Chia Pudding

Chia Pudding

Chia pudding, also known as chia seed pudding, is not only tasty but also very healthy. Chia seed is therefore counted among the superfoods. It has a number of health benefits but be aware, also possible side effects.
Check out the pros and cons and how to prepare the best chia pudding.

Chia seed, what is it anyway? This is a black seed from the Mexican chia plant (Salvia hispanica). This plant belongs to the mint plants.

Chia seeds are small and black and resemble poppy seeds. However, it is not the same as chia seeds have some interesting health benefits.

The health benefits of chia seeds (and chia pudding)

Chia seed contains a lot of nutrients, including proteins and omega 3 fatty acids. Omega-3 is known to reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
It slows down the conversion of carbohydrates to glucose. As a result, the body produces less insulin. Chia seed is therefore a superfood that balances blood sugar levels. Finally, chia seeds would reduce the risk of osteoporosis. This seed thus slows down the aging process.

Okay, so super healthy! Time to make your own chia pudding or chia seed pudding.

What does chia pudding taste like?

What does chia pudding actually taste like? Chia seeds have little taste by themselves. It is the extra ingredients that provide the taste. So you decide how tasty chia pudding will be.

Basic Chia Pudding Recipe

Chia pudding is delicious for breakfast, lunch or snack. For a basic recipe you will need:

  • Three tablespoons of chia seeds
  • 250 milliliters almond milk or coconut milk
  • Half a teaspoon of vanilla extract

Mix the milk with the chia seeds and the vanilla extract.
Stir vigorously to make a smooth pudding.
Let it stand for five minutes and stir again.
Are there some lumps in the pudding? Stir well.
Cover the chia pudding and refrigerate. Leave it here for about 2 hours.
The chia pudding is now ready to use.

Add extra flavor or ingredients? Then read on.

Chia pudding with a taste

The above recipe for chia pudding may have little taste. However, you can add anything to it, this makes it extra festive and tasty. Just think of one of the following ingredients:

  • Blueberries
  • strawberries
  • Apple
  • Banana
  • nuts
  • Honey
  • Maple syrup
  • cornflakes
  • muesli

You can see that it is best to add a lot to your pudding. Let your imagination run wild and experiment with different ingredients.

It is recommended to choose natural ingredients such as fruit or nuts. This way you ensure a healthy breakfast (or snack). It is better not to add sugar, this provides a lot of calories and has no nutritional value. Sugar is nothing but a fattener.

Grind Chia Seeds first

It is often advised to grind the chia seeds first. Why is this anyway? This would allow the Omega 3 fatty acids to be released better. Whether this is really the case cannot (yet) be proven.

Chia Seed Side Effects

Chia seeds can have a number of side effects. This product is known for its blood-thinning effect. People with high blood pressure often take antihypertensive drugs. In this case, chia seeds should be avoided. This also applies when using diuretic medication.

Known side effects of chia seeds include diarrhea, flatulence and sometimes an allergic reaction. It is not known what the effect is during pregnancy. It is therefore better for pregnant women not to consume chia seeds for a while.


Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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