How to Treat Dog Udder Disease (Hidradenitis Suppurativa)?

Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), known as dog udder disease, is an important skin problem that can occur in different forms, from small acne-like lesions to deep-seated acne-like nodules. Although it is not considered a type of acne, some sources also define this condition as “acne inversus”. In short, skin lesions that occur during HS disease are generally painful and occur in areas where the skin folds. Although the lesions heal over time, they can leave scars and small canal openings. Hidradenitis suppurativa is a condition that affects approximately 2% of the population. It is important to be aware of dog breast disease, which can become quite severe over time and cause a decrease in quality of life. Here you can find answers to questions such as what does dog mammary disease mean, what are the causes of dog mammary disease or how is the treatment of hs disease.

What is Dog Udder Disease?

Dog udder disease is a chronic inflammatory skin problem characterized by deep-seated lumps, abscesses, small subcutaneous canals and fibrotic wounds. The disease usually occurs in folded areas of the skin rich in apocrine glands. The armpit, groin and sub-breast areas are among the areas where these skin lesions are most frequently detected.

Treatment of dog udder disease varies depending on the course of the disease. This condition, which causes patients to be very uncomfortable in cosmetic terms, can also bring about many other complaints such as pain, sensitivity, discharge, odor and scarring.

What are the Symptoms of Dog Udder Disease?

Dog udder disease may occur in a single spot or may affect different parts of the body. The main symptoms that occur during the course of this disease are blackhead lesions that have a two-channel appearance. Painful lesions in the form of pea-sized lumps may begin in a single spot under the skin and persist for weeks or months.

Then, many other similar lesions are added to this lump. The areas where HS lesions occur are generally areas such as the groin or armpit, where oil and sweat glands (apocrine) are abundant. Apart from these areas, symptoms of dog udder disease may also occur in areas where the skin folds, such as the thighs, breasts and hips.

Over time, channel structures that connect these lumps under the skin may form. The wounds created by these channel structures on the skin heal very slowly and may leak pus, causing bad odor.

While the symptoms of dog food disease may be mild or moderate in some people, a very severe disease may occur in some people. It is important to be aware of factors that are associated with worsening of the disease:

  • Stress
  • hormonal changes
  • temperature increase
  • Use of tobacco products
  • Being overweight or obese

What Causes Dog Udder Disease?

Genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors may trigger the emergence of dog food disease. In 4 out of 10 cases of hidradenitis suppurativa, first-degree relatives also have the same problem. Therefore, it can be said that this statistical data points to the genetic origin of the disease.

Weight problems are the primary environmental and behavioral factors in the development of the disease. Due to obesity, the surface area of ​​the areas where the skin folds increases and there is an increase in the secretions of the glands in this area. Overweight individuals also have a predisposition to hormonal imbalances. Hormonal effects are also an interaction that supports the prevalence of this disease in women more than men.

Tobacco use is a very common bad habit in hidradenitis suppurativa patients. Although the link between the disease and tobacco products has not been fully elucidated, the effect of nicotine on increasing follicle clogging may be the source of the relationship between these two conditions.

What are the Stages of Dog Udder Disease?

In the early stages of dog udder disease, complaints follow a vague course and therefore this disorder can be confused with various other dermatological problems.

In cases considered to be the first stage according to the Hurley classification, isolated nodules are defined as lesions that are not accompanied by any tunnel structure, even if they are sometimes numerous. Abscesses that leave large scars are not seen at this stage. Cases of hidradenitis that are not treated in the first stage may progress to Hurley’s second stage.

In the second stage of the disease, medium-sized abscesses can be detected in many parts of the body. At the same time, the opening of these cysts and the discharge of pus out of the skin are among the symptoms observed in second stage lesions. Tunnel, canal and sinus tract formations may also occur in this stage, but their course is much milder than the structures in the third stage.

The third stage of dog udders is the most severe stage of this disease. Channel structures can also be detected in hidradenitis lesions throughout the body. Pain and wound formation are other complaints expected at this stage. Due to the widespread lesions, some difficulties may be encountered in the treatment of stage 3 canine breast patients.

How is Dog Udder Disease Treated?

If dog udder disease is not diagnosed and treated early, it may progress and cause serious wound formation. Individuals diagnosed with hidradenitis suppurativa can use various treatment methods for purposes such as controlling the formation and frequency of lesions and eliminating wounds and fistulas.

Antibiotic drugs are among the leading drugs prescribed for the treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa. Drugs containing the active ingredient doxycycline are the most frequently preferred antibiotic agents. In some people, the treatment period can be extended to 3 months to see the success of antibiotic treatment. Corticosteroids used to suppress inflammation are very effective drugs, especially during exacerbations of the disease.

Apart from these treatments, insulin resistance drugs used in type 2 diabetes or hormone therapies used to solve various problems constitute other treatment methods that can be applied within the scope of the treatment of dog udder disease.

In severe cases, physicians may prefer more aggressive treatments (immunosuppressive biological treatments), but it should not be forgotten that these treatments bring with them some side effects. These drugs, which have an immune system regulating effect, should be prescribed considering the benefits and harms they will provide. In some severe cases, various surgical interventions may be used.

Although cutting and draining the lesions can be an effective method in relieving pain, physicians do not prefer such surgical interventions due to the possibility of scar formation and the possibility of the lesion reappearing. Instead of this procedure, a procedure called deroofing may be preferred for painful, deep-seated and recurring lesions. In this procedure, the upper part of the lesion is cut using a laser or scalpel. There is minimal scarring after the procedure. In addition to this procedure, direct excision of the lesions can also be performed in some cases of recurrent hidradenitis.

Nutrition in Dog Mammary Disease

Foods included in the nutrition program for dog mammary disease should be chosen carefully as they may exacerbate or calm the complaints. It should be noted that these dietary changes may not be valid for everyone and the relationship of this disease with foods is still an issue that is being researched. Generally speaking, consuming milk and dairy products and sugary foods are among the foods that may cause exacerbation of complaints in canine breast patients.

Foods rich in fiber, oily fish and seeds containing omega-3 fatty acids, or consumption of natural oils such as olive oil are foods that may be effective in improving symptoms in some patients.

Hidradenitis suppurativa is a disease that can be controlled with early diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, if you observe signs and symptoms of this disorder in yourself or those around you, it is recommended that you contact health institutions and get support from dermatology specialists.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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