Factors causing obesity or weight exceeding the standard

  • Being successful in losing weight You need to know the causes of obesity or being overweight and what actually arises from them. Sometimes proper diet and exercise alone cannot answer the weight loss problem for some people.
  • The problem of not being able to lose weight or obesity is a problem that is caused by many factors. And often it is caused by “genetics”, including certain hormone levels in the body, certain medications, and certain medical conditions.
  • Nowadays, there are special physical examinations for people who are obese to find the true cause and a holistic examination to look at the balance of the body. By a team of expert doctors and nutritionists

Nowadays, people who are obese or overweight are increasingly found both at home and abroad around the world. This obesity condition is dangerous and leads to many other complications such as high blood pressure. High blood fat high blood sugar Osteoarthritis, acid reflux, fatty liver, coronary heart disease, gynecological disease, sleep apnea. and stroke

In fact, There are many people who have lost weight successfully. But have you ever wondered why there are still some people who, no matter how they try, can’t “lose weight”? Did you know that? The problem of not being able to lose weight or obesity is a problem that is caused by many factors. Many times it is caused by an unbalanced level of “hormones” and often it is caused by “genetics”, with genes and chromosomes being the determining factors.

How much is your body weight? to be called weight above the standard

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a value used to measure whether the body is balanced in terms of weight compared to height. It can be used as a screening criteria for adults aged 20 years and over as follows:

BMI international standard (Europe) ASEAN Standard BMI (Asia) Interpretation of results
< 18.5 < 18.5 Weight less than standard
18.5-24.9 18.5-22.9 normal
25-29.9 23-24.9 Obesity level 1
30-34.9 25-29.9 Obesity level 2
35-39.9 greater than or equal to 30 Obesity level 3
greater than or equal to 40 Obesity level 4

Factors causing obesity or weight exceeding the standard

In addition to the factors of diet, lifestyle, exercise, age, including environmental factors. Economy and society, as we know, have an effect on overweight and weight loss, but nowadays it is found that there are other factors as well. That results in weight loss not being as successful as it should be. These factors include:

  1. Genetically
    , some people may have obesity problems where they cannot “lose weight” and abnormalities in the metabolism of certain nutrients. This is the result of genetics or genes being the dominant factor over other environments. It may be the obesity gene inherited from parents who are obese. Or genes in the body may not work properly, such as genes that control satiety. Genes that control abnormal body fat production diabetes genes
    Including the fact that each person’s body has different efficiency in burning fat and turning it into energy. Genetics may therefore affect the amount of fat stored in the body. There are also genetic diseases that clearly cause obesity or an obese body shape, such as Prader-Willi Syndrome https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/prader-willi-syndrome/(Prader-Willi Syndrome) Patients will have symptoms of eating non-stop, binge eating, and slow development.
  2. Some congenital diseases, certain types of medicines, and hormonal imbalances
    Certain physical abnormalities, illnesses, or diseases can affect body weight and obesity, such as a condition where the thyroid gland produces too little hormone, causing hypothyroidism. (Hypothyroidism)results in energy metabolism. The body’s levels can be lower or certain diseases such as Cushing’s Syndrome cause the body to have high levels of the hormone cortisol. As a result, the body accumulates fat in various parts. of the body more than the average person
    Taking some types of birth control pills can cause the body to accumulate more fat than normal people. Antidepressants and steroid medicines as well Including hormonal imbalances in mothers after giving birth or in some people entering menopause. All of these factors make weight loss not as successful as it should be.

Diagnosis of obesity To find out the reason why you can’t lose weight.

The reasons mentioned above are In addition to relying on history taking and physical examination by a skilled doctor. Further laboratory testing is also necessary and indispensable.

  1. genetic testing
    Today’s genetic testing has become more advanced. Seeing a doctor to find out the exact cause is genetic or genetic. Can detect many genes that cause obesity. Including genes that cause patients to feel hungry and eat more food. Especially in those who have been severely obese since childhood. In addition, these patients also have other symptoms, such as abnormalities in hormone levels and the nervous system, etc.
    The discovery of the genetic causes of obesity Leading to the development of drugs used to treat Including nutritional care, physical therapy, exercise. and mental rehabilitation ifgenetic testing is found and it is found that there are abnormal genetics that affect obesity or weight loss, such as abnormal fat or sugar metabolism. or genes that control the production of abnormal body fat You can find treatment or options for losing weight and make a “serious” plan to adjust your “behavior” to fight “genetics”.
  2. Hormone balance test
    Certain hormone levels in the body influence weight loss. Some overweight people mayObese because of resistance to satiety hormones This is caused by higher than normal levels of satiety hormones. The more satiety hormones, Fat cells become more stubborn and do not send fullness signals to the brain. As a result, you will be hungry and continue to eat non-stop. Or, some people may have lower than normal thyroid hormone levels. Therefore causing the body’s energy metabolism to decrease.

obesity treatment

There are many ways to treat overweight or obesity. If the patient has obesity caused by other diseases The doctor will recommend treatment for that disease first, but if you are obese due to the factors mentioned above, Can provide treatment as follows:

  1. Adjusting food intake according to nutritional principles Along with adequate exercise each week. And medicine may need to be used at the doctor’s discretion as well. All of this is in order to help you lose weight. Including reducing the risk of severe complications and serious diseases resulting from obesity. However, methods for treating this obesity group are still mostly being studied and researched. and needs to be further developed in terms of examination methods and treatment
  2. Using weight loss pens
    nowadays, with medical evolution advancing far Therefore, there is an option for those who have problems with being overweight and want to lose weight by using a weight loss pen. Along with diet and exercise To be another option for losing weight in the long term
  3. Taking care of and balancing hormones including holistic body balancing 
  4. Use of weight loss drugs and surgery 

It can be seen that to be successful in losing weight, We should understand our body from the inside first. The causes of obesity or being overweight are Actually, what is the cause? Sometimes proper diet and exercise alone cannot answer weight loss problems for some people. and may lead to giving up and giving up halfway. However, taking care of the body and mind, such as eating the correct food according to nutritional principles Exercising correctly and appropriately Drinking water and getting adequate sleep Making your mind comfortable and not stressed is still the key to good health care. Helps you reach your weight control goals in a stable and sustainable way.

Currently, there is a special physical examination for those who are obese, both a deep genetic examination to find the true cause and a holistic examination to look at the balance of the body. By a team of expert doctors and nutritionists who will serve as your health coach. Click


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