Dengue type 3 occurs again in Brazil. Should I be worried?

As mentioned, dengue type 3 is one of the virus serotypes that cause the infection. Each one has specific genetic characteristics, which provoke a unique reaction from the immune system. two

Thus, even if the disease and symptoms are the same, the immunity acquired through the creation of antibodies does not transfer from one to the other. two

What are the dengue serotypes?

In total, the dengue virus is divided into four different serotypes, which are classified as follows 3 :

  • DENV-1;
  • DENV-2;
  • DENV-3;
  • DENV-4.

When a person contracts the disease, they acquire immunity for a prolonged period. However, only for the type of virus responsible for the infection. For example, a person with the DENV-1 serotype will have antibodies against the variant and will not contract it again. 3

However, it can still be infected by other dengue serotypes.  3

What is the strongest type of dengue?

Among the dengue serotypes, it is not possible to say that one is stronger than the other. Despite the difference in genetic code, everyone has the same chance of causing classic dengue fever at the first infection. However, when a person gets dengue fever for the second time, they may suffer from a case of dengue hemorrhagic fever, which is more serious. 3

Why is the resurgence of dengue serotype 3 a concern?

The concern about the return of dengue serotype 3 is justified by the lack of antibodies to this type of virus among the general population. As the disease is transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito when it bites an individual with the virus and then a healthy person, the probability of a new epidemic is greater under these conditions. 1

For those who have never had dengue, there is a greater chance of experiencing classic dengue fever, which poses a health risk, but is considerably more manageable. two

Anyone who has been previously infected and contracts the disease from a new serotype can develop dengue hemorrhagic fever, which is much more severe. two

Thus, we can establish two main warnings for the resurgence of dengue 1 serotype 3 :

  1. due to the low presence of antibodies to dengue type 3 in the population, there is a greater risk of an epidemic of the disease;
  2. The probability of developing dengue hemorrhagic fever is greater in a second infection with the virus, due to a more aggressive response from the immune system to eliminate the pathogen.

What are the symptoms of type 3 dengue fever?

As mentioned, the symptoms of type 3 dengue fever follow the classic picture of the disease, which can cause 3 :

  • fever above 39 ºC;
  • pain in the body and joints;
  • headache and pain behind the eyes;
  • extreme fatigue;
  • loss of appetite;
  • reddish spots.

The case starts suddenly and usually lasts between 3 and 7 days. The first 72 hours may be more critical, with gradual improvement after this initial phase of infection. two

In more serious conditions, including cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever, the following symptoms may also occur 2 :

  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • vomiting;
  • accumulation of liquids;
  • bleeding in mucous membranes, including the mouth, nose and gastrointestinal system.

Prevention: actions to combat dengue

The main way to combat dengue is to prevent transmission. To do this, it is recommended to try to eliminate breeding sites for the Aedes aegypti mosquito , which uses stagnant water to lay and develop its eggs. 3

In this context, 3 is recommended :

  • keep reservoirs and water tanks always well covered, if possible with the addition of screens under the main cover;
  • avoid throwing garbage in vacant lots;
  • correctly dispose of recyclable materials, such as packaging, bottles, old tires and other items;
  • keep bottles stored upside down outdoors;
  • put sand in dishes under potted plants;
  • use repellent and personal protective measures, especially when living in or traveling to a region with a high risk of transmission.

To date, there is no effective vaccine to prevent the first dengue infection. Vaccination is best suited to avoid contamination for the second time, using the CYD-TDV (Dengvaxia) vaccine. two

How to treat type 3 dengue fever?

There is no specific treatment for dengue type 3 or any other serotype of the disease. In general, care serves to alleviate symptoms and preserve the body, helping the immune system to produce antibodies and fight the pathogen. two

Initially, rest, hydration and a nutritious, light diet are essential, as they prevent dehydration and weakening of the body. two

To reduce fever and body aches, you can use anti-flu medications with antipyretic and analgesic effects, containing dipyrone or paracetamol, for example.  two

It is not recommended to use drugs from the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory class, such as ibuprofen and acetylsalicylic acid, as they increase the risk of bleeding. two

This way, you can count on Benegrip’s anti-flu line to reduce discomfort in cases of dengue. In the traditional version, the tablets contain dipyrone, while the Multi Day and Night versions are made with paracetamol. 4


Type 3 dengue is a serotype that has not been confirmed in Brazil for a long time. It took around 15 years without its circulation, meaning that the portion of the population with antibodies specific to the subclass decreased.

The risk of a new dengue epidemic, due to this resurgence, is high and worrying, mainly due to the threat of hemorrhagic fever in cases of reinfection.

To avoid this risk, it is vital that everyone does their part to eliminate breeding sites for the transmitting mosquito.


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