How to remove a poplar bud stain from cloths

For residents of many populated areas, the spring flowering of poplars is a real natural disaster. Sticky scales, falling down, leave unpleasant dirty yellow stains on shoes and clothes. Is it possible to get rid of them? In most cases, yes.

Emergency measures

Poplar bud resin is a natural polymer that, when it gets on any surface, quickly eats into it. Therefore, if stains are noticed on things outside the home, it is advisable to start cleaning immediately. There are two ways to remove poplar bud stains:

  • Remove the stuck scales from clothes or shoes. Then take a damp cloth and try to wet the stain as best as possible. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times with breaks of several minutes.
  • Pour or spray cologne, perfume or toilet water on the stain. After a few minutes, rub the stain with a handkerchief. If necessary, repeat these manipulations several times.

Removing a fresh stain

If the stain is found at home, you can first use universal cleaners from your kitchen cabinet, medicine cabinet or cosmetic bag. The effect of the selected product should first be tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric . The most gentle of them are:

  • Warm lemon juice. It is poured onto a cloth cleaned of scales and resin and left for a quarter of an hour. Then the contaminated area is washed with soap.
  • Lemon juice with table salt. Salt moistened with juice is applied to the damaged area and left for 30 minutes (longer if necessary). In the morning, the gruel is removed, and the treated fabric is washed in the usual way.
  • Dishwashing gel. First, the item is washed to remove any remaining resin. Then the contaminated area is placed in a small container with the cleaner and left for 6-8 hours. The remaining gel is washed off with warm water.
  • Ethyl alcohol. Place a cotton pad soaked in alcohol on the yellowed area. After half an hour, wipe off the resin and wash the treated area in warm water with laundry soap.
  • Nail polish remover. The damaged fabric is washed in a soap solution. When all the resin is removed, the remaining stain is rubbed off with the liquid and washed again with laundry soap.

Nail polish remover should not contain oil additives. If stains remain after using it, the fabric is treated with table vinegar.

We remove old stains

If the unpleasant yellowness has managed to eat into the fabric, only aggressive cleaners will be able to cope with it. The choice of product will depend on the type of material the item is made of, its color and a preliminary test on an inconspicuous area.

For treating items made of durable material with stable coloring, the following “folk” remedies are suitable:

  • purified turpentine;
  • solvents (in particular white spirit);
  • acetone;

They are applied locally to dry clothes. The yellowing from poplar buds is intensively rubbed off until it is completely removed, and then the clothes are washed with conditioner and aired in the open air.

For white cotton and linen clothes, household chemicals are preferable:

  • Antipyatin soap;
  • chlorine-containing bleaches “ACE”, “Belina”, “Vanish”;
  • stain removers.

The item should be completely immersed in the bleaching solution. Otherwise, the treated area will stand out in a lighter tone.

Soiled items made from delicate and non-fastly dyed fabrics can be brought back into order using the following mixtures:

  1. 1 tbsp. gasoline and egg yolk;
  2. egg yolk and half a teaspoon of turpentine;
  3. turpentine and tooth powder in a 1:1 ratio.

Any of the mixtures is spread on the contaminated area and left for 30 minutes. If necessary, it is kept longer, the main thing is that there are no changes in the color of the fabric. After local cleaning of the stain, the item is washed completely.

As we can see, it is difficult to wash out a stain from poplar buds, but it is quite possible. The main thing is not to delay this procedure and to choose cleaning products wisely.

Abbas Jahangir

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