Is kiwi healthy or not? This is what you need to know

Is kiwi healthy

Discover the true power of kiwifruit in our in-depth article. We explore their health benefits, their role in weight loss and pregnancy, and how many kiwis you should eat. Dive into the world of this healthy fruit!

Who oh who? Kiwi!

Before we delve deeper into the question of whether kiwi is healthy, let’s briefly discuss what exactly it is. Botanically speaking, the originally Chinese fruit belongs to the berries. It grows on a winding climbing plant and is also called the Chinese gooseberry.

In the 20th century, the kiwi was brought to New Zealand from China. There this vitamin bomb became an important export product. The fruit was eventually renamed after New Zealand’s famous native bird: the kiwi.

Even though the hairy, egg-shaped fruit is now mainly known as kiwi (and not Chinese gooseberry), China is still the top producer worldwide.

There are different kiwi varieties. The most famous are the green and yellow kiwi, but there is also a red kiwi variety.

How healthy is kiwi?

We have come to think of the exotic fruit as somewhat normal, but we are so happy that we can stock up on them en masse in the supermarket. Kiwis are very healthy. They contain many vitamins and minerals and are (almost literally) packed with antioxidants.

The egg-shaped fruit also contains a lot of fiber and few calories. To give you a better idea of ​​why kiwis are so healthy, we now zoom in on the possible health benefits of kiwis.

The kiwi originally comes from China and is officially a berry. The best known are the yellow and green variants, but there is also a red version. Because the fruit contains many vitamins and minerals, it can certainly be called healthy.

Kiwi Health Benefits

To clarify how healthy kiwi is and why, we now summarize the possible positive effects on health.

More than a vitamin bomb

It is not without reason that the green (or yellow) appearance is also called a vitamin bomb. But the kiwi fruit is so much more. Yes of course. It contains a large amount of vitamins C, E and B6. But we could actually call the fruit a vitamin-mineral-antioxidant bomb.

The egg-shaped fruits contain many important minerals. Kiwi is rich in potassium, magnesium and calcium. Potassium and magnesium play a role in regulating blood pressure. Calcium is necessary for strong bones.

Kiwis also contain many antioxidants. These are substances that protect our body against damage by free radicals. The antioxidant capacity of kiwifruit is stronger than that of apple and pear.

Kiwis are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, and even have more antioxidants than apples and pears.

Good for your digestion and intestines

Kiwi contains a unique enzyme (actinidin) that breaks down proteins and supports stomach and intestinal digestion. It also contains the unique peptide kissper. A peptide is a molecule that consists of a combination of amino acids (building blocks of proteins).

In human intestinal models (mini models of our intestines used for research), Kissper also suspected an anti-inflammatory effect in addition to antioxidant effects.

The model systems used consisted of intestinal cells and mucosa from people with Crohn’s disease. This is a chronic inflammatory disease of the intestine. The plant substances caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid contained in kiwi may also have a positive effect on intestinal inflammation.

Due to their anti-inflammatory effects, they may reduce inflammation in the colon and its consequences (abdominal pain, abdominal distension) [4]. More research is needed to prove exactly how this works.

By the way, caffeic acid is not the same as caffeine. Coincidentally, it is also found in green coffee and is one of the reasons that green coffee is healthy.

In addition, the fruit contains soluble and insoluble fiber. Fiber promotes digestion and can prevent constipation or diarrhea. In addition, they can reduce the risk of colon cancer [5].

In addition, the Chinese gooseberry provides a feeling of fullness, which makes you less likely to get hungry. Because it also contains few calories, healthy weight loss is certainly possible with kiwi. A medium kiwi (approx. 75 grams) contains 51 calories.

Oh, you prefer to eat the kiwi with the skin and hair. The peel contains the most fiber.

You can eat the peel of kiwis, but some people don’t like it because of the hairs. You get used to this, but you can also use yellow kiwis (they are smoother) or wash and scrub your green kiwi first.

If you eat kiwis with their skins, preferably choose organic ones. Don’t forget to wash them well!

Kiwis contain substances that support your digestion, reduce inflammation and help you lose weight due to their high fiber content. Eating the peels can provide additional benefits, but don’t forget to wash them well.

For a healthy heart and good blood pressure

We already said that kiwis are rich in potassium. We know that potassium can contribute to healthy blood pressure.

In addition, kiwis could increase the concentration of HDL (the good cholesterol) in the blood. This reduces the chance of blood clots developing. These clots can be the cause of thrombosis (a blood clot in a blood vessel), strokes and infarctions.

In addition, the Chinese gooseberry contains magnesium. This can dilate the veins, causing blood pressure to drop. High blood pressure is associated with cardiovascular disease.

Kiwi is also healthy for your skin

The kiwi is not only healthy, it is also a real beautifier. We now know that the egg-shaped fruit contains an enormous amount of vitamin C and that vitamin C contributes to collagen production. And collagen is needed to keep the connective tissue flexible and firm. But there’s more.

Kiwis protect your skin. Compared to most fruits, they contain a lot of vitamin E. This powerful antioxidant protects your skin against premature aging.

Promotes good sleep

Warm milk with honey or nightcap move over! According to a small-scale study, the kiwi could ensure that you sleep like a baby at night.

