How to Wash Roller Blinds? Easy Cleaning Tips at Home

How to Wash Roller Blinds

Different designs and products come to the fore every year when it comes to home decoration. These products are designed to make your home look more stylish and spacious. Designer decorative products, carpets and furniture that appeal to every taste can only be completed with a stylish curtain. Well, when it comes to curtains, roller blinds, whose sales have increased considerably in recent years, attract attention.

Because it is practical and takes up very little space, it will definitely find a place in a room in every home. By cleaning your roller blinds from time to time, you will prolong the life of the curtains and always create a hygienic environment in your home. Because every object collects dust and dust causes disease!

Almost everyone has a practical and effective idea about washing roller blinds . In this article, we will bring these ideas together and make the roller blinds in your home look brand new. We will take a deep look at the question of how to clean roller blinds and avoid leaving dust and stains behind. So let’s roll up our sleeves for cleaning!

How to wash roller blinds?

How to Wash Roller Blinds?

Before the holidays or special invitations, the following question comes up in every home: “How to wash roller blinds at home?” Don’t worry, we explain it all now:

  • In order for roller blinds to be washed safely, they should be given to dry cleaning companies that specifically do this job. Since they are a mechanical curtain; It is not possible to wash it in your home washing machine.
  • However, those who want to wash their roller blinds at home can wash them just like washing a carpet. To do this, you must first separate your curtain from its mechanism.
  • Lay the curtain separated from the mechanism on a flat surface and wash it with detergent using a soft brush, avoiding very hard strokes.
  • At the end of the washing process, clean it with plenty of water, dry it under the sun and place it back in the mechanism.
  • You may be wondering how to wash roller blinds because you don’t have enough space to open them on the floor at home.
  • In this case, after removing your curtain, you can wash it vertically in the bathroom.
  • You can wash the curtains you hold vertically by opening them gradually.
  • After washing, you can wait for the water on the rolled curtain to sag a little and then hang it again to dry while it is slightly damp.
  • Additionally, for those wondering which detergent to wash roller blinds with, the most effective detergent will be soap. The soap will instantly remove dust from the curtain.
  • Or you can start cleaning by choosing curtain wiping detergents available on the market.

roller blind washing

Tips for Cleaning Roller Blinds at Home

  • You will need some materials before cleaning: water, soap, soft cloth and a soft brush.
  • Before removing your roller blind, roll it up and unroll it by unlocking the right and left locks.
  • Then, lay your curtain on a flat surface so that there are no wrinkles.
  • If there are wrinkles, you may damage the structure of your curtain due to the effect of water.
  • You should use hot water while washing and foaming detergent.
  • Dirt and dust will disappear immediately with the effect of hot water.
  • You should prefer cold water for rinsing.
  • You should be careful not to fold your curtains after washing.
  • Roller blind models may require different washing or wiping processes. For example, if you are using a printed roller blind, you should be careful to preserve the colors.
  • To find answers to the questions of how to remove roller blinds for cleaning roller blinds and how to install roller blinds, reviewing the videos according to the type of your model will speed up your work.
  • If you are looking for roller blind models that can be easily removed and installed, we recommend that you choose the ones with velcro.

How to Clean Roller Blinds Without Removing them?

  • If you want to clean your roller blinds without removing them, we must answer the question of how to wipe the roller blinds.

This method will be an easier method of cleaning roller blinds. Here are the steps you need to follow to clean your roller blind:

  • First, open your roller blinds completely.
  • You can use a ladder to reach upper surfaces.
  • In the meantime, do not neglect your life safety.
  • To clean, you can foam soap in a deep bowl of warm water.
  • Or you can also choose detergents produced for curtain cleaning.
  • Soak a soft cloth in soapy water, remove it and squeeze out the water. Wipe your curtains once or twice with this cloth.
  • After making sure that the dust is gone, remove the soap effect by taking a clean cloth washed with cold water.
  • Do not close your curtains after these short operations.
  • Leave your curtain open and airy until it dries.
  • If you are wondering how to wipe the roller blinds and how to clean them without removing the front and back, you can wipe the part where the curtain falls by leaning it against the wall, and then clean the other side, which is in the form of a roll.
  • This way you can clean both sides.
  • If you are wondering what is the most comfortable way to clean roller blinds at home , you can clean them with dishwasher detergent added to warm water.
  • When you wipe with a sponge, there will not be much foaming and you can easily remove all the dirt.
  • If you want to leave a pleasant scent on your roller blinds; You should apply chamomile, orange, lavender and lemon oil to your cleansing water.
  • Thanks to the plant oils you will use, your roller blinds will have a lasting pleasant smell. At the same time, brightness and liveliness will be created in plain roller blinds. You can try this method for faded curtains.
roller blind cleaning

Can Roller Blinds be Ironed?

  • The moment your roller blind wrinkles, you will think of ironing it.
  • You can remove the wrinkles to some extent by ironing your roller blinds.
  • However, we would like to point out that on roller blinds that go through the ironing process, the finishes are damaged and this situation becomes permanent.
  • Finishes are substances that make your curtains look shiny. You can renew the finishes at an extra cost. Well, this would mean spending again.
  • To avoid this stressful situation; You’d better be more careful when washing your roller blinds.
  • Otherwise, you may have to go shopping to buy a new one.

How to Clean Roller Blinds on the Balcony?

  • You can choose the balcony to wash your curtains more easily. It will be easier to spread and clean the curtain in a balcony environment.
  • First of all, make the balcony suitable for cleaning. Take materials such as brush and detergent with you.
  • Bring the bottom of the curtain closer to the drain hole and start the watering and brushing process. You can use a squeegee-like item to pull the water.
  • You can throw the dirty water through the curtain by drawing water close to the drain.
  • You can help the curtain dry faster by opening the balcony windows during cleaning.
  • You can determine the detergent selection according to the curtain. You can use dishwashing liquid and curtain cleaner products as the most effective detergent.
  • After removing all the water, you can dry the curtain by laying it on the balcony floor. You can place the dried roller blinds into their slots.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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