Is Peach Healthy or not? And why?

Is Peach Healthy

Used as a butt emoji, but can a peach really give you a nice butt? Is this fruit healthy and suitable for weight loss? Discover the answers in our article!

Are peach healthy?

Absolute! Peaches are an excellent addition to a healthy diet. They are packed with vitamins and minerals and also have few calories. This makes them ideal if you are working on weight loss.

What is peach?

Peaches are delicious drupes that resemble their close cousin, the nectarine. They originate from China, but are now grown all over the world – from New Zealand to the Mediterranean.

There are several varieties with a variety of colors, such as red, yellow and white. The flesh of a peach is wonderfully juicy and sweet. There is no need to remove the peel as it is soft and edible. When purchasing peaches, make sure you store them in a cool place to maintain quality.

Peaches are not only suitable for sweet dishes, but can also be used in savory dishes. For example, try adding them to a stew for a surprising twist.

 What is the nutritional value of peach?

A medium peach (115 grams) contains the following nutritional values.

  • Energy 46kcal
  • Fat 0.1g
  • – of which saturated 0g
  • Carbohydrates 8.3g
  • – of which sugars 8.3g
  • Fiber 2.3g
  • Protein 1.2g
  • Salt 0 g [2]

What nutrients do peaches contain?

Below you can read the nutrients in a medium-sized peach (115 grams).

Nutrient Quantity Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)
Potassium 558 mg 3500 mg
Calcium 191 mg Men and women 18-24 years: 1000 mg
Men 25-69 years and women 25-49 years 950 mg
Women 60-69 years 1100 mg
Magnesium 33 mg Men 350 mg
Women 300 mg
Iron 1.1mg Men and women who do not menstruate 11 g
Women who do menstruate 16 mg*
Selenium 2 µg 70 µg
Zinc 1 ug Men (>18 years) 9 ug
Women (>18 years) 7 ug
Pregnant women 9.1 ug
Breastfeeding women 11 ug
Vitamin A 24 ug Men 800 μg
Women 680 μg
Vitamin D 0 µg 10 μg
>70 years
People with tanned skin
People who rarely go outside and/or cover their hands and face 20 μg
Vitamin E 1.1mg Men 13 mg
Women 11 mg
Thiamine (vitamin B1) 0.11mg 0.1mg
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) 0.29mg 1.6mg
Vitamin B6 0.23mg Men and women 1.5 mg
Men >50 years 1.8 mg
Folic acid 13 μg 300 μg
Pregnant and lactating women 400 μg
Vitamin B12 0.68 µg 2.8 μg
Niacin 1 mg 16 mg
Vitamin C 4 mg 75 mg
Iodine 23 μg 150 μg
Pregnant and/or lactating women 200 μg.
Phosphorus 212mg [2] 550 mg (>18 years) [3]

What are the health benefits of peach?

Are you wondering: ‘Why is a peach so healthy?’ Besides being delicious, peaches are packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Below you can read everything you need to know about one of my favorite fruits.

A source of fiber

Are you looking for fruit with a lot of fiber? Then you’ve come to the right place! Fresh peaches are indeed a good source of fiber. Fiber plays an important role in promoting heart health, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and maintaining good digestion.

Additionally, fiber is associated with nourishing healthy gut bacteria, which is beneficial for gut health. This is very positive for those of us with sensitive intestines.

Interestingly enough, even the flowers that grow on the peach tree can potentially have a positive effect. An animal study has shown that consuming peach flowers can improve the strength and frequency of intestinal peristalsis (the contraction and relaxation of the intestines).

However, more research is needed to confirm these findings and better understand the potential benefits for human health. Nevertheless, fresh peaches provide a tasty and nutritious option to add fiber to your diet and potentially contribute to digestive health.

And did you know that you can add flowers to a meal? This way you can spice up your meal even more. You can find which flowers are edible on the internet.

Packed with nutrients

Are you now wondering: ‘What nutrients do peaches contain?’ This fruit contains nutrients that are important for healthy skin. For example, vitamin C is important for the connective tissue in your skin. There is also evidence that peaches can improve the ability to retain moisture, which is positive for skin texture.

Peaches also have a high iron content, which is important for the proper functioning of the immune system. This is also very positive news for vegetarians and vegans.

Peaches also contain antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory properties. These antioxidants work by scavenging free radicals, which can otherwise cause damage to our cells and possibly lead to disease. Free radicals can be formed as a result of various factors, including exposure to sunlight and other external influences.

This is not all! Peaches also contain healthy bioactive substances, such as polyphenols, which can have beneficial effects on health. Polyphenols are associated with several health benefits, including reducing inflammation and protecting cells from damage.

May possibly reduce allergy symptoms

Peaches may be able to reduce histamine production in people with allergies. Histamine is released during an allergic reaction and ensures an enhanced immune response. More research needs to be done before any conclusions can be drawn. So, we’ll just have to wait and see.

A healthy snack

Peaches are the perfect snack. They are low in calories, but this does not detract from the taste. They are wonderfully juicy and sweet. Ideal for healthy snacking. The healthy nutrients protect you against many diseases. They can even help you lose a few pounds.

Peaches are an ideal snack. They are packed with nutrients and can therefore contribute to the health of your heart, intestines and skin.

Is peach or nectarine healthier?

You may be wondering: ‘Is the peach or nectarine healthier?’ Peaches and nectarines contain approximately the same amount of calories per gram. The difference in calories is mainly determined by the weight of the fruit. The difference is slightly larger per piece, because nectarines are usually slightly smaller than peaches.

Although nectarines generally contain fewer carbohydrates than peaches, the peach wins when it comes to nutrients. Peaches contain considerably more nutrients. For example, a peach contains more than twice as much potassium and about three times as much magnesium compared to a nectarine.

Still, varying your fruit remains the healthiest thing. Are you curious about the healthiest types of fruit? Then read our article about the top 10 healthiest fruits. It discusses different types of fruits based on their nutritional value and health benefits.

Is dried peach healthy?

Dried fruit contains much more sugar. This is because it contains no moisture and sugars are often added to it. Would you like to eat dried fruits? Then eat a maximum of 20 grams of dried fruit without added sugars.

Are wild peach healthy?

Wild peach (flat peach) is a variant that has a stronger taste. The taste is firm and juicy. They are very healthy, just like normal peaches.

Are canned peaches healthy?

What about canned peach? Is that also healthy? Although it is very practical, we unfortunately have to disappoint you. Canned fruit often contains a lot of added sugar, which makes it much unhealthy.

Would you like to use it sometime? Then be smart and choose a variant without added sugars.

Is peach good for weight loss?

Are you wondering whether peach is also good for losing weight? Then we have good news! The peach is not only super healthy, but also good for losing weight. You only get a few calories with a delicious peach.

Are you careful not to eat too much of it? They also contain carbohydrates, which if consumed in excess can hinder your weight loss journey.

This is extra important if you follow a low-carb diet . Some low-carb diets may temporarily prohibit you from eating fruit at all. Do you want to lose weight quickly with a low-carb diet? Then follow our free weight loss training.

How often to eat peach?

Even though peach is very healthy, you should not overdo it. It is precisely by varying the types of fruits that you are healthy! Each type of fruit contains different (levels of) vitamins and minerals.


If you want to eat healthy, you certainly don’t have to give up peach. Due to its healthy nutrients, the peach contributes to your overall health. For example, eating peaches can contribute to healthy skin and a healthy heart.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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