In 24 subjects who ate two kiwis one hour before going to bed for four weeks, it was found that this had a beneficial effect on falling asleep and sleep duration. It is also said to improve overall sleep quality.

Researchers think this is due to the substance serotonin present in kiwis, a precursor of melatonin, a substance also called the sleep hormone. Nevertheless, do not eat too many kiwis, because too much sugar is bad for sleeping.

Eyes, eyes baby

Studies suggest that consuming fruits and vegetables high in lutein and zeaxanthin may reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration. This is an eye disease that often causes blindness in the elderly.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids. These are biological pigments (dyes). Lutein and zeaxanthin also occur naturally in our eyes. The green kiwi in particular contains a lot of lutein and zeaxanthin and also more beta-carotene than the yellow variant.

Beta-carotene is converted by your body into vitamin A, which also plays an important role in maintaining vision. If you eat kiwis to boost your eye health, it is best to choose the green kiwi.

Healthy pregnant with kiwi

Kiwis fit into a healthy diet, even during your pregnancy. Especially because the fruit contains folic acid. If you eat kiwi during your pregnancy, it is best to take a yellow kiwi. This contains slightly more folic acid than the green and hairy variant. Speaking of folic acid: did you know that the hazelnut is the richest in folic acid of all nuts? You can read more about it in our top 9 healthiest nuts .

The golden kiwi also contains less vitamin A. Win-win, because pregnant women should not consume too much of this vitamin. This increases the risk of congenital defects [10]. If you don’t eat products with liver, you won’t get too much vitamin A as quickly.

Kiwis are good for your heart and blood pressure, thanks to the potassium, magnesium and good cholesterol they contain. They keep your skin beautiful due to vitamin C and E, and can promote your sleep. They also contain substances that are good for your eyes and are suitable during pregnancy thanks to their folic acid content.

Which kiwi is healthier?

A question we receive a lot is which kiwi is healthier: the yellow or the green. So it’s time to go into this a bit. Many people find the yellow variant a bit tastier, because it is often a bit sweeter.

Did you know that the yellow kiwi, also called golden kiwi or kiwi gold, has been available since 2000? It has taken many years of breeding, but the yellow kiwi is certainly worth seeing. It also contains almost twice as much vitamin C than its green brother.

But green kiwis contain a pigment called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll (also called chlorophyll) gives plants their green color and is said to have many health benefits. The green variant also contains more calcium, beta-carotene and lutein and zeaxanthin.

Kiwi nutritional value

Which kiwi is the healthiest also depends a bit on what your needs are. To make the choice easier for you, here is a handy overview with the nutritional value of green and yellow kiwis per piece (75 grams) side by side.

Nutritional value Kiwi green Kiwi yellow
Energy (kcal) 47 kcal 50 kcal
Fat of which saturated 0.6 grams0.2 grams 0.2 grams0.1 grams
Egg white 0.7 grams 0.8 grams
Carbohydrates of which sugars 8.1 grams7.7 grams 9.3 grams9.2 grams
Fibres 1.7 grams 1 gram
Potassium 234 mg 236 mg
Calcium 23 mg 13 mg
Magnesium 11 mg 9 mg
Iron 0.4mg 0.2mg
Selenium 1 µg 0 µg
Zinc 0.2mg 0.1mg
Vitamin C 59mg 101 mg
Vitamin A 2 µg 1 µg
Vitamin E 1 mg 1 mg
Folic acid 26 µg 23 µg
Phosphorus 26 mg 19 mg

How many kiwis per day?

Although the kiwi is healthy, it is best to eat no more than two kiwis per day. This counts for a portion of fruit. Other types of fruit also often contain some sugar. If you want to lose weight or perhaps even follow a low-carb diet , it is best not to exceed the recommended daily allowance of two pieces. Often only a piece of fruit is recommended in this diet.

Kiwis are low in FODMAP. This means that they contain few carbohydrates, which affect people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Now that you have an idea of ​​how many kiwis are healthy per day, let’s discuss the question of when it is best to eat kiwi. The answer to this depends a bit on your personal situation. If you want to see if you sleep better by eating kiwi, it is best to eat them an hour before going to bed.

Some people swear by eating kiwi on an empty stomach in the morning to kick-start the day. Of course, the sweet and exotic snack can also be used as a low-calorie snack or as an energy boost during your ‘4-hour dip’.

Due to the unique enzyme (actinidin), which helps digest certain proteins, the kiwi is also a perfect after-dinner snack for many.

Possible disadvantages of kiwis

There are few known disadvantages of eating kiwis. However, kiwi can rarely cause diarrhea because its fibers can have a mild laxative effect.

Although it seems that kiwis mainly provide relief for people with constipation. This is because certain substances in kiwi (raphides) can alter the production of the mucous membrane, which can lead to improved stool.

In rare cases, an allergic reaction occurs.

Even though fruit is healthy, due to the (often quite high) sugar content, it is best not to exceed the recommended amount of two pieces per day. When is the best time to eat kiwis is a personal matter. Above all, do what feels good.

Kiwi healthy, conclusion

It is clear to us that kiwi is healthy. But because each type of fruit has its own healthy properties, it is good to alternate with other types of fruit. In any case, a little variety is good to keep it fun, right?

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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