How to remove corrector stains from clothes?

Sometimes it happens that when correcting a mistake in a document or text using a proofreader, this assistant accidentally leaves marks on things. And then you have to think about how to correct this mistake and remove the mark from the office stroke (putty) from clothes.
How to remove corrector stains from clothes; First steps
Before you start removing the stain, there are a few things to consider:
- Find out what type of correction fluid got on your clothes, which will determine the method for removing the stain.
- For an effective result, removal actions must be started immediately, without putting this work off for a long time.
- First of all, you need to test the selected cleaning agent on an inconspicuous area of the product (for example, on an inner seam) to make sure it is safe.
- It is necessary to remove the stain starting from the edge of the stain, without spreading it or rubbing it deep into the fabric fibers.
- It is better to take stained velvet, silk or wool clothes to the dry cleaner immediately. Never soak or wash out traces of correction fluid on such items, so as not to damage the delicate fabric completely. It is better to entrust this work to professionals.
Cleaning stains from correction fluid of various compositions
Methods for removing stains depending on the type of corrector:
- The easiest way to remove a water-based stroke is to wash the stained item with laundry soap or washing powder. You can use liquid dishwashing detergent. Pre-soaking for 20-30 minutes in a soap solution with cool water and then washing in the usual way will help to wash out an old stain from a corrector.
- Alcohol-containing correction fluid is best removed after the stain has dried. If possible, carefully remove the dried top layer using improvised means, for example, using a nail file. Rub off the remaining stain using a cotton pad soaked in a transparent alcohol-containing solution (vodka or cologne). After this, wash the item in a washing machine or by hand.
- Corrector on an oil or emulsion basis is the most difficult to wash off. For such a stain you will need a solvent (acetone, white spirit, nail polish remover, kerosene, paint thinner, ammonia or purified gasoline).
The stained item is turned inside out, placing a clean napkin on the back of the stain. The stain should be removed with a sponge/cotton swab soaked in the prepared solution, moving from the edge of the stain to the center. Then blot with a paper napkin or dry clean cloth.
Before cleaning, it is recommended to wet the contaminated area with water to prevent the solvent from spreading over the surface.
When removing dirt using ammonia, prepare an aqueous solution at a rate of 2 parts of the product to 1 part of water. Before starting work, generously moisten the sponge with the prepared solution and carefully wipe the dirt. After this, leave it to act for 15 minutes, and then rinse the clothes in water.
If the item is not completely cleaned the first time, you can try again.
Gasoline works very well for removing stains of this type, but the smell of this cleaning agent is so strongly absorbed into the clothes that even after repeated washings with fabric softener it may still be present.
It is quite easy to wash off a trace of hard line-corrector: prepare a soap solution from shavings of laundry soap, moisten the stain with it, leaving it for some time. When the tape gets wet, carefully separate it, and remove the remaining putty with a brush. After this, wash the item in any convenient way.
Using simple improvised means, you can deal with traces of corrector at home. But you should remember that a fresh stain from clothes is always easier to remove than one that is “a hundred years old.”