Carbohydrate low diet: how to easily eat low-carbohydrates


Carbohydrate low diet is that still possible with all the added sugar and highly refined raw materials? The additional carbohydrates not only damage our health, they are also unwanted fattening foods. FOODS TREND reveals 10 helpful tricks on how to easily eat low-carbohydrates.

Table of Contents

  1. Eat low in carbohydrates – without white flour
  2. Eat vegetables that are low in carbohydrates
  3. Drink water to cut down on carbohydrates
  4. Rely on healthy sources of protein
  5. The breakfast egg: the ideal start to the day
  6. Reduce carbohydrates through healthy fats
  7. Take a look at the nutritional information
  8. Calorie counters support low-carbohydrate eating
  9. Watch your sugar intake
  10. Dairy products usually contain a lot of sugar


1. Eat low-carbohydrates – without white flour

Most types of bread and baked goods are largely made from white flour . Fried foods or Wiener Schnitzel are often wrapped in white flour breading and accordingly contain a lot of carbohydrates.

Stay away from white bread and Co.

Especially white bread made from refined wheat grains consists of almost three quarters of carbohydrates and contains only a few vitamins and minerals.

In addition, the proportion of indigestible and therefore longer filling fiber is negligible. This nutrient composition has a negative impact on health and especially on weight.

Even reaching for wholesome rye or whole wheat bread does not help to reduce carbohydrates. A slice of rye bread (50 grams) contains up to 23 grams of carbohydrates. However, rye flour contains more vitamins and minerals.


All types of bread contain a lot of carbohydrates due to the high proportion of flour. Low-carbohydrate bread consists of protein-rich seeds and grains.

Rely on low-carbohydrate flours

Enjoying healthy bread and eating low-carbohydrates at the same time still works. Nuts and seeds are also available as flour and contain hardly any carbohydrates – but many valuable micronutrients.

For example, 100 grams of almond flour contains less than six grams of carbohydrates, 100 grams of coconut flour contains around 17 grams.

It is easy to bake low-carbohydrate breads and conjure up delicious breadcrumbs. Another advantage: almond flour and Co. are completely gluten-free. People with gluten intolerance can benefit from this.

For some recipes, changing the type of flour takes a little practice. The lack of gluten and its binding function can have a negative effect on the texture of the dough. The dough may not bind sufficiently, so it will not rise and will quickly lose moisture.

With almond and coconut flour you can bake wonderful muffins and pancakes. Or you can give fish, meat and vegetables a delicious, nutty breading. This is how low-carbohydrate food works.


Almond and coconut flour are low-carbohydrate flour alternatives that are ideal for breading or baking.

2. Eat vegetables that are low in carbohydrates

All vegetables contain many valuable nutrients that are particularly important not only during a low-carbohydrate diet. The high content of phytochemicals,  for example, protects against many diseases through its antioxidant effect.

And yet there are differences! With the right choice of vegetables, you can absorb all the nutrients and also reduce carbohydrates. We are talking about non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli,  kale, savoy cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes or peppers.

Certain root vegetables such as carrots, beets, sweet potatoes  and legumes such as peas, beans and corn contain a slightly higher carbohydrate content due to their starch content.

This can even be used to reduce carbohydrates in restaurants. Just order a serving of salad instead of the usual potato side dish.


In order to eat low-carbohydrates, you should avoid starchy vegetables such as potatoes, beans and the like and choose low-carbohydrate vegetables instead.

3. Drink water to reduce carbohydrates

Soft drinks, lemonades and fruit juice drinks have one thing in common: They contain a lot of added sugar, which significantly increases the risk of insulin resistance. Excessive consumption also promotes type 2 diabetes and obesity.

The amounts of sugar are empty carbohydrates that do not satiate the body. A large glass of sugary lemonade contains 27 grams of carbohydrates, and 250 milliliters of iced tea are not exactly low in carbohydrates at 17 grams.

And what about fruit juices? Even with the “100 percent fruit” label, they have a high carbohydrate content due to their fructose content.

If you want to eat low in carbohydrates, it is better to have a glass of water. You can easily give the drink a refreshing taste with a slice of organic lemon or cucumber.

For a low-carbohydrate iced tea alternative, simply let unsweetened fruit tea cool down.


Sugary drinks and fruit juices are high in carbohydrates. By avoiding these, it is very easy to reduce carbohydrates.

