Gymnastics for a beautiful and toned face
So that cosmetic gymnastics for the face does not turn into a messy grimace in front of a mirror, it is worthwhile to get acquainted with what the facial muscles are, and then literally analyze your own face and choose the exercises that are most necessary for you – gymnastics for the face.
Facial muscles: gymnastics for the face against wrinkles
The facial muscles are very special. By all accounts, they refer to the striated muscles, that is, the one that should work exclusively according to our will. But they don’t. They obey, rather, not the mind, but the heart, and as soon as our mood changes a little, the facial muscles immediately reflect it on the face. And try to stop laughing when it’s funny!
Every person has habitual muscle clamps, that is, an almost constant tension of certain muscles, which we do not even notice. The facial muscles are no exception. The contraction of the facial muscles usually occurs involuntarily, depending on the involuntarily born emotions. And although emotions are very diverse, we experience some of them more often, while others less often, and this depends on the character, worldview, temperament. Accordingly, each person is most familiar with this or that facial expression.
And facial expression is such a factor, without which the concept of beauty is unthinkable. It affects both facial features and skin condition, and wrinkles are directly related to facial expressions. There are many means to combat them: it is difficult to overestimate in this respect facial massage, some masks have a miraculous effect, there are special anti-wrinkle creams on sale. All this can and should be used, and wrinkles may be smoothed out, but if your face has a certain, familiar expression, then wrinkles will appear again, and in the same places. And it’s also good if this familiar expression is a smile; wrinkles that form when smiling, probably, do not spoil anyone, moreover, several facial muscles interact, which contributes to relaxation of the face. And if your habitual expression is a constant resentment,
What the facial muscles do:
- The frontal muscle works when you open your eyes wide (for example, in amazement), raise your eyebrows and, accordingly, wrinkle your forehead. Therefore, if you are often upset, surprised, in doubt, then you are provided with transverse wrinkles on the forehead.
- The muscle that wrinkles the eyebrow “frowns” the eyebrows (shifts them). This is the so-called muscle of the proud. If you have it (it is not developed in everyone) and if you often experience suffering, then in addition to transverse wrinkles, longitudinal wrinkles may also appear, in the middle of the forehead.
- The muscle lowering the glabellar gap creates vertical folds of the bridge of the nose.
- The circular muscle of the eye lowers the eyebrow and closes the palpebral fissure. She has to work at least every night – close your eyes before bed, and besides, also every time you close your eyes. However, this is not so bad, because at the same time it smooths out the horizontal folds of the forehead, as well as expands the lacrimal sac and makes it possible to cry (or just flush your eyes with tear fluid). True, all the eye muscles are extremely “flimsy”, and they must be handled with particular care when doing a facial massage.
- The muscle that lifts the corner of the mouth, respectively, does this, and also pulls the corner of the mouth to the side.
- The zygomatic muscle lifts and pulls aside the edge of the upper lip, with its help, you can bare your upper teeth, and also laugh. It also creates a nasolabial fold.
- The muscle that lifts the upper lip, in addition to this, also expands the nostrils, bares the upper teeth, and creates a nasolabial fold.
- The muscle of laughter stretches the corners of the mouth to the sides, bares its teeth and actively participates in laughter. In some people, it is so active that it creates pretty dimples on the cheeks.
- The cheek muscle not only inflates the cheeks or, conversely, presses the inner surface of the cheeks against the teeth. Calling her for help, we can spit, blow or smile with a “glued” smile (if necessary for some reason).
- The orbicular muscle of the mouth (it goes around the upper and lower lips in a ring) compresses the lips, pulls them forward, rolls them up with a tube, so without it it would be difficult for us, for example, to whistle (as well as kiss).
- The muscle that lowers the corner of the mouth does exactly this, and it also stretches the corners of the mouth to the side and creates an expression of hopeless sadness on the face. There is still one plus: thanks to it, the nasolabial fold is leveled.
- The muscle that lowers the lower lip can stretch the lower lip and expose the lower teeth, as well as open the mouth. With its help, we can portray an expression of the greatest disgust on our face.
- The chin muscle lifts the lower lip, closes the mouth, and creates a dimple in the chin in some people. Without her, it would have been difficult for us to whistle too (but we would have been able to kiss).
- The neck muscle (platysma) is located in the front of the neck and covers the deeper muscles. It lowers the corners of the mouth and lower jaw when you open your mouth. And then ugly transverse folds form on the neck.
- The chewing muscle is the strongest. Moreover, if it were possible to arrange a competition in strength between all the muscles of the body in general, then the chewing one would be in the group of leaders. She, of course, would not have won the biceps, but she would have left many other muscles far behind.
