How to use chard?

Chard, also known as beta vulgaris, wild spinach, cilla and wild beet, is a nutritious vegetable that grows spontaneously and is cultivated in the countryside.

How to use chard?

Your bicep; leaves, stems and roots are used. Chard with its leaves and stems is used in stuffing, stews, roasts and salads, as well as in various pastries. Chard, which has therapeutic properties, can be boiled; It accelerates the healing process when applied to swelling, burns, hemorrhoids and skin diseases. Chard is a vegetable that has positive effects on hair as well as skin health. After it is boiled and mixed with honey, it is applied to the scalp with the help of massage. In this way, it not only solves the hair loss problem, but also helps the hair to have a vibrant and shiny appearance. When mixed with rose oil and applied to the temple areas, it relieves headaches.

How to store chard in the freezer?

Since chard is a perishable vegetable, it can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of two days. In order for the chard to maintain its freshness for a long time, the freezing method is applied. For this purpose, the purchased chard is washed and chopped and then thrown into boiling water. Leave it like this for two minutes. At the end of the period, it is quickly placed under running water and left to drain. After the freezing process, the drained chards are placed in refrigerator bags. It is tightly closed to prevent air from entering and the packaging date is written on it. Finally, the chard is placed in the deep freezer and can be stored this way for nine months.

What are the benefits of chard?


-chard contains plenty of vitamins A, K, C and E in its leaves; It is very rich in calcium, magnesium and iron minerals. With these qualities, it has an important place in a balanced diet.

-While eliminating urinary tract disorders, it supports the removal of edema from the body.

-Since it contains dietary fibers, just like cabbage and spinach, it facilitates digestion.

-Relieves loss of appetite. It has positive effects on anemia disease.

-When you drink the juice of boiled chard leaves, it eliminates the complaint of constipation.

-Regular consumption of chard by women during pregnancy minimizes the risk of spinal deformity in the unborn child.

-Improves brain functions and protects against Alzheimer’s.

-It is effective against stomach disorders. It helps reduce cough.

– It defends the body against diseases by strengthening the immune system. In addition, like other green leafy vegetables, it prevents cancer thanks to its antioxidant properties.

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