Grain allergy

The proteins contained in grain can cause allergic problems in some people. Wheat allergy is the most common. Symptoms may appear immediately after eating cereal or a little later. A grain allergy is usually manifested by rashes or itchy skin , or breathing or digestive problems. From a botanical point of view, wheat is classified as a grass, so in people suffering from allergies to grass pollens, a cross-allergy to wheat and other cereals (rye, barley or spelt) in food is often observed.

The possibility of direct sensitization – by inhaling cereal flour – also exists as an occupational risk, for example among bakers. However, pillows with herbal or spelled filling also pose a certain risk of sensitization, as the particles released from them can be unknowingly inhaled during sleep.

Grain also contains allergens that can cause serious allergies . Laboratory diagnostics using the microchip method of determining allergens can help the doctor distinguish between allergens that are more or less dangerous for a particular patient.

What symptoms can occur with a grain allergy?

For people suffering from grain allergies, problems may appear either immediately after consumption or a little later. These are usually rashes or itchy skin , or respiratory or digestive problems may occur . Long-term inhalation of flour dust primarily causes allergic asthma (so-called “baker’s asthma”). Sensitized patients may also develop anaphylactic shock after consuming grain . In addition, physical activity clearly increases this risk. For example, the consumption of wheat bread (which would not trigger any reaction by itself) in combination with subsequent sports activity can result in a dangerous allergic reaction .

You can find more detailed information about allergic problems in the article Allergy: what is it?

Nutrition for grain allergy

Depending on the severity of the allergy, one should avoid grains in the diet and inhaling grain dust.

People suffering from wheat allergy should exclude the following foods from their diet:

  • wheat (whole grain) flour and products thereof,
  • wheat bran,
  • wheat germ oil,
  • wheat beer,
  • malt,
  • various binders and starches .

If the patient notices a cross-allergy to other types of cereals, they should also be avoided. However, only an allergist can make an accurate diagnosis of a true grain allergy . If you have any health problems after consuming cereals or their products, do not try to self-diagnose and contact a specialist – otherwise, if you unjustifiably avoid cereals, you could be at risk of a lack of certain nutrients or malnutrition .

You can find more detailed information about labeling of allergens in the articles Mandatory labeling of foods containing allergens and What the label of a food product tells us .

What to replace cereals in the diet of an allergic person?

People suffering from grain allergies – in most cases wheat allergies – should avoid the triggers of this allergy. For example, the following sources of carbohydrates are offered as an alternative :

  • oat,
  • barley,
  • rye,
  • maize,
  • rice,
  • buckwheat (if not related to wheat),
  • millet,
  • quinoa
  • amaranth.

Spelled and kamut are related to wheat. However, people suffering from wheat allergy often tolerate spelled quite well. An expert should assess whether these types of grain also cause allergic problems.

Wheat allergens are found just below the skin, so people with a mild wheat allergy tolerate white flour relatively well. Here, the lower the type number of the flour, the less husks it contains (e.g. T400 is “selective semi-coarse wheat flour”, while T1800 is “whole wheat flour, coarse”).

Even people suffering from grain allergies can follow the principles of a balanced diet . You can be inspired by the food pyramid , of course taking into account the existing allergy. For example, a qualified nutritional therapist can help you with creating a balanced diet .

First aid measures in case of emergency

If allergy symptoms appear, the treatment is symptomatic . First of all, it is necessary to take appropriate measures to reduce swelling and itching, and, if necessary, to stabilize the cardiovascular system (especially lying down with the legs elevated). People suffering from severe allergies should carry an emergency kit with them at all times , which should contain:

  • adrenaline autoinjector ,
  • antihistamine ,
  • a cortisone-type drug ,
  • inhaler .

Relatives of a person suffering from a food allergy should be trained in the use of emergency medications. In the case of a grain allergy, anaphylactic shock may develop after consuming the allergen in connection with physical activity .


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