How to Wok Sprouts? Several ways

Brussels sprouts or Brussels sprouts are real Dutch winter vegetables. They are usually boiled and served with a knob of butter and nutmeg. However, you can also prepare them in another way, namely wok. That’s what this blog is about; How to stir-fry Brussels sprouts?

Clean sprouts first. Depending on the dish, also blanch. Stir fry other ingredients first. Then add sprouts. Finally, add the herbs and sauce.
Several recipes are discussed below about stir-frying Brussels sprouts. I would say ‘make your choice and get started!’. Stir-frying with Brussels sprouts is fun, but if you want to prepare in a different way, check out our blog ‘ How to Prepare Sprouts? ‘. This includes the stir-frying and stewing of Brussels sprouts.
Sprouts Cleaning
Before we can even start stir-frying Brussels sprouts, we must first clean the Brussels sprouts. We do this by cutting off a piece of the underside and removing the outer leaves.
Sit and still have bad spots? Then cut it away. When this is done, we rinse the sprouts under the tap in a colander.

Sprouts Wok Ketjap
If you want to stir-fry well, a wok with a wide rising edge and a solid bottom is recommended.
The first way to stir-fry Brussels sprouts is with soy sauce. Kecap has a nice salty taste that softens the bitterness of the sprouts. This makes Brussels sprouts and soy sauce an ideal combination.
What you need for 4 people are the following ingredients:
- 600 grams of Brussels sprouts
- 1 onion, coarsely chopped
- olive oil
- 2-3 tablespoons soy sauce
- pepper and salt

The preparation is done in no time, go through the following steps:
- Cut the sprouts clean and wash the sprouts as described above.
- Place a pan of water on the heat source and bring the water to a boil.
- When the water boils, the sprouts go into the pan and we cook them briefly for about 8 minutes.
- Then drain the sprouts in your colander.
- Now you still have the option to leave the sprouts whole, halve or cut into quarters. Everything is good. What you want!
- Place the wok on the heat source and add 1 tbsp olive oil and heat the wok.
- Now fry the sliced onion for about 3 minutes.
- Then the sprouts go into the wok and the soy sauce. Stir this well.
- Now wok the whole thing for 3 – 4 minutes and your dish is ready.
- Prick the syringes with a fork to check if they are al dente. The fork should go easily into the sprouts.
Serve the sprouts with baked potatoes or delicious rice.
Brussels Sprouts Stir-Fried Mushrooms
For stir-frying Brussels sprouts with mushrooms, we use chestnut mushrooms in this case. You can of course also use the regular white mushrooms. The dish is finished with walnuts. For 4 people you need the following:
- 600 gr small Brussels sprouts
- 2 tbsp. peanut oil
- 2 shallots, finely chopped
- 5 cm ginger root, finely chopped
- 300 g chestnut mushrooms, halved
- 125 gr walnuts
- 2-3 tbsp. soy sauce
- 1 tsp. sesame oil or sunflower oil

The preparation is as follows:
- Cut the Brussels sprouts as described above.
- Heat a pan with water and cook the Brussels sprouts for about 6 minutes.
- Drain the sprouts in the colander.
- Place the wok on the heat source and heat the oil. When the oil is hot, add the onion and ginger to the wok. Saute this for a while.
- Then the mushrooms go into the wok and we stir-fry them for 3-4 minutes.
- Then the sprouts go into the wok. Mix everything well and stir fry for another 5 minutes.
- The sprouts are al dente when you can easily pierce them with a fork.
We can also halve the sprouts, then the wok time is of course shorter.
Now serve the sprouts in a nice dish or bowl.
Brussels sprouts wok vegetarian
The next dish is one of our favourites, it has the bitter taste of the sprouts, the sweet taste of raisins, the firm texture of almond and the always tasty broccoli. The ingredients you need for 4 people are:
- 600 grams of Brussels sprouts
- 1 small head of broccoli
- a handful of raisins
- a handful of halved almonds
- 1.5 tbsp sunflower oil
- 2 tsp soy sauce

