exercise occasionally, the benefits will be much less than if you do them regularly. In order not to forget about your workouts, try to tie them to some obligatory everyday action. For example, do it when brushing your teeth, when you drink tea, or when you go to bed.

When to expect results from Kegel exercises for men

If you’re considering doing Kegel exercises to combat urinary incontinence, if you do them regularly, you may see results within a few weeks or months.

When you notice improvement, don’t quit. Ideally, you should do them twice a day for the rest of your life.

In terms of erections, study participants needed three months of exercise to regain sexual function. True, not everyone succeeded – 24.5% of the subjects had no improvement. Not everything in this world depends on muscle strength.

How to complement Kegel exercises for men

If Kegel exercises interest you as an opportunity to improve potency, don’t limit yourself to them.

The authors of a recent meta-analysis found that aerobic exercise – walking, running, cycling – is good for erectile dysfunction. Moreover, the more severe the condition, the better the training works.

Scientists have suggested that aerobic exercise affects several causes of erectile dysfunction: improving cardiovascular health, helping maintain a healthy weight, lowering blood pressure and increasing glucose control in people with diabetes.

In another systematic review of 10 scientific articles, the authors gave specific recommendations for combating erectile dysfunction due to excess weight, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, physical inactivity, hypertension and cardiovascular problems: Exercise 4 times a week for 40 minutes. Choose moderate to high intensity aerobic exercise: walking, swimming, running, cycling.

Just before starting training, be sure to consult a therapist, especially if you have established diseases such as diabetes or problems with the heart and blood vessels.


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