Cocoa Day: 5 ice cream recipes to celebrate the date

On March 26th, Cocoa Day is celebrated, the main raw material for chocolate. Being used in the preparation of cakes, shakes and even ice creams, chocolate is the favorite of many people.

To celebrate this day, Snowfruit brought 5 chocolate ice cream recipes to celebrate the date. Good reading!

Table of Contents

  • What is the origin of National Cocoa Day?
  • 5 combinations of chocolate and ice cream to celebrate the date!
    • Brownie with ice cream
    • Petit Gateau 
    • Grand Gateau 
    • Ice cream pudding with chocolate sauce 
    • Chocolate ice cream pave

What is the origin of National Cocoa Day?

National Cocoa Day was created by former Espírito Santo deputy Atayde Armani in the early 2000s with the aim of promoting the work of cocoa farmers in Espírito Santo and Bahia.

At the end of the 80s, Brazil was one of the main cocoa producers in the world, reaching 2nd place in the global ranking during the period. However, in the 1990s, southern Bahia was ravaged by a pest known as Witches’ Broom, which decimated almost all plantations in the region.

Currently, the country practically does not export cocoa, as production is not enough to supply the entire domestic market. Therefore, the date is a great way to discuss technologies to expand fruit production.

5 combinations of chocolate and ice cream to celebrate the date!

A great combination with chocolate is ice cream! The combination of the creaminess of the ice cream with the richness and smoothness of the chocolate creates a synergy of flavors and textures that pleases the palate. With that in mind, we brought you some chocolate and ice cream recipes to celebrate the date!

Brownie with ice cream

A classic recipe is brownie with ice cream. Its dense and soft texture contrasts with the creaminess of the ice cream, creating a pleasant experience. Would you like to see the ingredients?

  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 150g of butter;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1/2 cup of wheat flour;
  • 250g semi-sweet chocolate;
  • 100g of walnuts;
  • vanilla ice cream or other ice cream of your choice;
  • chocolate sauce for ice cream.

To make the brownie, the first step is to mix the sugar and butter until it becomes a light cream. Then add 2 egg yolks, 1 whole egg, flour and mix well. Remembering that it is important to save the egg whites, as they will be used in the following steps.

After that, melt the chocolate and add it to the dough along with the chopped nuts. Beat the remaining 2 egg whites and lightly incorporate them into the dough. Place the dough in a small, greased rectangular shape and bake for approximately 40 minutes at medium temperature.

When cool, cut the brownie into squares and serve with ice cream. One tip is to use chocolate syrup to decorate however you prefer.

Petit Gateau

Known as “little cake”, petit gateau is another classic ice cream dessert. The recipe consists of a fluffy cupcake that has a melted and creamy chocolate sauce inside. Its main ingredients are:

  • 200 grams of semi-sweet chocolate;
  • 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 yolks;
  • half a cup of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of wheat flour.

Melt the chocolate with the butter in a bain-marie and set aside. In the mixer, place the eggs, yolks and sugar, making a light cream. Then add the chocolate with the wheat flour and mix.

After that, transfer the mixture to molds greased with butter and floured. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees Celsius for 6 to 10 minutes. Unmold while still hot and serve with ice cream. A tip for knowing the doneness of the petit gateau is when the center is still soft.

Grand Gateau

If you are looking for a different version of the conventional petit gateau, the grand gateau is a delicious option. Its ingredients are:

  • 250g chopped semi-sweet chocolate;
  • 200g melted butter;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons of wheat flour;
  • margarine for greasing;
  • chocolate powder for sprinkling;
  • Snow Prime Gato Preto popsicles ;
  • chopped strawberries, Brazil nuts or walnuts for decoration;
  • 250g melted semi-sweet chocolate;
  • 1 box of cream.

The first step is to melt the chocolate in a bain-marie or in the microwave. After that, mix the butter until smooth. Add the eggs, yolks and mix with a spoon or hand whisk. Add the sifted sugar and flour, and mix gently until combined.

Then, grease and sprinkle with chocolate an oven-proof dish and pour the dough, leaving 1 inch from the edge. Bake in a high, preheated oven for 8 minutes or until a crust forms on the surface.

Remove from the oven and dip the popsicle into each bowl. Drizzle with the mixed syrup ingredients, decorate with strawberries, chestnuts or walnuts and serve immediately.

Ice cream pudding with chocolate sauce

Another delicious recipe that is great for beating the heat is an ice cream pudding recipe with chocolate sauce. The ingredients to make are:

  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • the same size as the can, of regular whole milk;
  • 3 yolks;
  • egg whites;
  • 1 small box of cream;
  • 1/2 cup of milk
  • 8 tablespoons of chocolate powder.

In a small pan, make a syrup by boiling 1/2 cup of milk with the chocolate powder. Turn off the heat and pour this syrup into the pudding mold, with a hole in the middle, and set aside.

In another pan, heat the condensed milk, milk and 3 egg yolks. Stir constantly until it thickens for approximately 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and add the cream, mix well.

After that, beat the egg whites, being careful not to form peaks. Mix the egg whites into the cream and mix well. Place the dough in the reserved pudding mold, cover with plastic wrap and place in the freezer for at least 3 hours. Unmold and serve.

If you want to know more ice cream pudding recipes, Snowfruit created content bringing some more options. Read on to learn more!

Chocolate ice cream pave

Another option is a chocolate ice cream pavé. Because it’s customizable, the ice cream pavé allows you to use different flavors of ice cream, cookies and syrups to create unique and delicious combinations. Would you like to know this recipe?

  • 6 tablespoons of chocolate powder;
  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 250g fresh cream;
  • 150ml warm milk;
  • ready-made whipped cream to taste;
  • Champagne cookies.

Start by dissolving the chocolate powder in warm milk. In a blender, add the condensed milk, cream and the mixture of milk and chocolate. Beat everything for about 3 minutes.

After that, place it in a mold and place it in the freezer for 30 minutes. Make a layer with the cookies and return to the freezer for at least 4 hours or until very firm. Then, unmold the pavé, decorate with whipped cream and sprinkle with chocolate powder.


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