• 1️Depression works on 3 levels: body, mind, spirit
  • 2️Physical exercise is very important for dealing with depression.
  • 3️Depression comes from our negative emotions.
  • 4️The most dangerous thing about depression is despondency.
  • 5️Individual work with depression
  • 6️Training the mind as a way to get rid of depression and be happy
  • 7️Demanding leads to depression
  • 8️To deal with depression, it is important to review your life.
  • 9️The right reaction to the world– prevents problems
  • ????Learn to enjoy the little things
  • Diet
  • Conclusion

Depression is a consequence of frequent stress and the lack of opportunity for the so-called emotional “release”. For this reason, a person loses some of his energy and the ability to withstand even the most insignificant experiences. All this is a shortcut to depression . The task in such a situation can only be to accumulate energy and rest, which will help you forget about stress. This is the only way to get yourself out of depression. We offer you 10 principles that will definitely help.

1Depression works on 3 levels: body, mind, spirit

To get rid of depression effectively, you need to work on each of the three levels. This is explained by the fact that they are interconnected, mutually reinforcing or weakening. You need to start by choosing a specific goal in life that will push you to move. The more significant this activity, for example, charity or community service, the faster the replenishment of energy reserves will be.

It is best to find an activity that will help you connect the three levels: body, mind and spirit. An excellent practice in this regard is yoga, which activates all the senses and awakens vitality. It is very important not to forget about the frequency of exercises. So, the more time you spend on yoga, the faster you will come out of depression. The body has to let go to get into a certain rhythm and not get out of it. It is recommended to do what you love at least 2-3 times a week.

2Physical exercise is very important for dealing with depression.

There is nothing more important and useful than physical exercise. They provide an opportunity to activate the body, which has a positive effect on the emotional state. After all, all this is interconnected, making up one organism. Desirable physical exercises to overcome depression include:

  • swimming;
  • cycling;
  • fitness;
  • dances;
  • yoga.

All these practices are good because they don’t give you time to think about the negative side of life. In addition, they give strength because they push a person to constantly improve themselves and their capabilities. In this way, physical exercise perfectly combines all three levels mentioned earlier.

3Depression comes from our negative emotions.

Negative emotions are feelings such as envy, resentment, or guilt. To one degree or another, they are present in the life of every person, but not everyone experiences depression . If they appear, then it is necessary to find out why exactly this happened. Then you have to fight this factor exclusively by cutting off unnecessary layers of information. Of course, this cannot be done without the help of a qualified psychologist. However, in the early stages it is quite possible to deal with this yourself.

4The most dangerous thing about depression is despondency.

The world around each of us is a reflection of our thoughts, desires and needs. When a person is sure that everything around him is bad, despondency develops. When it is in a prolonged form, it leads to depression . There is only one way to overcome despondency – to use willpower, forcing yourself to think exclusively about the good and act, constantly doing something useful.

5Individual work with depression

Psychologists recommend wishing each person happiness for just 5 minutes every day, morning and evening. Benevolence to others, kindness and openness will help you find peace of mind. This will help you get out of the depression with minimal losses.

Such people who are truly well intentioned never face this harmful condition. Self-employment with depression also implies a hobby that will not only be regular, but also give a person the opportunity to develop. We can talk about taking pictures, attending all kinds of courses and much more. It will be just as useful to get an energy boost by walking in the fresh air, outside the city.

6Training the mind as a way to get rid of depression and be happy

It is very important to train your mind, because the emotional mood of a person depends on it alone. So it is necessary to tune in a positive way, because only thoughts are the determining criterion of the psychological state.

7Demanding leads to depression

Man is a demanding being, confident that everything must happen in accordance with the rules he has established. At the same time, this is what creates expectations in each of us that may not be realized. This creates a kind of psychological funnel: resentment, aggression and anger accumulate there. All this leads to depression or at least a constant bad mood.

To avoid this, you need to learn to act in accordance with simple rules:

❇️Perform your duties without expecting anything in return from anyone;
❇️Everything that happens, like the past and the future, must be perceived with love;
❇️Achieving your goals is necessary, but in no case should you resort to extreme measures.

Thus, the key to overcoming depression is to stop waiting for someone or something. Such processes only waste mental and energy reserves that are necessary to maintain emotional and physical health. Demanding life will not make it easier, because everything will happen as it happens, regardless of thoughts and experiences. Therefore, there is no point in wasting time and nerves on this.

8To deal with depression, it is important to review your life.

One effective way to get rid of depression is to take stock of your life. It will be necessary to do a lot in this regard: from rethinking your life: reevaluating values ​​to getting rid of the burden that pulls a person down. To make this stage much easier and faster, you can seek help from a psychologist. Group therapy works great. It is very important to pay attention to this stage, so that after some time new energy will appear, which will be directed to change the life situation. Without it, getting out of depression is simply impossible.

9The right reaction to the world– prevents problems

Without following this point, depression will return again and again. It is necessary to respond adequately to the world around each of us. It’s not just about optimism, it’s about realizing your true self. It is necessary to “look at the very root”, to see the essence of the problems: psychological, career. This will help you deal with them and soberly assess your chances. I want to point out that many people take anti-depressants. It does relieve the depression for a while, but then it comes back again because such remedies only treat the symptoms, not the depression itself. In this regard, taking antidepressants is extremely undesirable.

????Learn to enjoy the little things

It seems that joy should appear by itself, but in practice it turns out to be completely different. It’s hard to be happy about the new day. A new task at work – hence the depression. Therefore, you need to change yourself and your approach to life. It is necessary and very important to learn to enjoy every little thing, to enjoy communication and other things that seem everyday.

This is perhaps the most important thing – to enjoy what already exists or will soon be. You shouldn’t become apathetic because something didn’t work out, but you shouldn’t give up on this endeavor either. As long as a person is alive, he has everything to achieve his goals and enjoy not only this process, but also the result.


How is nutrition related to mood? However, this connection exists because the supply of all the necessary components of the body ( vitamins, minerals ) through food is the most important component of health, and therefore of mood. To avoid depression, you will need to include in your menu a significant amount of foods such as vegetables, fruits and freshly squeezed juices. For example, bananas contain a huge amount of endorphins, which are responsible for happiness.


So getting out of depression on your own is more than possible. For this purpose, it is important to follow each of the 10 principles presented above and, if necessary, contact a specialist.


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