How can you combine Kale with other foods to lose weight

Kale with other foods to lose weight

If you are looking to lose weight and you have not yet heard about kale and the many benefits of its consumption, do not worry because here we are going to tell you what it is and how you can use it so that you can lose those extra kilos that bother you so much . Natural way. It is a vegetable that contains a great source of iron, calcium, vitamins and best of all, it does not contain many calories, for this reason it is becoming so popular in diets.

To tell the truth, incorporating kale into your diet provides many advantages for your well-being and health, contributing to the good condition of the liver and, in turn, is depurative and, as we have already mentioned, helps a lot to lose weight. Now, if you want to know more about it, follow us and find out everything, as well as how you can ingest it in very tasty and healthy juices.

What is kale?

Specifically , it is a very efficient vegetable to comply with diets to lose weight and thus be able to lose weight naturally. It is a type of kale that has slimming and fat-burning properties, which is why it is highly effective and popular. It is also a source of nutrition, with a good number of antioxidants, as well as other elements that help fight diseases. Its calorie level is just 45 kcal per 100 grams, having a high level of fiber and protein and enhances the feeling of satiety, this makes it perfect to use in debated recipes to lose weight.

According to the tests carried out and published by The National Institute of Health, of the United States, they reveal the effectiveness of its consumption to lose weight, as it proposes several depurative properties and is excellent when it comes to combating constipation, being a wonderful companion to improve intestinal transit.

How to consume kale to lose weight?

This vegetable can be consumed by mixing it with other ingredients and this time, we are going to show you various very effective juices to lose weight and maintain a healthy body.

For the first juice that we are going to present to you, you will only need 3 kale leaves, a lemon and a celery stalk. Thanks to the fact that celery is rich in fiber and lemon is a true natural fat burner, this juice is very efficient in reducing those extra kilos. It can be taken every morning before breakfast.

The second juice, in addition to being healthy, is very delicious and is made up of half a green apple, 2 or 3 kale leaves and 300ml of almond milk, mix everything in a blender. The apple is a fruit that does not contain much sugar, so it is low in calories and also provides a lot of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help burn fat faster.

The third and last juice that we will indicate is also very tasty and very healthy and the ingredients that you will need are 4 kale leaves, 2 pieces of pineapple and a piece of ginger, add everything in the blender to mix well and that’s it. In the case of pineapple, it has bromelain, this substance has the ability to stimulate fat cells. It is also rich in vitamin C, perfect for strengthening the immune system.

With this we conclude, we hope that these various natural juices to ingest kale are to your liking, and we are sure that with any of them you will be able to lose weight naturally, in addition to staying healthy.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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