How to drink more water: 10 tips for proper hydration

How to drink more water: the results of our research

Internal research conducted on our community showed that 54% of the sample doesn’t drink enough simply because they forget, while 23% say they are too busy to remember to drink. Another 32% need to write down a reminder to respect the so-called “eight glasses rule”, while if we talk specifically about attention to well-being it emerged that as many as 20% of men have no idea what a detox program is nor what the word detox itself means.

Expert advice on how to drink more water

“Drinking an adequate quantity of water during the day is of great importance for maintaining the general state of health of the organism, from the most diverse points of view, in fact it must be considered that our body is made up of approximately 80% of water – declares Dr. Paolo Cavalli, surgeon expert in Food Science, Dietetics and Dietotherapy in Milan.

The theoretically ideal quantity of water to drink during the day is approximately 1.5 liters per day, which approximately corresponds to 8 glasses, preferably spread over the day. During the hot season we are approaching and during sports it would be important to drink more water than usual.

The advice is to make a “reserve” of water in the morning, before leaving the house, a measure that can help prevent dehydration and small ailments linked to excessive heat. This also serves to bring nutrients into circulation to the periphery of our body. The important thing is to remember to drink before feeling the urge to thirst, which already occurs in the presence of a state of dehydration.”

How to drink more water: 10 tips

Here are the ten good hydration tips from SodaStream to drink more even when you don’t feel like it.

  1. Drink as soon as you wake up

Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up, before breakfast. A useful trick could be to keep the glass on the bedside table.

  1. Eight glasses a day

The indicative quantity of water to drink during the day, according to experts, is 8 glasses a day, to be spread throughout the day. The ideal would be to distribute 4 in the morning and another 4 between the afternoon and evening.

  1. Water always at hand

Always keep water within reach… and within sight: always having a jug of water nearby on your office desk or a small bottle, if you do a non-sedentary job, is an excellent way to maintain correct hydration during the day.

  1. Drink with meals

Always drink during meals and snacks: a useful tip to also feel fuller and eat more slowly.

  1. Use the right glass

Use the right glass: small, low and wide glasses, even though they contain a lot of water, are able to deceive the sight and therefore you will seem to drink less.

  1. Drink in small sips

Always drink in small sips: drinking a lot of water all at once is certainly not the right way to hydrate, in fact it can even be counterproductive as it can strain the kidneys. The best choice is one sip every quarter of an hour, also useful for regulating metabolic processes.

  1. Make water more pleasant

Making water more “pleasant”: sparkling water is an excellent solution for hydrating in a more pleasant and “tasty” way.

  1. Find Alternatives

If you really don’t feel like drinking water, an alternative could be herbal teas or flavored drinks (but be careful of too much sugar).

  1. Drinking during sport

Don’t forget to drink during sport: the body loses a lot of water under stress. The secret is to drink in small sips and regularly, before, during and after physical activity.

  1. Fruits and vegetables

Eat lots of fruit and vegetables: they are in fact foods rich in water and represent a pleasant and alternative way of hydrating yourself during the day. The fruits richest in water are watermelons and strawberries, followed by oranges, grapes, cherries, tomatoes, spinach and radishes.


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