4. Rely on healthy sources of protein

Good quality protein sources can help reduce carbohydrate intake during a diet. Because protein has a very satiating property and stimulates the synthesis of the satiety hormone PYY, which quickly suppresses hunger and thus prevents cravings.

In addition, a protein-rich diet prevents the breakdown of muscle mass.

Food proteins also have a very beneficial composition for the weight loss process. Because the body needs much more energy for metabolism than for carbohydrates or fats. This effect is called food-induced thermogenesis. The metabolism is stimulated and additional calories are burned.

Eating one serving of the following protein-rich foods with each meal makes it easy to eat low-carb:

  • lean red meat
  • poultry
  • Fish, for example, salmon or cod
  • Eggs
  • Nuts, for example, almonds
  • Quark
  • grained cream cheese

Editor’s tip: The large selection of protein-rich products at  foodspring shows that a high-protein diet can be very simple:


By consuming healthy sources of protein, you stimulate your metabolism and, thanks to the filling properties, prevent cravings.

Eat low-carb snacks between meals

Low-carbohydrate and high-protein snacks are not only much healthier than chips, chocolate and the like, but also make you feel more full thanks to their high protein content. You will be less hungry for the next meal and will automatically eat up to 100 kilocalories less.

These  protein-rich snacks  can make eating low-carb easier and help you lose weight:

  • Almonds
  • peanuts
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Hazelnuts
  • Pecans
  • Walnuts
  • low-fat cheese

Even dietitians Benjamin Foks recommends protein-rich snacks in food cravings: “protein-containing meals can curb appetite may It is important to avoid products containing sugar, which increase insulin secretion In cravings can have a handful of nuts dampen the appetite and the absorption of important minerals.. favor. ”


25 to 30 grams of nuts or low-fat cheese is a healthy, low-carb snack between meals.

5. The breakfast egg: the ideal start to the day

Especially during breakfast, many eat very carbohydrate-rich foods, which usually consist of a lot of added sugar. 50 grams of muesli alone contain up to 27 grams of carbohydrates – before you add milk.

Here, you can easily reduce carbohydrates with protein-rich foods like eggs.

Eggs are especially good for a low-carb breakfast. An egg of size M has a protein content of six grams and only 0.5 grams of carbohydrates.

Here, too, the high protein content ensures a strong feeling of satiety and prevents hunger from returning quickly. In this way, you automatically consume fewer kilocalories as the day progresses.


Eggs are an easy way to reduce your carbohydrate intake at breakfast and later in the day.

6. Reduce carbohydrates through healthy fats

A low-carbohydrate diet consists of protein and fat-rich foods. Two particularly healthy fats are virgin coconut oil and extra-virgin olive oil. When used correctly, they have health promoting properties that can aid in weight loss.

Due to the high content of saturated fatty acids, coconut oil is very heat-stable and is particularly suitable for cooking and frying.

The fatty acid profile is largely made up of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which can support fat loss in the abdomen and a stable HDL cholesterol level. In addition, they decrease appetite.

Extra-virgin olive oil contains many unsaturated fatty acids, which can lower blood pressure and ensure healthy cell function. However, the oil is not suitable for frying as it does not withstand high temperatures well.

The positive effect on arterial function can also prevent weight gain.


Using healthy fats while on a low-carbohydrate diet helps the weight loss process and promotes health. Extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil are two healthy examples.

7. Take a look at the nutritional information

Probably the easiest way to reduce carbohydrates is to shop carefully. Simply turn the food packaging over and look at the nutritional information on each product. This is how you can spot carbohydrate traps.

Choose foods that are high in protein or high in fiber. Find out what you in a high-fiber nutrition g  should look for.


By looking at the ingredients of the food, carbohydrates can be reduced when shopping.

8. Calorie counters support low-carbohydrate eating

Fitness trackers are useful tools to quickly and easily get an overview of the nutritional values ​​you have taken. Whether as an app for smartphone and tablet or online – you can calculate your carbohydrate intake faster than with any pocket calculator.

The programs are designed to be so simple that you can quickly document every snack or, if you are tempted to have a  snack , the food directly. The calories you eat are conveniently broken down into macro and micronutrients, which can help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Programs such as MyFitnessPal, YAZIO calorie counter or FatSecret access a large food database. If a product is not saved, it can easily be added yourself in just a few steps.