For the preparation we do the following:
- Clean the sprouts as described above. Do the same with the broccoli.
- Place a pan of water on the heat source and cook the sprouts for 8 minutes. When the sprouts cook for 4 minutes, the broccoli also goes into the pan for the last 4 minutes.
- Drain the sprouts and broccoli in the colander.
- Place the wok on the heat source and add the oil to the pan. When the oil is hot, the Brussels sprouts and broccoli go into the wok at the same time.
- Now wok the vegetables for 4-5 minutes on high heat.
- Reduce the heat and add the raisins, almonds and soy sauce to the wok. Mix everything well and stir fry for another 2 minutes.
- The Brussels sprouts (and broccoli) are done when you pierce them with a fork and it goes in easily.
Now you have made a delicious wok dish that goes well with potatoes, rice or pasta.
Brussels sprouts wok oriental
Stir-frying Brussels sprouts according to an oriental recipe is a common way to stir-fry Brussels sprouts. We also add cherry tomatoes to this. What you need for 4 people are the following ingredients:
- 600 grams of Brussels sprouts
- Cherry tomatoes
- 2 tbsp soy sauce
- 1-2 tbsp soy sauce
- 1 tbsp sunflower oil
- 1 chopped onion
- pepper and salt
- parsley

It is prepared in the following way:
- Cut and wash the sprouts as described above
- Boil the Brussels sprouts for about 6 minutes and then drain.
- Place the wok on the heat source and heat the sunflower oil.
- Saute the chopped onion in it.
- Then add the Brussels sprouts and tomatoes to the wok. Mix everything well and wok for about 4 minutes.
- Then the soy sauce and soy sauce go into the wok, along with 100 milliliters of water. Cook the whole thing briefly.
- Now serve the dish with parsley for decoration.
Enjoy your meal with this delicious dish.
Brussels sprouts wok curry
The next dish is really nice and fresh. They are Brussels sprouts with curry and apple. This combination is surprisingly delicious. Do you want to make it? Then you need the following ingredients:
- 600 g Brussels sprouts
- 1 onion, chopped
- 3 tablespoons sunflower oil
- 1 onion, chopped
- 1 (soft) apple, diced. Not your hard granny apple but a nice soft sweet apple!
- 1 – 2 tsp curry powder
- 1 tbsp soy sauce

To prepare, we must go through the following steps:
- Clean the sprouts as described above.
- Now heat the sunflower oil in the wok and fry the onion for a while.
- Then add the apple, which has been cut into pieces, to the onion.
- After about 1 minute, add the halved sprouts to the wok and stir-fry everything for 2 minutes.
- Then the curry powder and soy sauce go into the wok, along with 100 milliliters of water.
- Let everything simmer for 8 minutes and you have a delicious dish.
- Pierce the sprouts with a fork to check if they are al dente. The fork should go in easily.
Enjoy your meal!
Brussels Sprouts Stir-fry Herbs
We can also stir-fry Brussels sprouts in the wok without ‘too much hassle’. Simply stir-fry with herbs and serve with fried potatoes.
We have written a separate blog about the seasoning of Brussels sprouts ‘ Which herbs for sprouts? ’ tells you all about flavoring sprouts.
What do you need for this for 4 people?
- 800 grams of Brussels sprouts, cleaned
- 1 tbsp sunflower oil
- 1 tsp nutmeg
- 1 tablespoon parsley
- 1 tbsp chives
- salt and pepper

We prepare it as follows:
- Clean the sprouts as described above.
- Place a pan with water on the heat source and cook the Brussels sprouts for about 8 minutes.
- Drain the sprouts in a colander and allow to drain briefly.
- Place the wok on the heat source and heat the oil. Then put the sprouts in the wok. Now we stir-fry the Brussels sprouts for 5 minutes on high heat.
- Lower the heat and add the spices to the wok and stir everything well.
- Now season with salt and pepper.
You can choose to halve the sprouts first, but this is not necessary. Now serve the Brussels sprouts with the potatoes you baked.