Fuchsia: Care, Reproduction, Types


There are nearly a hundred species among the fuchsia varieties whose homeland is mostly South America and Africa. According to some information, it is also said that the flower originated in Mexico. The most important reason why it cannot be grown in our country is the very hot weather in summer.

Since it also likes the coolness among the features of the fuchsia, if you are thinking of looking at this flower, we recommend you to position it in a windy place.

Fuchsia, which is used as an ornamental plant, can remain alive for years after well-maintained and positioned in semi-shade areas that are not too dry. Fuchsia is one of the most beautiful ways to color the balconies in pots.

How to Care for Fuchsia?

  • Although the fuchsia likes light breezes, it is still not very cold tolerant.
  • It will be good not to leave it outside in weather that falls below 10 degrees.
  • As your flower grows, you can switch to a larger pot once a year in the spring.
  • Since it has a structure hanging from the edges due to its fuchsia shape, it is more comfortable in high pots and especially in places that can be hung.
  • As with many potted plants, having a hole in the fuchsia pot will allow excess water to accumulate in the flower pot without harming the plant. You can pour this water by checking.
  • Loose soil is the most suitable soil type for fuchsia irrigation. Care should be taken not to allow the soil to dry out from the heat.
  • If you want your fuchsia to be constantly vibrant, we recommend that you change the soil during repotting. You can also try the supplements that florists will recommend for fuchsia once a year.
  • You can fertilize this manure-loving plant once a week in spring and summer.
  • Fuchsia does not tire you in terms of watering. During the winter, the watering interval can be quite long. You can control the soil moisture in irrigation. The need for water increases in summer.

How to Propagate Fuchsia?

  • The best propagation method for fuchsia is cuttings. After cutting one of the branches of the flower with clean scissors or a knife, you can plant this branch directly into the soil in the new pot. You can start growing your new fuchsia in a semi-shady place like the other.
  • In the propagation stage, the fuchsia is somewhat delicate in the first 2-3 weeks; so try not to move the pot too much and don’t touch the branch too much.
  • Another point to be considered while propagating with cuttings is that the branch you will choose should be among the side branches, healthy and bushy. Thus, the probability of holding the flower increases.

How Is The Rooting Process Of The Fuchsia Flower In Water?

  • If you want to root the earring flower in water, you should choose a young and live earring branch.
  • The branch you choose does not need to be very long, even shorter is better. You can benefit from a 10-15 cm long branch.
  • Then fill a half-liter glass jar with water and put this glass jar in a big bag and tie it up. The rooting process will be easy with this method; because all the branches and leaves of the earring can thus remain moist.
  • You can open the mouth of the bag a little and close it again for light ventilation every 2-3 days.

Types of Fuchsia, Meaning, and Characteristics

  • Although the fuchsia is called fuchsia, which means fuchsia in a foreign language, it was named fuchsia because of its shape in our language. With the influence of its name, the fuchsia flower carries the meanings of cuteness, beauty and elegance.
  • The most important feature of the fuchsia is, of course, its unique appearance. While nearly all flowers open upwards, the fuchsia grows and develops in a pendulous fashion.
  • The fuchsia is also very showy with its tiny leaves and thin antennae-like extensions coming out of the middle.
  • According to a mythological story, it is about the earring of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, which remained in another god, Ares.
  • Ares hangs this earring on his balcony. Since then, the fuchsia, which resembles these earrings, has started to decorate the balconies as a symbol of love.

Why Does the Fuchsia Dry?

  • The dangerous thing for fuchsia flowers, which are very good at keeping their flowers alive and well, is direct sunlight and can cause the flowers to dry out. Therefore, it would be more appropriate to place your fuchsia flower pot in semi-shaded areas.
  • If the soil of the fuchsia, which is exposed to scorching sunlight for a long time, gets too hot, even the roots of the plant can be damaged.
  • It can also dry out due to fuchsia diseases. The biggest enemies of the fuchsia are insects such as sinews and grubs. In fact, one of the reasons he likes the wind is because the wind keeps insects away from them.
  • If you keep your plant in a clean, windy place, you can protect it from insects and prevent possible drying out.
  • It makes it easier to get rid of insects by gently cleaning the leaves of your plant with spray from time to time.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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