How to Grow Hair Fastest? 16 Natural Formulas

How to Grow Hair Fastest

Fastest Ways to Grow Hair: Home Solution

Hair is a very effective detail in determining how we look. Our hair may be cut shorter than we expected, sometimes due to our own decision or due to the hairdresser’s mistake. In such cases, without wasting any time, research on how to grow hair quickly is done on the internet.

How to Grow Hair Fastest?

  • Massage the Hair Roots
  • Rinse Your Hair with Cold Water
  • Eat Healthy, Take Vitamin Supplements
  • Take Care of Your Hair Roots and Skin
  • Use the Right Shampoo and Nourishing Conditioner
  • Remove the Split Ends of Your Hair
  • Stop Using Curling Irons and Straighteners
  • Comb Your Hair Regularly
  • Egg White Mask
  • Onion Cure Nourishing Hair
  • Aloe Vera Mask
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Palm Oil
  • Castor Oil Mask
  • Natural Hair Mask
  • Choose a Pillowcase Suitable for Your Hair

Under normal conditions, a healthy hair is expected to grow 1.5-3 cm per month . However, it is possible to make your hair grow faster with regular care and some tips. How to grow hair is a question whose answers have been sought for years for both men and women.

In this article, we have compiled for you the formulas that make your hair grow faster. If you are looking for the answer to the question “How to grow hair in 1 week?”, we must say that you are at the right place. If you’re ready, let’s start! Here are natural and effective methods that accelerate hair growth…

How to Grow Hair? 16 Quick and Effective Natural Formulas

1) Massage the roots of your hair

Now we will give you an effective tip to make your hair grow faster. Moreover, it is very easy to apply. While taking a shower, massage the roots of your hair with your fingertips. You should make sure that the massage is from the hair root to the front.

This method helps hair grow quickly by accelerating blood flow in the hair follicles. It also allows you to relax and relieve the stress of the day. What do you think, isn’t it worth a try?

2) Rinse Your Hair with Cold Water

Hot water can cause hair to lose moisture and become damaged. To prevent this situation, we recommend rinsing your hair with cold water for a few seconds before getting out of the shower.

This way, you lock moisture into your hair. Additionally, by accelerating the blood flow in the scalp, you make your hair grow faster.

3) Eat Healthy, Take Vitamin Supplements

Healthy nutrition positively affects our entire body, from our hair to our nails. If you want your hair to grow quickly, you should include more protein and vitamins C and E in your nutrition routine.

Eggs, which stand out with their rich protein content, also contain biotin, which is effective against hair loss. Biotin may also help hair grow faster. Vitamin E nourishes hair follicles by regulating blood flow and helps hair grow faster. Vitamin C supports collagen production in the body. Thanks to this feature, it nourishes both hair and skin.

4) Take Care of Your Hair Roots and Skin

A healthy scalp supports hair growth both healthy and fast. Therefore, if you want to grow your hair faster, we recommend that you care for your scalp with purifying and repairing shampoos or hair masks.

5) Choose the Right Shampoo, Use Nourishing Conditioner

Shampoos cleanse hair from dirt and oil. Choosing a shampoo suitable for your hair type will make it easier for your hair to grow stronger. Hair conditioners give the hair a shiny and healthy appearance thanks to their nourishing properties. A small amount of nourishing conditioner applied to the ends of the hair helps the hair grow faster.

6) Remove the split ends of your hair

How to grow hair? Should separate methods be applied for men and women? In fact, the methods we mentioned are suitable and effective for both women and men. However, the method we will talk about now appeals mostly to women.

Many women are afraid of getting their hair cut. However, removing the split ends of your hair helps your hair grow much healthier and faster.

7) Stop Using Curling Irons and Straighteners

Yes, we know, all women love hair styling products. However, it is also a fact that these products that give high heat damage the hair. If you want your hair to grow fast and healthy, we recommend that you take a break from using hair styling products for a while.

If you cannot style your hair without using these products, you can apply heat protective hair care products to your hair. Making harsh movements with a towel while moisturizing your hair may cause the hair strands to become damaged. Try to dry gently.

8) Comb Your Hair Regularly

We are here with another method that is very easy to apply. Did you know that using a comb regularly makes hair longer? Combing your hair actually creates a massage effect on the scalp. With the combing action, the blood flow in the hair roots accelerates. Additionally, the natural oil at the roots of the hair is distributed throughout the hair.

All these factors help hair grow faster and healthier. If you are wondering if there is a practical method to recommend for men on how to grow hair faster, you can try combing your hair more.

