How to store coconut


Coconut can be stored for a long time, but only if the fruit is not opened. There are several secrets that can help keep your coconut fresh. It is easiest to store a whole fruit, but if you cut it, its shelf life will automatically be reduced several times.

How to store coconut at home:

  • opened coconut should be stored only in the refrigerator;
  • coconut water must be stored in a container that can be closed with a lid (container, glass jar, glass with a lid, etc.);
  • the coconut pulp is stored in the refrigerator, and if desired, it can be dried and turned into traditional coconut flakes (the pulp must be chopped and dried in the oven for several hours at a temperature of at least 50 degrees);
  • dried coconut pulp should be stored in a dark and cool place (not necessarily in the refrigerator);
  • whole coconuts are suitable for long-term storage only if they are ripe enough, do not have cracks or other damage and rotting spots on the surface (when shaking the coconut, a splash of liquid inside should be heard);
  • whole coconut can be stored in the refrigerator or in any cool place (it is important to exclude exposure to sunlight and exposure to heat sources);
  • the higher the storage temperature of the coconut, the shorter its shelf life will be (the optimal temperature level is +5 degrees, if the temperature is lower, then the fruit will lose its taste faster, and when the temperature rises, it will start to rot);
  • during storage, you should not place the coconut near fruits that emit ethylene (the most common examples are apples and bananas, which are often used to accelerate the ripening of other fruits);
  • if the temperature regime during storage of the coconut changes repeatedly, then the taste of the pulp will change, and the fruit itself can quickly deteriorate;
  • the coconut pulp loses moisture rather quickly, therefore, if the fruit has been peeled, it must be poured with water and only then placed in the refrigerator;
  • so-called cream is formed on the coconut liquid, the shelf life of which is on average 7 days (the formation of cream is not a sign of spoilage of the coconut liquid, therefore, when they appear, you should not refuse to use the product).

How much and at what temperature to store coconut

If the coconut is opened, then the period of preservation of its original taste properties will be no more than 2 days. In this case, storage should be carried out only in the refrigerator. You can place the coconut on any shelf, but the colder the area, the better. A whole coconut is stored for 2-3 months at a temperature of +5 degrees. After this period, there will be less liquid in it, and the pulp will begin to lose its taste.

Effect of temperature on coconut shelf life :

  • at temperatures from 0 to +5 degrees, coconut is stored for 7-10 days without losing its taste and structure;
  • at a temperature of +5 degrees and above, the coconut will retain its juiciness for a week;
  • at a stable temperature of +5 degrees, the fruit will be fresh for several months.

By separating the coconut pulp from the water, the shelf life can be increased. In any container, coconut water will remain usable for an average of a week. If you freeze it in the form of ice, then the cubes can be used for several months. Ice will begin to lose its taste only after 2-3 months.

Coconut pulp stays fresh even for a week without water. In addition, it can be frozen, which will extend its shelf life up to 6-8 months. Freezing is best done in portions to eliminate the need for re-freezing.

Dried coconut pulp can be stored for up to a year. It is recommended to place it in cloth bags or containers. Plastic bags for storing coconut flakes are not suitable due to the likelihood of condensation accumulation during temperature extremes.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a passionate food enthusiast, health advocate, and researcher dedicated to inspiring others to lead healthier and happier lives through the power of food and nutrition. As the owner of, I share a wealth of knowledge and expertise on a variety of topics, including culinary delights, nutrition insights, kitchen hacks, and fitness tips. With a background in nutrition science, I bring a unique blend of expertise and creativity to every article, recipe, and piece of content shared on the website. As a dedicated researcher, I am committed to staying abreast of the latest scientific developments and evidence-based practices in the field of food and nutrition, ensuring that readers receive accurate and up-to-date information. When not immersed in research or experimenting in the kitchen, I enjoy exploring new cuisines, staying active outdoors, and sharing my love of food with family and friends. Join me on a journey of culinary discovery and wellness inspiration as I continue to spread joy and positivity through my passion for food and health.

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