Grapes: Health benefits of these fruits

Grapes (Vitis vinifera) come from the grape plant. Many different types and colors of grapes are available. Grapes are edible as a snack, in curries, in desserts, in salads and so on. These sweet fruits are also known for their numerous uses in medicine and in the production of wine, beverages and other types of food, such as jams and spreads, etc. These popular fruits are packed with important nutrients. Grapes and also grape seeds therefore offer numerous health benefits such as the prevention of constipation, indigestion, fatigue, kidney disease, macular degeneration, among others.

  • Types of grapes
  • Nutrients in grape
  • Treat asthma
  • Strengthen bones
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Treating constipation
  • Control diabetes
  • Preventing cavities in teeth
  • Preventing heart disease
  • Improve skin and hair
  • Increase immunity
  • Relieve indigestion
  • Fight infections
  • Cure migraines
  • Treating kidney disease
  • Prevent eye diseases
  • Reduce cataracts
  • Prevent macular degeneration
  • Reduce risk of Alzheimer’s
  • Reduce fatigue
  • Other health benefits


Types of grapes

There are different colors of grapes, including red, black, purple or blue (Concord), green (to make white wine) and yellow. Although all types of grapes are healthy, red grapes and concord grapes are higher in flavonoids and phytonutrients, including resveratrol. Concord grapes are most commonly used to make grape juice, grape jelly and grape flavoring. Raisins (dried grapes) do not contain as many nutrients as fresh grapes, but they do contain four times the amount of sugar. This is because the dehydrating process condenses the sugars and calories and removes some of the nutrients.

Nutrients in grape

Grapes are a great source of phytonutrients, mainly phenols and polyphenols, and contain other important vitamins such as vitamins A, B6, C and K. Grapes are also rich in thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and folate (folic acid). The minerals potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium are also present in a grape. Grapes have a high water content which helps keep the body hydrated. Furthermore, dietary fiber, healthy carbohydrates, antioxidants and a moderate amount of protein are present in a grape. Flavonoids, such as myricetin and quercetin, found in grapes reduce the damage caused by free radicals and slow down aging.

A portion of 100 grams of raw grapes contains the following nutrients:

  • calcium, Ca: 37 mg
  • protein: 0.81 grams
  • energy: 57 kcal
  • phosphorus, P: 24 mg
  • iron, Fe: 0.26 mg
  • potassium, K: 203 mg
  • carbohydrates: 13.93 grams
  • magnesium, Mg: 14 mg
  • sodium, Na: 1 mg
  • riboflavin: 1.5 mg
  • total lipid (fat): 0.47 grams
  • fatty acids, total trans: 0 grams
  • fiber, total diet: 3.9 grams
  • vitamin A, IU: 67 IU
  • vitamin A, RAE: 3 μg
  • vitamin C, total ascorbic acid: 6.5 mg
  • water: 84.29 grams
  • zinc, Zn: 0.11 mg


Treat asthma

Grapes are useful for treating asthma , a chronic inflammation of the airways in the lungs . In addition, the hydrating power of grapes is also high, which increases moisture in the lungs and reduces asthma attacks.

Strengthen bones

Grapes are rich in micronutrients such as copper, iron and manganese , all of which are important in bone formation and strength. Regularly adding grapes to the diet prevents age-related conditions such as osteoporosis . Manganese is an extremely important element in the body, aiding in protein metabolism, collagen formation and nervous system function.

Lower cholesterol

Grapes contain pterostilbene, which can lower a person’s cholesterol levels. Pterostilbene is closely related to resveratrol, a beneficial antioxidant and flavonoid also found in grapes. In addition, the saponins present in the skin of grapes can enhance the absorption of

prevent cholesterol by binding to it.

Treating constipation

Grapes are very effective in treating and preventing constipation . These fruits are a natural laxative because they contain organic acid, sugar and cellulose. They also relieve chronic constipation by stimulating intestinal muscles and the stomach. Grapes are high in insoluble fiber, which means they remain intact as they move through the digestive tract. Fibers also ensure the formation and excretion of healthy stools. However, if a person is experiencing loose stools or diarrhea , eating grapes is not a good idea. Insoluble fiber does not absorb water to dry out loose stools, and grapes do not have a high content of soluble fiber.

Control diabetes

Some fruits, including grapes, reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in adults.

