How healthy are figs? Discover 6 medicinal benefits here

Figs are a delicacy fresh and a sweet treat when dried. In this article you can read how this type of fruit can contribute to your health.

You will also find out whether eating figs helps you lose weight .


  • Facts about figs
  • Health benefits
  • Nutritional value
  • Figs and weight loss

Facts about figs

  • Figs are known as food for the gods [1].
  • Wild fig trees already existed in the time of the dinosaurs.
  • About 11,000 years ago, people in Western Asia started growing the fig [2].
  • When we eat figs, we are actually eating the flower of the fig.
  • There are no fewer than 750 different types of figs [3].

Why the fig is healthy

Figs contain many healthy substances that can have important benefits for your health. Below we list 6 health benefits of this type of fruit for you.

  1. For healthy cells

Figs contain various substances that help keep your cells healthy. One of these substances is quercetin . Various studies have shown that this substance has a healthy influence on the cells of your lungs and large intestine.

In addition to quercetin, figs also contain luteolin . This substance contributes to healthy cells by neutralizing free radicals. Luteolin is especially beneficial for the cells in your skin [4].

Figs are also rich in the fiber pectin , which means they can protect your body against harmful free radicals [5]. This is evident from a survey among 51,823 women. In the study, the women ate high-fiber products and fruits such as figs, which had a positive impact on the health of their cells [6].

Summary: Figs contain several compounds that help fight harmful free radicals, which helps keep your cells healthy.

  1. Beneficial for your blood pressure

Figs contain a large amount of potassium. This is an important mineral for maintaining your heart rate and blood pressure. For this reason, eating figs can have a blood pressure-lowering effect.

This has also been shown by a study. In the study, test subjects were divided into two groups. One group ate fruit, vegetables and low-fat dairy products instead of sweets and snacks. The other group ate an average American diet with lots of fatty foods and few fruits and vegetables.

After 8 weeks, it turned out that the group that ate a lot of fruit and vegetables (such as figs) consumed more potassium and their blood pressure had dropped significantly [6].

Summary: Figs may help lower blood pressure.

  1. Strengthen your bones

Eating figs can make your bones stronger. This is due to the large amount of calcium you consume when you regularly eat figs. Calcium is known to be important for strong bones and to help reduce the risk of osteoporosis (bone loss).

In addition to calcium, figs also contain phosphorus . This substance promotes bone growth, allowing the bone to recover faster after damage [5]. Blackberries and broccoli also contain phosphorus, and are therefore good to eat if you want to support bone production.

Summary: The combination of calcium and phosphorus in figs contributes to bone formation.

  1. Beneficial for your eyes

Macular degeneration is an eye condition in which visual acuity decreases. This often occurs as one gets older. This causes the light-sensitive cells in the eye to die in the area where you normally see sharpest.

Eating three or more servings of fruit (such as figs, strawberries , bananas or mango ) per day could help reduce the risk of macular degeneration by 36% [5,6]. This is in comparison to people who eat less than 1.5 portions of fruit per day.

Summary: Figs may help reduce the risk of macular degeneration.

  1. Soothing for your throat

Figs contain a lot of mucilage . This is a sticky substance that is also known as a kind of plant glue. It is a natural remedy that helps soothe the throat [5]. This is nice if your throat is affected by a cold or flu.

Other fruits and vegetables with a soothing effect are cucumber and raspberry leaves . Cucumber especially has a soothing effect on the skin if you have been in the sun for too long and raspberry leaves have a soothing effect during childbirth.

Summary: The mucilages in figs have a soothing effect on the throat.

  1. Improve your blood sugar levels

The high amount of potassium in figs can provide even more benefits. This mineral also contributes to the regulation of the amount of sugar in the body after eating a meal.

Potassium ensures that blood sugar levels fluctuate less quickly, so that they remain better balanced [5]. This is important to prevent problems with blood sugar levels and to keep existing complaints under control.

Summary: Figs may contribute to more stable blood sugar levels.

Nutritional value of figs

A fig of 50 grams contains the following nutritional values ​​[7]:

  • Energy: 37 kcal (calories)
  • Carbohydrates: 8 grams
    – Sugars: 8 grams
  • Proteins: 0 grams
  • Fats: 0 grams
  • Fiber: 1 gram

Vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin A: 1% RDA
  • Vitamin C: 2% RDI
  • Vitamin K: 3% RDA
  • Calcium: 2% RDA
  • Folic acid: 1% RDA
  • Magnesium: 2% RDA
  • Potassium: 3% RDA
  • Copper: 2% RDA
  • Manganese: 3% RDA

In addition to these vitamins and minerals, a fig also contains small amounts of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12, iron, sodium and phosphorus.

Eating figs while losing weight

Figs are a good addition to your diet if you want to lose weight. They contain few calories and various vitamins and minerals.

Note: Eating too many figs can hinder weight loss. These fruits contain a lot of fructose (fruit sugar).

Our slimming tip: If you eat no more than two portions of fruit per day, you will not experience any disadvantages from the fruit sugars in figs. By combining eating figs with eating other healthy foods, losing weight will be a lot easier.


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