Go to the mirror and consistently depict on your face: surprise (the eyebrows are raised, the forehead is slightly wrinkled), discontent (the eyebrows are frowned, the lips are pursed), fear (the eyes are widened, the mouth is open), disdain (the nose is wrinkled, the lower lip is protruding). With all these expressions, certain facial muscles are strained. And now, to relax your muscles, picture: thinking about the sublime, quiet joy, a slight ironic smile. And finally, for contrast, complete indifference.
Which of these expressions suits you best? Which is the easiest to depict and which is the hardest? Having determined this, you can choose for yourself individual exercises and over time, very noticeably change your facial features.
Gymnastics for a facelift
The first exercise is smiling. The exercise is extremely difficult, because in most cases a woman in the morning does not want to smile at all, especially if she is over thirty, especially if she did not get enough sleep, especially if she slightly violated the regimen the day before (for example, she drank too much liquid, no matter what, before going to bed) , especially if you have a difficult day, especially if … Actually, does a woman have many reasons to smile in the morning?
And yet, try to make a tremendous effort on yourself and smile at yourself. At first you will be surprised that your face has changed, although this is not surprising: a smile adorns any face. (This, of course, does not refer to a malevolent or contemptuous grin, but you will not smile that way to yourself?) Then you will be surprised even more, because your mood will change noticeably. And this will not be an illusion, there is a completely scientific explanation for this.
Probably everyone knows what feedback is. In our body, the connection of all functions, organs and systems is so complex that it is impossible to strictly distinguish between where the cause is and where the effect is. For many years, you only smiled when you were in a good mood, and vice versa, when you were in a bad mood, a displeased, frowning expression appeared on your face. As a result, a stable associative connection was formed in the brain, working, so to speak, in both directions: a good mood is a smile, and a smile is a good mood. Therefore, if you smile even “forcibly”, it will inevitably improve your mood – the associative connection in the brain is activated.
Now that you are in a relatively good mood, you need to do facial exercises for wrinkles:
- Tilt your head back so that your chin is raised; try to reach the tip of the nose with your lower lip. You certainly won’t succeed, but if you try to do it every day, you won’t have a double chin.
- Inflate your cheeks and release air in jerks, trying not to unclench your lips.
- Take air in your mouth and “roll the ball” up, down, right, left.
- Set the index fingers of both hands near the outer corners of the eyes, and the thumbs on the lower jaw approximately at the level of the outer corners of the mouth; and, not so much stretching, as slightly holding the skin, make such movements with your lips as when pronouncing the sounds “O” – “y”.
- Raise your eyebrows as high as possible and count to five (facial gymnastics strengthens the eyelids).
Day complex
- Take a deep breath through your nose and then exhale evenly through your mouth with your lips relaxed. Repeat 2 times.
- Taking a deep breath through the nose, hold your breath for 1-2 seconds, and then, puffing out your cheeks and closing your lips, exhale the air in jerks (with tension) through your mouth. Repeat 2 times.
- Grab the right cheek with your left hand, with the thumb on the side of the mouth, and the other four fingers on the skin of the cheek. Breathe in through your nose and try to smile at the same time. This will cause the cheek muscles to contract, but you must resist the contraction with the fingers of your left hand and “prevent” the smile. Then exhale calmly through your mouth, opening your fingers. Repeat 2 times for each cheek.
- Inhale through the nose, and press the tongue with force against the inner surface of the gums of the lower jaw. This will contract the muscles of the chin and neck. Exhale evenly through the mouth, relaxing the muscles. Repeat 2 times.
- Inhale through the nose and exhale through the lips extended by the tube, holding the corners of the mouth in place with the fingers of both hands. Repeat 4 times.
- Fixing the left half of the neck with your right hand, take a breath and at this time pull the neck muscles down, and hold the left corner of the mouth in place with your left hand. Exhale through the mouth with the muscles relaxed. Do the same with the right half of the neck and the right corner of the mouth. Repeat 4 times.
- With the index fingers of both hands, press the eyebrows against the frontal bone and try to raise the eyebrows by contracting the muscles of the forehead, but while holding the eyebrows in place with your fingers. Repeat 4 times.
- Put the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands on closed eyes as follows: the index fingers fix, with light pressure, the outer corners of the eyes, the middle – the middle of the eyebrows, and the ring fingers – the inner corners of the eyes. Try to squint your eyes using resistance with your fingers. Repeat 4 times.
- Throw your head back sharply, relax your lower jaw, open your mouth. Then, straining the muscles of the neck, slowly and forcefully close the mouth, pushing the lower jaw forward as much as possible so that the lower lip overlaps the upper one. Repeat the movements until a slight soreness of the muscles of the chin region appears. Facial gymnastics strengthens the muscles in the upper neck, floor of the mouth and chin.