Dissatisfaction with your appearance: Reasons and Solution
Dissatisfaction with one’s appearance very often arises in adolescence and young age. Let’s immediately exclude a group of girls and girls aged 14–20 who suddenly begin to worry about their weight (as a rule, quite normal) and strive to lose weight at all costs. They begin to severely restrict themselves in food, calculate calorie content, and pick on products meticulously. Sometimes such restrictions are interspersed with bouts of binge eating, after which vomiting is deliberately induced. Parents, as a rule, do not understand the dangers of what is happening, believing that their girl just started losing weight on the model of top models. They begin to sound the alarm when the girl reaches 35 kg and her periods disappear, that is, when all the signs of dystrophy are present. You need to consult about such girls as early as possible, and better – with a psychotherapist.
Why does a person not like their appearance
Often, dissatisfaction with one’s appearance (for example, imaginary or true fullness) is associated with internal self-doubt, failures in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex. In some adolescent groups, where the issue of leadership is acute, criticism of external data is used to “eliminate” a competitor or to subordinate. For example, a girl, eager for recognition, takes a “fat woman” or “ugly woman” as her friend, assuming that against this background her own appearance will be especially good.
As she grows up, gains experience of communicating with people and understanding herself, the “fat woman” realizes that she is not fat at all, but plump (or, as they say, “in the body”) and that many people like it. In a word, its weight is quite stable and is within the limits of the constitutional norm. You just need to be able to dress in such a way as to remain attractive – that’s the whole task.
The world would be terrible if all women became top models. The current ideas about female beauty – thinness and monotony – are replicated by the media. Women want to please men, and this is quite natural. However, in order to “arrange their life” or “achieve success”, they do not have to strive to meet the standards dictated by fashion.
Dissatisfaction with one’s appearance in most cases is associated with internal insecurity, failures in relationships with members of the opposite sex. In order to “arrange their life” or “achieve success”, people should not at all cost adjust their appearance to any “standards”, regardless of health. A world inhabited by some of the top models would be terrible.
Underweight: dissatisfaction with their appearance and self-doubt
The problem of being underweight also requires great attention. First of all, underweight may be associated with the characteristics of the nervous system. A person emotionally experiences not only negative events, but also the very thought of possible troubles. In this case, you should learn to accept the troubles as they come. The slogan can serve as such a call: “Stop being afraid and start living.” Many people think that if you are underweight you need to use high-calorie fatty foods, but this is not enough. Weight gain in dystrophy occurs due to proteins, so you should pay attention to protein foods – meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products, as well as legumes – a source of vegetable protein.
This does not mean that fatty foods, butter and vegetable oil, vegetables and fruits should be excluded from the diet. On the contrary, weight gain can only be achieved with a good nutritional balance. In the diet of an underweight person, carbohydrates are also of great importance, both complex – starches contained in cereals and potatoes – and simple ones, the sources of which are fruits, dried fruits, honey, vegetables, milk and dairy products. Carbohydrates can be converted to fat. They are involved in protein metabolism (the expression: “Proteins burn in the flame of carbohydrates” is not accidental). People who want to gain weight need motivation as much as people who want to lose it.
First of all, it is necessary to analyze eating behavior and identify the relationship between weight loss and stressful situations. Stress-related weight loss is more common, so it’s worth working through this point carefully.
Underweight people should also exercise, as exercise creates a good mood. Who among us has not experienced joy while sailing? IP Pavlov called it a feeling of muscle joy. If you are underweight, it is also good to do light exercises in the morning, do walking. exercise and sports will only help normalize the condition.
Do not be afraid that during exercise, high energy expenditure can lead to “lean” to even greater weight loss. On the contrary, exercise creates an emotional uplift and increases appetite.
Eating analysis of underweight people often reveals infrequent meals, small portion sizes, low protein diets, and poor balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Often this picture develops against the background of vitamin deficiency, in particular, deficiency of B vitamins, vitamin C and fat-soluble vitamins.
People who want to gain weight need motivation as much as people who want to lose it. It is necessary to analyze your eating behavior, identify the relationship between weight loss and stressful situations, balance the content of essential nutrients in the diet.