How to Clean Anchovies

How to Clean Anchovies

Anchovy, one of the fish that shapes the Black Sea cuisine, is included in almost many dishes and creates a festive atmosphere in the stomach of fish lovers. Anchovy, which has the smallest size among fish, is a seafood product that makes a name for itself with its healing properties that make you feel better as you eat it. Anchovy makes delicious presentations in all its forms, whether in soup, roasted rice, pickled vegetables or pickles.

How to Clean Anchovies?

  • Separate the head.
  • Clean the internal organs.
  • Open the anchovy.
  • Pull the fishbone out.
  • Soak in salt water.

When you buy this fish, which is a strong source of omega 3, your fisherman can clean it for you. Well, what if the job of cleaning anchovies falls to you? Have you thought about what to do about this? We have prepared a very useful article for those who are wondering which parts of the anchovy should be discarded and which parts should be cooked.

Those who are looking for the answer to the question of how to extract anchovies in the most practical way will find the solution they are looking for in these lines. Let’s focus on how to clean anchovies practically, without wasting time and without much trouble. Those who wonder how to clean anchovies quickly can also cook them quickly after cleaning. If you think there is a feast at home for the evening; You can start sorting the anchovies first!

1) Separate the Head

  • The subject that many people do not know how to do is how to clean anchovies, which is explained very easily with pictures.
  • To clean the anchovy, the head must first be separated. You can easily do this by hand.
  • When you do not want to clean the head by hand, place the anchovy on a cutting board and separate the head from the body with a knife.
  • Since anchovies have a soft structure, they can be easily broken by hand.
  • When you apply this process for all the anchovies you have, you can move on to the next process.

2) Clean the Internal Organs

  • Cleaning the internal organs of anchovies is also very practical, like the previous step.
  • You can use your thumb to clean the inside of the fish after separating the head from the body.
  • You can pop out all the organs by sliding your thumb down towards the tail.
  • When it is difficult to clean it with your hands, you can use a teaspoon and clean it practically with the tip of the spoon.

3) Open the Anchovy

  • Now we come to dividing the anchovy into two.
  • We will recommend that you act very sensitivelyin this regard ; because you can shred the anchovies while making them split in half.
  • Cut the anchovies in half using a thin knife or gentle strokes with your hand.
  • The anchovies you cut into two will cook more easily.

4) Pull the Fishbone Out

  • If you are bothered by the bones of anchovies while eating them, let us answer your question about how to clean the bones of anchovies before cooking.
  • You just cut the anchovy in half and saw the bones.
  • You can separate the fish from the bones by starting from one end and pulling the fishbone towards you.
  • If you wish, you can cook it without removing the bones, of course, this is entirely up to your taste…
  • If you removed the anchovy bones; Let’s give the final touch.

5) Soak in Salt Water

  • You have cleaned all the parts of the anchovy that need to be cleaned. Well done!
  • Now, to keep the anchovies firm, keep them in salt water until cooking time.
  • Prepare salty water in a bowl and add the anchovies into this water.
  • You can enjoy anchovies however you prefer: pan-fried, steamed, baked or in rice.
  • Remember that you must drain the water thoroughly before cooking!

Can Anchovies Be Stored in the Freezer?

After cleaning the anchovies, you can store them in the deep freezer if you want to cook them on a different day. To store anchovies in the deep freezer, we recommend placing the fish side by side. You should definitely rinse it with salt water before putting it in a refrigerator bag or storage container. Salt water keeps fish alive.

The lifespan of anchovies in the deep freeze is at most 3 months. You can add a date note on it so that you don’t forget which day you put the anchovies in the freezer. Setting the deep freezer at -18 degrees is an ideal temperature for the life of the fish.

Frequently Asked Questions About Anchovy Sorting

Can anchovies be made without cleaning?

Consuming unsorted anchovies depends on personal preferences. However, consuming anchovies with their internal organs and bones may not be pleasant for some people, as these elements can affect the taste of the fish and cause digestive problems. Cleaned anchovies are generally a more widely available and preferred form of consumption.

Can You Wash Cleaned Anchovies?

Yes, cleaned anchovies should be washed. Even though the internal organs and bones are removed, blood or organ particles may remain in the anchovy. For this reason, even if the inside of the fish is removed, it must be washed and cleaned.

Can Anchovy Be Eaten with Bones?

Since anchovy is a small fish, it can be consumed with its bones. However, the trachea, stomach and digestive system may be negatively affected by fishbone. It is healthy to remove the bones and consume them. On the other hand, there are also opinions that the calcium and phosphorus found in anchovy bones especially support muscle and bone development.

How to Cook the Healthiest Anchovies?

Cooking anchovies and other types of fish by steaming is much healthier than frying. You can steam anchovies in the oven with very little oil and various vegetables. A seasonal salad with plenty of greens will also provide nutritional balance.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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