9) Egg White Mask

If you are wondering what scientific information says about how hair grows, you can take a look at the scientific effects of egg white. Thanks to the biotin in eggs, it supports hair growth.

It is very easy to apply the egg white mask. All you have to do is apply the egg white to your hair thoroughly and then wrap your hair with stretch wrap. After waiting for a few hours, you can clean your hair with warm water. After the washing process, there will be no trace of the egg smell left in the hair. If you have a concern in this direction, we can say that this is an unnecessary concern.

10) Onion Cure Nourishes Hair

Onion, which is found in the kitchen of every home, is one of the natural methods used to grow hair. To prepare the onion cure, first boil one medium-sized onion. Squeeze the juice from the boiled onion. Apply the cooled onion juice to your hair. Onion juice should stay on your hair for at least an hour.

As a final step, wash your hair with warm water and shampoo to remove onion juice. Despite the washing process, the smell of the onion may not disappear completely. Therefore, we recommend that you apply this method when you are at home.

11) Aloe Vera Mask

When natural hair growth methods are mentioned, hair masks immediately come to mind. Aloe vera has been used in hair and skin care for many years. Aloe vera, which nourishes the hair from root to tip, also helps the hair grow healthy and fast.

If you want your hair to grow in a short time, mix 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 Turkish coffee cup of aloe vera and apply the mixture you prepared to your hair. Let the mask stay on the hair for at least half an hour. Then, wash your hair with a suitable shampoo and warm water. That is all!

12) Apple Cider Vinegar

You can grow your hair quickly with organic or homemade apple cider vinegar. When applied to the hair regularly, apple cider vinegar supports hair growth by nourishing the hair follicles. All you have to do is add 2-3 drops of apple cider vinegar to the rinse water.

13) Palm Oil

If you are wondering how to grow hair in 3 days and want to get quick results, you can try natural masks. Vitamin E is a very effective vitamin for rapid hair growth. Palm oil contains plenty of vitamin E. Thanks to this feature, it helps hair grow quickly.

Palm oil also prevents chlorine and sea water from damaging the hair and protects the hair from the harmful effects of the sun. After leaving the oil on your hair for 10 minutes, you can wash your hair with shampoo and warm water. You can apply palm oil to your hair 1-2 times a week. The point you should pay attention to when applying palm oil to hair: Do not let the oil touch the scalp.

14) Castor Oil Mask

Castor oil, known for its beneficial effects on hair, supports hair growth in a shorter time. Apply castor oil to your hair by massaging it from root to tip. Then, wrap your hair with a hair cap or stretch wrap.

Let the oil stay in your hair overnight. When you wake up in the morning, wash your hair well with warm water and shampoo and remove the mask. That is all!

15) Natural Hair Mask

You can easily prepare your own hair mask using completely natural oils. If you apply this mask regularly, twice a week, your hair will have a healthy appearance and grow faster.

To prepare the natural hair mask, you will need one cup of coconut oil, one tablespoon of almond oil, one tablespoon of macadamia oil and one tablespoon of jojoba oil. You should mix all the oils in a suitable bowl and apply this mixture to your hair by massaging it.

After the mask stays on your hair for 10 minutes, you can wash your hair with shampoo and warm water. If you are looking for answers to questions such as “How to grow hair fast, how to prevent male pattern hair loss”, you should definitely try this mask. Those who wonder how to grow damaged hair can also benefit from the effect of coconut.

16) Choose a Pillow Case to Match Your Hair

We spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping, mostly in bed. During this period, the structure of the pillowcase that our hair comes into contact with can have an impact on our hair health. It may be beneficial to choose a cotton and satin pillowcase.

What makes hair grow faster?

If you want your hair to grow quickly, you should consistently apply the methods we give in our article. The key word here is “stability”. Applications for a few days are unlikely to yield results.

How much hair grows in 1 week?

Of course, the growth rate of hair strands varies from person to person. The average amount of growth is approximately 2.8 mm per week. It is not possible for thoughts such as growing 20 cm of hair in 1 week to come true.

How much hair grows in 10 days?

Hair growth rate is about 1 cm per month. Based on this information, it is predicted that there will be 0.3 mm elongation in 10 days.

How to grow hair at home?

You may be wondering how to grow hair fast and what can be done at home. You can make many different hair masks at home that will help your hair grow. Masks, especially those containing aloe vera, nourish the hair and facilitate its growth.

Get expert support for the most accurate information and healthy results. The information contained in our content does not constitute a prescription.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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