Hikikomori And Early Diagnosis

Hikikomori is characterized by prolonged social isolation and symptoms of social withdrawal . Research on hikikomori is important because it is a condition that is becoming more common in today’s societies. This situation, which started in Japan and spread throughout the world, is expressed as individuals experiencing long-term social isolation and avoiding social interactions. It is closely related to the difficulties and pressures of modern life. If you are looking for answers to questions such as what is hikikomori disease or what is hikikomori syndrome, you can learn the details on this subject by reading the rest of the article.

What is Hikikomori?

Hikikomori refers to individuals living in long-term isolation by staying away from social interactions. This term, of Japanese origin, is used when individuals avoid social interaction and mostly stay in their homes for six months or more. Hikikomori is a complex social and psychological condition that was first described in Japan but has become a global problem over time.

Hikikomori can affect individuals of all ages, although it is more common among young adults. This condition, which begins in adolescence or early adulthood, prevents the development of individuals’ social skills. Individuals who are hikikomori; They often spend their days alone and avoiding environmental interaction, avoiding social contexts such as school, work, or family.

The desire to stay away from society may occur voluntarily or due to various compelling factors. Factors may include psychosocial stressors such as family conflicts, peer pressure, unemployment, and academic or workplace failure.

Hikikomori, which emerged in Japan as an escape from the pressures in education and family structure, has become a globalizing phenomenon over time. While the internet and social media facilitate escape from the real world, they cause individuals to feel more comfortable in virtual environments and deepen their social isolation.

As the period of social isolation increases, various anxiety disorders and mental health problems may occur in individuals. It can also lead to serious consequences not only for individuals but also for their families and the society in which they live. Hikikomori is a complex problem faced by modern societies, and understanding and addressing this situation is of great importance at the individual and societal levels.

What are the causes of hikikomori?

The causes of hikikomori often result from a combination of various factors, such as individual psychological factors, family dynamics, socio-cultural factors, and technological influences. The reasons why individuals go into long-term social isolation can be explained as follows:

Individual Psychological Factors

Individual psychological factors are one of the main causes of the hikikomori phenomenon. Individuals’ personality characteristics, mental health conditions and traumatic experiences from their previous lives play an important role in their desire to stay away from society. Mental health problems such as lack of self-confidence, lack of social skills, depression, anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder can also lead to hikikomori.

Additionally, traumatic experiences such as bullying at school or academic or social failure may cause individuals to avoid social environments and adopt an isolated lifestyle. These factors may lead individuals to hikikomori by reducing their interaction with the outside world.

Domestic Dynamics

Intra-family dynamics are considered an important factor in the emergence of hikikomori cases. Family structure, parent-individual relationship and intra-family communication greatly affect the social behavior and psychology of the individual. Overprotective, oppressive or neglectful parental attitudes can push individuals to withdraw from the social world and isolate themselves.

Conflicts within the family, divorce of parents, or unhealthy communication styles between family members can also cause hikikomori. The dynamics that occur within the family can cause individuals to feel safer when they are alone and to disconnect from the outside world.

Socio-Cultural Factors

Socio-cultural factors play an important role in the increase in hikikomori cases, especially in countries such as Japan. High academic and social expectations, a competitive education system, and pressures in business life can cause individuals to retreat into their own shells. Social norms and expectations place a heavy burden, especially on young people, triggering fear of failure and social shame.

The pressures created by society may cause individuals to withdraw from society and retreat to home environments where they feel safe. Cultural factors likewise cause individuals to feel excluded and avoid social relationships.

Technological Impacts

The spread of technology and digital media has been effective in increasing hikikomori cases among young people. While digital platforms such as the internet, social media and video games facilitate escape from the real world, they may cause individuals to feel more comfortable in virtual environments and deepen their social isolation. Alternative realities and interactions offered by the digital world can weaken individuals’ social skills and connections with the real world. Technological effects play an important role in the increase of the hikikomori phenomenon and encourage individuals to move away from social life.

What are the Symptoms of Hikikomori?

Hikikomori symptoms include a variety of behavioral and psychological characteristics that seriously impact individuals’ daily lives and social interactions. Detailed explanations of these symptoms are listed below:

  1. Long-Term Stay at Home and Isolation from the Outside World

The most striking of the symptoms of hikikomori is that individuals constantly stay at home for long periods of time and are completely isolated from the outside world. Hikikomori causes the individual to withdraw from society and not leave the house or go to social events, school or work for months or even years. Isolation causes the individual to cut off all connection with the outside world and reduce social skills.

Individuals who choose to stay at home choose to avoid the demands and stresses of the outside world, while also depriving themselves of social and professional opportunities.

  1. Avoiding Social Interaction

Individuals who are hikikomori have limited communication, even with friends and family members. This situation includes avoiding social interaction; It can be observed as avoiding activities, public transportation, and even family meals. Interactions with other people can become a major source of stress for these individuals, causing them to avoid social situations and isolate themselves. Constant avoidance further weakens a person’s social skills and deepens their isolation.

  1. Absence from Education or Work

Individuals in hikikomori status may stop going to school or work. Prolonged isolation can also lead to academic failure or dismissal. It can lead to their educational and professional development being halted and limiting their future career opportunities. Withdrawal from education or employment negatively affects an individual’s self-confidence and independence.

