COVID-19: dietary supplements during a pandemic

Dietary supplements are special types of food that are intended to supplement the body  significant substances. These substances are found in some common foods, but are often not contained in sufficient quantities in our diet. These are mainly  and  , which are important for maintaining and strengthening health, especially  . It plays an important role in protection against  and the subsequent disease  (as well as other types of infection), or in mitigating the course of an already established disease.

Among the most important substances that can significantly support your  are  ,  and  .


If your diet is not rich in natural sources of vitamin C, i.e. vegetables and fruits, we recommend adding vitamin C in the form of  . The recommended intake of vitamin C for adults is 100 mg per day. Under certain circumstances, for example during heavy physical exertion, long-term psychological stress and some diseases (including  ), the need for vitamin C can be increased.

On our market, there is a wide range of food supplements with vitamin C containing the daily recommended dose of 100-500 mg of vitamin C. Such an amount is sufficient to supplement your diet and there is no need to increase it further.

Vitamin D

The group of vitamin D consists of many  , which are referred to as  . Experts distinguish between  , or 2 , which is contained in foods of plant origin, and  , or 3 , which is found in foods of animal origin.

The human body is able to synthesize vitamin D 3 with the help of  in  . However, this ability of the organism is affected by various factors and is greatly limited in old age. It turns out that most people, especially the elderly, are deficient in vitamin D. A replacement in the form of a dietary supplement, especially during  , is therefore completely appropriate.

The recommended daily intake of vitamin D is 10-15 µg per day. We usually cannot reach such a quantity with ordinary foods: the source of vitamin D is mainly fatty fish and  , which are usually not represented very much in our diet.

Food supplements with vitamin D in the amount of 5-25 µg in the daily recommended dose can be purchased on our market. We do not recommend dietary supplements with a higher amount of vitamin D than 25 µg per day, as an amount of up to 25 µg is considered sufficient for healthy people, and higher doses could already burden the organism. We recommend focusing on dietary supplements, in which the source of vitamin D is fish oil, which, in addition to vitamin D, also contains  , substances important for the body’s defenses.


Zinc performs a number of specific functions in the body and plays an important role in the human  system. The human body does not have large reserves of zinc that could be used in the event of a deficiency, therefore it is necessary to continuously receive zinc in food. The source of zinc is beef, pork and poultry, eggs, milk and cheese. The recommended daily dose of zinc for adults is 10 mg per day , but the highest tolerable daily dose for zinc is 25 mg.

A number of dietary supplements with zinc appear on our market with a recommended daily dose of 10-25 mg. However, for long-term use, we recommend dietary supplements with a zinc content of only 10-15 mg in a daily dose. Higher doses unnecessarily burden the organism and can be risky.

How to choose a suitable dietary supplement?

We recommend buying dietary supplements at a pharmacy, where you can consult with  about the most suitable product with regard to your state of health and the use  or other dietary supplements.

If you shop online, we recommend using e-shops of Czech or well-known food supplement manufacturers.

What preparations to watch out for during the coronavirus epidemic?

A number of food supplement manufacturers are abusing the situation surrounding the current  and offer various food supplements to prevent or treat  infection , or the disease  . These food supplements often already have words like “covid”, “virus” etc. in their name. In addition, they contain various false medical claims either directly on the label or in the advertisement, promising protection against infection with the new coronavirus, or even its easy cure.

We strongly warn against such products. They promise miraculous effects for a lot of money. If you have any doubts about the dietary supplement you have decided to purchase, contact the  .

A final word

Here, we draw attention to only three substances that can support the body’s defenses, although it is widely known that there are a number of such substances. However, we consider vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc to be the most basic.

 provides the body with the necessary vitamins and  . If such a way of eating is not possible for various reasons (necessity  , some diseases), then supplementation  significant substances is reasonably appropriate. The same is true in cases where the human organism faces excessive physical or psychological stress that the coronavirus epidemic can bring.


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