How healthy are raspberries?

Raspberries are a delicious treat and healthier than you think. In this article you will find out what health benefits raspberries can bring you.

You can also read whether raspberries help you lose or maintain weight.


  • Facts about raspberries
  • Health benefits
  • Nutritional value
  • Raspberries and weight loss
  • Conclusion and tips

Facts about raspberries

  • Because raspberries are juicy and have a sweet and sour taste, they are regularly used in jam.
  • Archaeologists have discovered that raspberries were probably eaten in prehistoric times.
  • The fruit was also popular during the time of the Greeks and Romans.
  • The leaves of the raspberry bush were previously used for medicinal purposes.
  • In the Middle Ages, raspberries were used as red paint during painting [1].

The health benefits of raspberries

Raspberries contain many substances that can support our health, such as vitamins and antioxidants . Below you can read about the health benefits of this popular fruit.

  1. Protect the cells

Raspberries protect the cells due to the large amount of antioxidants and ellagic acid they contain. Antioxidants counteract harmful free radicals, which can damage our cells.

There is also evidence that antioxidants and ellagic acid can help our body clear away cells that behave differently than intended [3,4,11,12,13].

Raspberries aren’t the only fruits that contain ellagic acid. This substance can also be found in strawberries, for example.

Summary: Raspberries prevent cell damage and contribute to the maintenance of healthy cells.

  1. Strengthen the immune system

If you regularly eat raspberries, it contributes to a strong immune system. The fruit contains a large amount of  vitamin C.  Vitamin C can help reduce the symptoms of colds and flu, making them less likely to bother you [5].

This vitamin also shortens the duration of the cold. That’s nice if you happen to get sick during the cold season [5].

Kiwis are also rich in vitamin C, and are therefore good to eat when you have a cold.

Summary: Raspberries may help reduce the symptoms and duration of flu and colds.

  1. Good for the heart and blood vessels

There are several reasons why eating raspberries could be good for your heart and blood vessels. Research shows that raspberries could help thin the blood and prevent blood clots [2,6].

Please note : If you are already taking blood thinners, the blood thinning effect of raspberries may be less beneficial for you.

Raspberries contain potassium , which is also good for the heart. This mineral has a beneficial effect on blood pressure [7].

Summary: Raspberries can help keep blood flowing and can also contribute to healthy blood pressure.

  1. Support stable blood sugar levels

Raspberries are rich in fiber , making them a good snack for people with diabetes. Fiber ensures that blood sugar levels remain stable for longer. Various studies show that a fiber-rich diet can contribute to lower blood sugar levels [14,15].

Other fruits that are high in fiber are blackberries and pomegranate . You can make a delicious fruit salad from these fruits in no time. Delicious as a dessert or snack.

Summary: Eating raspberries may help keep your blood sugar levels stable for longer.

  1. Good for the eyes

Eating raspberries can help maintain good vision. The antioxidants in raspberries may reduce eye damage caused by free radicals, helping to preserve vision for longer [2].

Summary: Raspberries may help preserve vision.

  1. A good fruit for women

Raspberries appear to provide additional benefits for women. A cup of raspberry tea can reduce cramps during menstruation . Raspberries (just like ginger ) are also a good remedy against nausea during pregnancy . They also help with pain during childbirth [2,8,9].

The leaves of the raspberry bush in particular provide the soothing and illuminating effect. They can also stimulate milk production in breastfeeding women [2].

Summary: Raspberries may reduce pain during labor, promote milk production and help with morning sickness.

The nutritional value of raspberries

100 grams of raspberries contain the following nutritional values ​​[10]:

  • Energy: 52 kcal ( calories)
  • Carbohydrates: 5.4 grams
    – Sugars: 4.4 grams
  • Protein: 1.2 grams
  • Fats: 0.7 grams
  • Fiber: 6.5 grams

Vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin A: 1% RDA
  • Vitamin C: 44% RDI
  • Vitamin E: 4% RDI
  • Vitamin K: 10% RDA
  • Folic acid: 5% RDA
  • Magnesium: 5% RDA
  • Potassium: 4% RDA
  • Calcium: 2% RDA
  • Copper: 4% RDA
  • Manganese: 34% RDI

In addition to the above vitamins and minerals, raspberries also contain iron, phosphorus, zinc and the vitamins thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5) and B6.

Raspberries and weight loss

Raspberries are a good addition to your diet if you want to lose weight . The fruits consist largely of water, which means they contain few calories. They are also rich in fiber, so eating raspberries keeps you satiated for a long time.

Please note: Raspberries contain fruit sugars ( fructose ). If you consume too many fruit sugars, this will hinder your weight loss. Therefore, try to limit yourself to a maximum of two portions per day.

Summary: Raspberries are a good addition to your diet if you want to lose weight.

Conclusion and tips

Raspberries are recommended if you want to take care of your health because of the many health benefits that this fruit can provide. Another advantage is that raspberries can help you if you want to lose weight.

If you combine eating raspberries with a healthy diet, you will experience the most effect. A varied and healthy diet is very important for a slim and healthy body.


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