How to clean mussels; 3 steps

How to clean mussels

Serve as an appetizer or second course or to season pasta and risotto. The mussels are truly delicious in every way. Before being cooked, however, they must be cleaned carefully to avoid unpleasant consequences. This procedure might discourage those less experienced in the kitchen, but in reality it is nothing complicated and by reading this little guides you will discover how to clean mussels.

Get yourself a pair of latex gloves and a knife and follow these simple steps!

How to clean mussels

Wear gloves and discard any mussels with broken or damaged shells. Remember that the mussels must be alive at the time of purchase: the valves must be tightly closed to contain the liquid inside them, if they are half-open it means that the mussels is not alive and therefore cannot be consumed. Once this is done, here’s how to clean mussels quickly in 3 steps:

  1. With a hard bristle brush or metal kitchen scourer, scrape the shells to remove any encrustations or residues, the so-called “barnacles“; this way you will save time instead of using a knife to remove encrustations one at a time.
  2. Take one mussel at a time with a dry cloth and with the other hand firmly remove the byssus, the filament that comes out of the valves and keeps the mussels attached to the rocks. He repeats the operation for all the mussels.
  3. Finally, rinse the mussels under cold water.

We at Foodstrend work with great attention to the quality and food safety of our products because we want mussels to bring the unique and extraordinary flavor of our sea to your table. An unmistakable taste, which analyzes and controls guarantee is always healthy and safe. In many recipes you may find the advice to soak the mussels in water and coarse salt, but Nieddittas mussels should never be immersed in uncontrolled water because it may not be pure and all safety checks and guarantees on the product would be nullified.

Then all you have to do is open the mussels and proceed with your favorite recipe: appetizers , first and second courses, you are truly spoiled for choice!

After cleaning the mussels

We have seen that it is possible to clean mussels quickly. Now you have to proceed with the opening: cold or steamed, that is, in a pan.

If you want to open them cold, you must insert the sharp blade of the knife into the side slit of the mussels and move the blade ending with a small upward movement. This way you will be able to open the shell without breaking it.

In the second case, just put the mussels in a large pan and cover with the lid. In a few minutes the mussels will open thanks to the heat and will release the liquid inside them which can be filtered and used in many recipes. Any mussels that remain closed should be discarded. It is also possible to blend with white wine.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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