  1. Depression, Anxiety or Other Psychological Problems

Hikikomori is often associated with depression, anxiety and other mental health problems. Psychological conditions can increase an individual’s tendency to isolate and deepen their detachment from the social world. Depression and anxiety can reduce a person’s motivation and interest in life, causing them to become more isolated by avoiding interaction with the outside world.

  1. Neglecting Personal Hygiene and Self-Care

Personal care and hygiene are often neglected among hikikomori. Individuals’ lack of self-care occurs as a result of long-term isolation and causes the individual to lose interest in and care for himself. Neglecting personal hygiene can lead to health problems and further reduce an individual’s self-esteem.

  1. Excessive Internet and Digital Media Use

People with hikikomori often engage in excessive use of the internet and digital media while disconnecting from the real world. Taking refuge in the digital world while trying to compensate for the lack of social interaction can lead to even more isolation. Excessive use of digital media causes the individual to become more disconnected from the real world and spend more time in the virtual world.

General Characteristics of Hikikomori Individuals

General characteristics of hikikomori individuals include experiencing long-term social withdrawal and isolation. These individuals often avoid social interactions, stay at home for long periods of time, and have limited contact with the outside world. Because he/she has difficulties in emotional expression and social skills. Detailed explanations of the general characteristics of hikikomori individuals are as follows:

Social Withdrawal and Isolation

Individuals who are hikikomori tend to shy away from society and social interactions. This situation is observed in individuals as staying at home for long periods of time and having limited communication with the outside world. Social withdrawal leads to a person’s reduced social skills and a life isolated from society. The isolated individual’s ties with the outside world weaken and he becomes lonely. A person’s psychological and physical health may be negatively affected by the isolation process.

Difficulties with Emotional Expression and Social Skills

People with hikikomori have difficulties expressing their emotions and social skills. The problem of inability to express may pose an obstacle in social relationships and interactions. These difficulties in emotional expression and social skills can cause the person to isolate themselves and avoid social situations. It can make it difficult for the individual to express himself and establish healthy relationships with others.

Excessive Internet and Digital Media Use

Individuals who are hikikomori, who tend to disconnect from the real world, often overuse the internet and digital media. Addiction to digital media can further deepen their social isolation. Because excessive use of digital media causes the person to become more disconnected from the real world and spend more time in the virtual world. It can cause a person’s social skills to further decrease and their relationships with the real world to deteriorate.

Neglecting Personal Care and Hygiene

Due to long-term stay at home and isolation, personal care and hygiene issues may be neglected. Neglecting personal care causes a person to lose interest and care for himself and leads to health problems. It also reduces the individual’s desire to engage in social interactions, further reducing their self-esteem.

Psychological Problems

Depression , anxiety, and other mental health problems are common in individuals with hikikomori. Psychological problems can increase an individual’s tendency to isolate and cause them to withdraw further from the social world. The general health and well-being of a person who moves away from the social world is negatively affected.

Problems in Domestic Relations

Communication problems within the family and overly protective or oppressive parental attitudes may be effective in the emergence of hikikomori. It becomes easier for individuals who grow up with problems within the family to disconnect from the outside world and want to isolate themselves from social life.

Failure or Incompatibility in Academic or Business Life

Individuals who experience failure or maladjustment in school or work life may tend to become hikikomori. Failures can encourage an individual’s social withdrawal and isolation. Because failure or disharmony in academic or business life negatively affects the individual’s self-confidence and independence.

How to Treat Hikikomori?

Hikikomori treatment requires a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach, customized to the individual’s needs. During the treatment process, psychological, social and sometimes medications are used together. Treatment; It aims for the individual to reintegrate into society, improve his social skills and cope with his psychological problems. Below are the details of these treatment methods:

Psychological Counseling and Therapy

Psychotherapy or behavioral therapy helps individuals with hikikomori improve their emotional expression and social skills. Individual therapy helps a person understand his or her own feelings and thoughts, increase self-confidence and improve social interaction skills. Behavioral therapies aim to reduce the individual’s anxiety about leaving the house and engaging in social interactions.

Family Therapy

Family therapy is important to strengthen family communication and relationships. Therapy helps family members understand and support each other. It is also aimed at improving family dynamics and interaction patterns. Family therapy can help the individual with hikikomori feel more comfortable in the family environment and reduce their tendency to withdraw socially .

Improving Social Skills

Developing social skills helps hikikomori individuals reconnect with society. This environment can be provided with social skills training, group therapies and activities organized for social interaction. Activities that enable the development of social skills contribute to the individual feeling more comfortable in social environments and improving his interaction skills.

Education and Vocational Rehabilitation

Education and vocational guidance can facilitate the individual’s adaptation to society. Rehabilitation processes such as vocational counseling, re-participation in educational programs and development of job skills enable the individual to be purified from educational or professional failures. Rehabilitative approaches help the individual take a functional role in society and increase self-confidence.

Medical Treatment

A hikikomori individual may receive medical treatment for depression, anxiety, or other mental health problems. Medications prescribed by a psychiatrist help stabilize a person’s mood and reduce psychological symptoms. Medical treatment is often used in conjunction with other therapy methods and is part of an individual’s overall treatment plan.

The treatment process should be customized to the specific situation and needs of the individual with hikikomori. It requires a long-term and patient approach and aims to reintegrate the individual into society


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