Preventing cavities in teeth

Red wine and red grape seed extracts may help prevent cavities in the teeth ( tooth decay ).

Preventing heart disease

Grapes increase nitric oxide levels in the blood, which prevents blood clots . Therefore, grapes are an effective way to reduce the risk of heart attacks . Drinking wine mildly to moderately, especially red wine, reduces the risk of heart disease , stroke and blood clots. The antioxidants in grapes prevent the oxidation of LDL (bad cholesterol), which blocks blood vessels and is the main cause of various coronary diseases (coronary artery disease). The two main types of antioxidants in grapes are resveratrol and quercetin. These two compounds also neutralize the effects of free radicals that threaten the body and stimulate the harmful effects of LDL cholesterol on the blood vessels. These two antioxidant flavonoids also reduce platelet clumping and reduce toxins from the blood.

Improve skin and hair

Grape seed oil is rich in antioxidants that help keep skin and hair healthy. It is mainly used in cosmetic products such as facial cream and night serum.

Increase immunity

Red grapes are packed with flavonoids, minerals and also vitamins . The high levels of vitamin C, vitamin K and vitamin A in grapes provide a healthy boost to many organ systems, especially the immune system. This means that a person who regularly eats grapes is less likely to catch a cold .

Relieve indigestion

Grapes play an important role in dyspepsia (indigestion: stomach upset after eating or drinking). They are good for digestion and heal irritation in the stomach.

Fight infections

Red grapes have strong antibacterial and antiviral properties that protect people from infections. Grapes have especially strong antiviral properties against poliovirus and herpes simplex virus . Grape juice tackles bacterial infections in the gut and other body systems.

Cure migraines

Grape juice is an important home remedy to cure migraines . People should drink this early in the morning without adding extra water. Drinking red wine is ironically often a cause of migraines, but grape juice and grape seed extract are a possible solution for this form of one-sided headache that sometimes also produces an aura. There are many causes of migraines, including chemical imbalances, a lack of sleep , changes in weather or nutritional deficiencies. Alcohol generally causes migraines, but grapes have so many antioxidants that they can cause as well as cure the same disease.

Treating kidney disease

Grape seed extract is a polyphenolic mixture with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help treat kidney disease . Grapes with a high water content significantly reduce the acidity caused by uric acid due to the need for people to urinate after eating grapes. They also help remove uric acid from the system, reducing stress and pressure on the kidneys . Red grapes have a very cleansing effect on the body.

Thanks to regular consumption of grapes, it is possible to reduce the risk of age-related eye diseases / Source: Nufkin , Flickr ( CC BY-2.0 )

Prevent eye diseases

Reduce cataracts

Flavonoids in grapes possess antioxidants that reduce and fight the damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals lead to the development of cataracts , macular degeneration and several other age-related eye problems .

Prevent macular degeneration

Red grapes are eye-healthy fruits that are good for the prevention of macular degeneration . Thanks to this type of fruit, it is possible to prevent reduced vision due to aging of the eyes . A grape-enriched diet promotes eye health and prevents sight-threatening retinal diseases . Both grapes and wine contribute to optimal vision.

Reduce risk of Alzheimer’s

Resveratrol, a beneficial polyphenol present in grapes, reduces the levels of amyloidal beta peptides in patients with Alzheimer’s disease . Grapes improve brain health and delay the onset of degenerative neural diseases. Grape juice may even improve brain function in elderly people who already have mild cognitive impairment. However, further studies are needed in October 2020 to determine the exact interaction between grape components and neural systems.

Eating grapes reduces fatigue / Source: Concord90, Pixabay

Reduce fatigue

White grape juice replenishes iron levels in the body and prevents fatigue . Anemia is a real problem for many people. Eating grapes helps to balance iron and mineral levels in the body. A lack of iron in the blood (ferriprieve anemia) causes sluggishness and a dysfunctional mind, because iron is an essential mineral that affects a number of bodily functions. Dark grape juice may not provide a boost in iron and may even lower iron levels. Drinking grape juice also provides an almost instant energy boost.

Other health benefits

Dried grapes or raisins are extremely nutritious and help treat many conditions, including constipation, acidosis (too high acidity of the blood), anemia , fever and sexual dysfunction. Raisins also help people gain weight quickly. Furthermore, raisins are also good for eye health .

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