Essentials of Dr. Hay’s theory of split feeding


  • Essentials of Dr. Hay’s theory of split feeding
  • The foods in Dr. Hay’s split meal plan
    • Acidic foods and polysaccharides
    • Proteins and acidic foods
    • Fats and proteins
    • Sugars and proteins
    • Starch and proteins
    • Different types of proteins
    • Sweet foods and starches
    • Milk and other foods
    • Watermelons and cantaloupes with other foods
    • Desserts after a meal
  • Acid-base balance

The theory of compartmentalization views food as a collection of different nutrients that are separated into groups defined by their chemical composition. When these products are combined effectively, they improve digestion, reduce the time required for their absorption and make waste products and harmful substances from metabolism less.

This means that separate feeding is based on the compatibility of individual types of food with an emphasis on their unhealthy combination. One of the founders of this theory is Doctor Hay .

Essentials of Dr. Hay’s theory of split feeding

Doctor Hay believes that products from the protein and carbohydrate groups should not be combined in the food at the same time, because different conditions are needed for their digestion. Proteins require an acidic medium, while carbohydrates require an alkaline medium. Therefore, his recommendation is that vegetables, fruits and milk that increase acidity should be 4 times more in the diet than those that increase acidity in the gastric juice. These are animal proteins, nuts, carbohydrates and citrus fruits.

From the point of view of combining foods, they are divided into 3 types – compatible, partially compatible and incompatible. Mixing incompatible products worsens digestion and creates health problems.

In these scientifically correct situations, however, one must take into account the fact that the human organism has developed its own regulatory systems for centuries, through which it reduces or even eliminates the harmful effect of incompatible foods.

The foods in Dr. Hay’s split meal plan

Acidic foods and polysaccharides

Acidic foods and polysaccharides, such as starch, should not be consumed at the same time. The combination of bread and potatoes, rice and pasta along with acidic fruits or vegetables leaves the starch unprocessed.

Proteins and acidic foods

Protein should not be taken with acidic foods. Combining meat, eggs and fish with vegetables and sour fruits slows down the secretion of pepsin, which is an enzyme that promotes protein digestion. They remain unprocessed, rot and cause problems in the body. Only nuts and cheese are exceptions to this rule because they are digested faster.

Fats and proteins

This combination is harmful because fat interferes with the processing of proteins, suppressing the release of gastric juice. Therefore, combining meat, fish and eggs with animal and vegetable fats is not recommended, unless green leafy vegetables are added, which suppress the negative effect of fats.

Sugars and proteins

Sugars are not processed in the stomach, but in the intestines and have to wait for the processing of proteins in the stomach. Because of this, they ferment. All sugar products, including honey and jams, should be eaten separately so that they do not linger in the stomach, but pass immediately into the intestines.

Starch and proteins

Starches and proteins should never be mixed. An alkaline environment is needed for the processing of starch, and an acidic environment for proteins. Therefore, mixing them makes digestion difficult. Legumes that contain both protein and starch should not be mixed with those that are only starch or protein.

Different types of proteins

Different types of proteins in tandem is also not a good option. Meat and nuts, nuts and eggs, milk and nuts, meat and cheese are not recommended. However, different types of nuts and different types of meat together are not denied.

Sweet foods and starches

Sugar products, sweets and sweet fruits are not good to mix with foods containing starch, because fermentation occurs. Different types of starchy foods are also good to eat together like bread and potatoes or pasta.

Milk and other foods

Milk – fresh and sour, is considered incompatible with other foods. When it enters the stomach, it is crossed and prevents the gastric juice from affecting the rest of the food. Milk with bread and pasta is considered the most harmful. It is best to exclude it from the daily menu altogether.

Watermelons and cantaloupes with other foods

Watermelons and melons individually have a number of benefits for digestion , but combined with other foods such as bread and cheese, as is a common practice in our country, a harmful combination is obtained. Both fruits slow down eating and lead to gas.

Desserts after a meal

The practice of eating something sweet as a dessert immediately after a meal is harmful. Sweets, ice cream, sweet fruits along with other food, prevents its absorption.

These recommendations are made in order to ensure the balance of acids and bases necessary for a healthy diet.

Acid-base balance

Most vital activities of cells take place in an alkaline environment. For them to work well, this environment must be provided through food. A balance can and must be maintained between acids and bases.

If acidic foods exceed 30% of the food, the disease acidosis occurs . Then the kidneys, liver and bile work very hard to flush out the harmful products. This can become the basis for the appearance of diabetes, ulcers, gout, rheumatism and others. All diseases occur in an acidic environment. Therefore, acid-forming foods should be about 1/5 of the total food that is taken daily. A distinction must be made between acid-forming and acidic foods. These are meat, fish, grains, legumes, nuts and mushrooms, which are acid-forming but do not taste sour. The ratio between acidic and alkaline foods should always be 4: 1. For example, a 100-gram steak should be accompanied by 400 grams of vegetables.

Alkaline-forming foods are all fruits, vegetables, potatoes, yogurt, honey, cellulose foods. They are easily digested, quickly excreted and do not burden the body.

Here are some examples of strong and weak acidic and alkaline foods.

– Strong alkaline foods are: raw vegetables and their fresh juices, as well as their broths; most fruits, natural and fruit juices; dried fruits; aqueous extracts of herbs;

– Weak alkaline foods are: cooked green vegetables such as spinach, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, nettles; vegetable soups; cereals, raw fruits such as pumpkin, apple, banana, grapes, citrus fruits, strawberries, raspberries;

– Strong acidic foods are: meat, fish, eggs, processed cheese, yellow cheese, mushrooms, pickles, toasted nuts, raw and roasted peanuts, food preservatives, refined oil, sugar products, pasta products;

– Weak acid foods are: overripe fruits, raw nuts such as hazelnuts and walnuts; green legumes; brewer’s yeast; soy, soy flour and soy products; unrefined vegetable oils; olives; canned vegetables without additives;

– Neutral foods are: vegetable and animal fats, non-starchy vegetables, sprouts and seeds.

Given these situations, it is required to follow a balanced food intake, providing a variety of nutrients. This is done by taking foods from different food groups, but taken under certain conditions. This is how a complete and balanced diet is obtained. It is especially important for people with digestive diseases.


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