Is Biotin Healthy?

Is Biotin Healthy

Biotin is a very popular supplement these days. It is said to have several benefits, such as boosting weight loss and being good for your hair and nails. But is this correct? And what exactly is this? Find out in this article.

Is biotin healthy?

Are you wondering if biotin is good for your health? The answer to this is undoubtedly ‘yes’. Biotin is not only healthy, but essential for the proper functioning of your body. A deficiency of biotin can lead to various health problems.

Are you curious why biotin is so important for your health? And do you want to know whether biotin can help with weight loss? Read on to discover more about this.

What is biotin?

Have you now wondered: ‘What exactly is biotin?’ Well, biotin is the full name for vitamin B8, one of the eight essential b vitamins. It is also called vitamin B7 and vitamin H. You need it, among other things, to get energy from your diet.

All B vitamins play an important role in energy production and the functioning of our nervous system. Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin, which means you pee out a surplus. Unlike fat-soluble vitamins, B vitamins are not stored in our fat tissue.

That is why it is important to consume biotin regularly. This does not have to be daily, but rather on a weekly basis. This also means that you will notice a biotin deficiency much faster than a fat-soluble vitamin deficiency.

Biotin occurs naturally in foods such as nuts, peanuts, liver, milk and eggs. It is also present in small amounts in other foods, such as vegetables and fruit. You can find it, for example, in bananas.

Biotin is one of the eight essential B vitamins, which is important for our energy production, among other things.

What are the health benefits of biotin?

Well, what makes biotin so healthy? Let’s take a look at the top reasons why biotin is considered healthy.

Healthy nails, skin and hair

Biotin is important for maintaining healthy skin, nails and hair. For example, it helps keep your hair shiny and healthy and supports hair growth. Biotin is also important for the build-up of keratin, which ensures strong nails.

This makes biotin a common ingredient in supplements such as gummies, drops and pills that are often promoted as “beauty products.”

But it has not been proven at all that biotin in supplement form has a positive effect on skin, nails and hair. These products are often sold as a ‘beauty product’ and not as a health supplement.

This means that manufacturers do not have to adhere to the strict requirements of nutritional claims. Beauty claims are not subject to strict regulations, which means that manufacturers are free to place positive appearance claims on a supplement.

Biotin, popular in beauty supplements for healthy skin, hair and nails. Scientific evidence is still lacking.

Lowering cholesterol

There are several studies that suggest that biotin can lower cholesterol, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. There is a big ‘but’. This research was conducted on mice. The results of the research cannot therefore be transferred to people. However, this does offer an interesting starting point for further research in humans.

It is important for metabolism

Biotin is important for normal functioning of the nervous system, because it plays an important role in the metabolic process of our cells. It is also thought that biotin affects mood, but whether this is really the case is not yet known. However, biotin is a crucial link for the release of energy from carbohydrates and protein, among other things.

Biotin may be able to lower cholesterol levels and plays an essential role in metabolism.

Does biotin help you lose weight?

Despite claims that biotin can contribute to weight loss, scientific evidence to support these claims is currently lacking.

These claims are probably based on the fact that biotin plays a role in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. However, this is a normal process in the body and therefore has no effect on weight loss.

There is some research that suggests that overweight people may have less biotin in their intestines, which can have a negative effect on healthy intestinal bacteria.

Researchers suspect that inflammatory responses in the body may reduce the absorption of biotin from food. Increasing biotin intake is unlikely to lead to weight loss.

What are the disadvantages of biotin?

If you get biotin from food, there are generally no known disadvantages. But there may be potential disadvantages when using biotin as a supplement. Many supplements often contain high doses, which can cause side effects.

This risk is greater when biotin is combined with other nutrients that are more likely to cause side effects.

Excessive intake of some vitamins and minerals can have toxic effects. For example, too much vitamin B6 can lead to nerve disorders. Too much vitamin C can cause complaints such as diarrhea.

Another disadvantage of a supplement is that it can influence certain lab results, causing a lab result to be incorrect. This is, for example, the case with a lab test to diagnose a thyroid disorder.

Side effects of too much biotin are not known. This does not mean that an excessively high intake is harmless.

How much biotin can you eat per day?

The daily recommended amount of biotin varies depending on several factors. Adults need an average of 40 micrograms of biotin per day. If you are breastfeeding, you need a little more, namely 45 micrograms. If you are pregnant you do not need more biotin than 40 micrograms.

Although too much biotin is probably not harmful, it is still wise not to take too much biotin. Some people have reported possible side effects such as skin or stomach complaints.

But no thorough research has yet been conducted to confirm these effects. Extremely high doses can probably have adverse effects on the kidneys.

In general, supplements are usually not necessary, because you can get enough biotin from a varied diet. Furthermore, the health benefits of biotin through supplements have not been scientifically proven.

In some cases it may be necessary to consider a biotin supplement, such as when following a vegan diet or after multiple courses of antibiotics.

Discuss this with a professional so that you receive personal advice and a check-up. If you decide to take a supplement, choose one with up to 100% of the recommended daily allowance, as indicated on the label.

Follow the directions on the product label carefully.

The recommended amount of biotin is 40 micrograms, which you usually get with a varied diet.

What are symptoms of biotin deficiency?

A biotin deficiency can have several health consequences, including anemia, skin abnormalities such as flaky skin and even depression. Other complaints include thinning hair, hair loss and fatigue.

Fortunately, biotin deficiency is rare, except in people who eat large amounts of raw eggs. Raw eggs contain a substance called avidin that can hinder the absorption of biotin in the body.


In summary, we can say that biotin is healthy, especially when it is obtained from food. With a varied diet you generally get enough biotin, so a supplement is not necessary.

The additional health benefits of biotin supplements have not been scientifically proven. In cases of deficiency, a supplement may be helpful, but biotin deficiency is rare.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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