You can even store the nutritional values ​​of your own dishes. However, this function may lead to incorrect information.

If possible, check the nutritional information. The MyFitnessPal app even puts a blue tick behind tested food as a safeguard.

The programs also calculate your individual nutritional requirements, taking your weight and age into account, which you can also adapt to a low-carbohydrate diet.


With a nutrition tracker, such as the MyFitnessPal app, you can easily monitor your carbohydrate intake.

9. Watch your sugar intake

The German Nutrition Society recommends not consuming more than 25 grams of added sugar per day. Otherwise the risk of obesity increases. Children in particular now consume far more than the recommended amount.

Ten grams of white or brown sugar consists almost entirely of carbohydrates in the form of sucrose. This double sugar is made up of one part glucose and one part fructose.

Honey is usually recommended as a healthier alternative, but it has eight carbohydrates per ten grams.

The healthiest way is to avoid added sugar and get your sense of taste used to the naturally sweet taste of foods such as fruit.

If you want to eat low in carbohydrates and still not forego a sugar-like taste, you can use the following sugar substitutes or sugar substitutes:

Stevia: Steviol glycosides are extracted from the leaves of the South American stevia plant. Animal studies show that consuming steviol glycosides can lower blood sugar levels and prevent insulin resistance.

Erythritol:  is a sugar alcohol that tastes comparable to table sugar. Consumption does not affect blood sugar or insulin levels and has no caries-promoting properties.

Xylitol:  is another sugar alcohol that does not produce caries-forming bacteria in the mouth when consumed. In addition, studies with animals show that the risk of insulin resistance is reduced and thus obesity can be prevented.


With low-calorie sugar alternatives, you can eat low-carb without sacrificing the taste of sugar.

10. Dairy products usually contain a lot of sugar

Dairy products such as low fat curd are ideal as part of a low-carb diet. The high protein content saturates and prevents cravings. However, there are some dairy products that contain more carbohydrates.

Avoid fruit yogurts and puddings

Some dairy products contain a lot of added sugar. For example, care should be taken with fruit yogurt, frozen yogurt and pudding. A lot of hidden carbohydrates lurk here.

Rather, try skimmed quark, unsweetened natural yoghurt and grainy cream cheese or eat a piece of cheese, such as mozzarella, cheddar cheese or Harz cheese.

All of them contain far fewer carbohydrates and are full for a long time due to the protein content. They can even reduce the risk of heart disease.

For a delicious, low-carbohydrate breakfast, try the breakfast quark version from nutritionist Anne Fleck.


Choose high-protein, low-carbohydrate dairy products instead of sugary fruit yogurts.

You can reduce carbohydrates with plant milk

The milk in coffee or muesli is indispensable for many. However, it also contains carbohydrates in the form of the milk sugar lactose. 100 milliliters of low-fat milk contains five grams of lactose, which can be consumed quickly.

Low-carbohydrate milk alternatives are plant-based drinks, e.g. made from almonds or coconuts. Other types of nuts such as soy and oats are already available in liquid form. When choosing, only personal preferences and the statement “no added sugar” decide.

Most are fortified with vitamin D, calcium and vitamin B12 and, with a few exceptions such as rice milk, contain fewer carbohydrates than cow’s milk. Your muesli becomes a new taste experience and you can easily reduce carbohydrates.


Use almond milk, coconut milk, or other low-carb milk alternatives to eat low-carb.

Knowledge to take away

In order to lose weight, it takes a calorie deficit. You can achieve this by eating low-carb foods. The following tricks can be used to easily reduce carbohydrates in your diet:

  • Instead of conventional flour, use nut flour types such as almond or coconut flour.
  • Eat non-starchy vegetables like broccoli, peppers, or tomatoes.
  • Eat a serving of a high protein, low carbohydrate food with every meal. Quark, eggs, lean meat, fish and cheese keep you full for a long time and support the weight loss process. Nuts such as almonds are ideal healthy low-carbohydrate snacks.
  • Reduce your intake of added sugar. Especially in lemonades, iced tea and sweet dairy products, many carbohydrates are hidden due to the added sugar. These can be avoided by looking at the nutritional information. Sugar substitutes can also help reduce sugar intake.
  • Use calorie counters to keep track of your carbohydrate intake.



Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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