How healthy is a pear? Read the 7 benefits here

Pears are juicy, sweet and very healthy. They contain a lot of fiber (you can read why this is important later). In this article you will discover what pears can do for your health.

You can also read whether a pear helps you lose weight .


  • Facts about pears
  • Health benefits
  • Nutritional value
  • Pears and weight loss

Facts about pears

  • Pears have been eaten by humans for more than 4,000 years.
  • Around 450 BC, the popularity of this fruit grew because the famous Greek writer Theophrastus wrote about it.
  • Today, China is the largest producer of pears.
  • This fruit is also grown in America and various European countries such as Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, France, Poland and Germany [1].

Health Benefits of Pears

Pears are rich in fiber and also contain various vitamins and minerals . Pears also contain special substances that have a positive effect on our health, such as flavanols and anthocyanins . This means that pears have several healthy benefits.

  1. Good for the heart and blood vessels

The fiber in pears can help lower bad cholesterol levels. Research shows that consuming 10 grams of fiber per day can cause a significant reduction in bad LDL cholesterol. In addition, fibers can also contribute to lower blood pressure.

Fibers also have a purifying effect, which is beneficial for your heart and blood vessels. Other fruits, such as blackberries and cantaloupe , also help keep your heart and blood vessels healthy.

Summary: Pears can contribute to healthy cholesterol levels.

  1. Protect the cells

Pears can provide protection to the cells in your body. For example, research has shown that eating this type of fruit contributes to healthy cells in the breast area [3]. A study also found evidence that fruits such as pears help keep the cells of the esophagus healthy [4].

Eating pears can also contribute to healthy cells in the intestines. The fiber in pears binds to excess bile acids in the intestinal tract, which benefits intestinal health.

Pears contain substances that have a positive effect on our body, also called phytonutrients . The phytonutrient cinnamic acid in particular can help protect the cells in the stomach. A study shows that pears and mango contain the highest amount of cinnamic acid compared to other fruits.

You will achieve the best results by eating two portions of pear and/or mango daily in combination with eating enough vegetables.

Summary: Pears can help keep the cells of the stomach, intestines, esophagus and chest area healthy.

  1. May help lower the risk of type 2 diabetes

Pears contain fiber , flavanols and anthocyanins . All these substances can help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. This is possible because these substances contribute to solving insulin resistance . This improves the body’s response to insulin, making it easier for glucose to be absorbed into the blood [3].

Broccoli , cucumber and quinoa can also help improve insulin sensitivity and thus contribute to better health.

Summary: Pears may help resolve insulin resistance.

  1. Beneficial for the intestines

A medium-sized pear provides 20% of the amount of fiber we need daily for good health. This large amount of fiber is also beneficial for our intestines.

The fibers in pears are insoluble, which means that they pass through our digestive system unchanged. They not only feed the healthy intestinal bacteria, but they also cleanse the intestines from the inside. This helps to keep your intestines healthy. Pears even have a mild laxative effect [2,3,6].

Summary: The many fibers in pears feed beneficial intestinal bacteria, support digestion and cleanse the intestines.

  1. For a strong immune system

Pears (and pomegranate , mango and  kiwi , among others  ) can help strengthen your resistance. Pears contain many different antioxidants, such as vitamin C and copper . These ensure that the immune system works better. This makes you more resistant to pathogens.

If you do get sick, pears can help you feel better faster. The vitamin C in these fruits can also ensure that you suffer less from the complaints associated with flu and colds [3,5,6].

Summary: Pears contain substances that strengthen resistance and help speed up recovery from illness.

  1. Support a healthy pregnancy

To become pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy, it is important to get enough folic acid . This B vitamin protects the unborn child against spina bifida.

Pears contain a lot of folic acid: about 10 micrograms per serving. For this reason, the juicy fruits can contribute to a good amount of folic acid during pregnancy [3]. Of course, pears are not a substitute for folic acid supplements.

Summary: With their high folic acid content, pears contribute to the intake of sufficient folic acid for a healthy pregnancy.

  1. Protect the skin

Eating a pear often can make your skin look brighter and healthier. The fibers in pears ensure that blood sugar levels do not fluctuate too much, so that the collagen in your skin is not damaged by high sugar levels. Undamaged collagen makes the skin look a lot smoother.

Pears can also help to delay the appearance of wrinkles. The green fruit contains many antioxidants such as vitamin C , vitamin K and copper . These protect you against free radicals, so the skin cells are less likely to be damaged. This keeps the skin looking young for longer [3].

Summary: Pears help skin maintain its youthful appearance.

Nutritional value of pears

A medium-sized pear of 178 grams contains the following nutritional values ​​[7]:

  • Energy: 103 kcal ( calories)
  • Carbohydrates: 22 grams
    – Sugars: 17 grams
  • Proteins: 1 gram
  • Fats: 0 grams
  • Fiber: 6 grams

Vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin A: 1% RDA
  • Vitamin C: 12% RDI
  • Vitamin E: 1% RDA
  • Vitamin K: 10% RDA
  • Calcium: 2% RDA
  • Folic acid: 3% RDA
  • Magnesium: 3% RDA
  • Potassium: 6% RDI
  • Copper: 7% RDA
  • Manganese: 4% RDA

In addition to these vitamins and minerals, a pear also contains small amounts of thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), vitamin B6, iron, zinc and phosphorus.

Pears and weight loss

Pears are great to eat while losing weight, provided you keep the average amount of carbohydrates you eat low.

Please note: In addition to all healthy nutrients, pears also contain fruit sugars ( fructose ). As soon as you consume too much of these fruit sugars, you can gain weight.

As you can read in our article about the low-carb diet , it is not fats, but carbohydrates (such as sugar) that are the main cause of unwanted body fat. For this reason, it is important that you do not eat too many carbohydrates.


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