

Calcium (lime) is one of the most important minerals for humans. It is used by the body to maintain teeth and bones. Calcium is mainly found in dairy products such as milk or cheese. A lack of calcium can cause many health problems. If a child does not get enough calcium, this can cause skewed growth of bones or skeletal deformity. Fortunately, calcium is in many foods, so the chance that you have a lack of calcium is not very high.

Promote Calcium Intake

There is one vitamin that can promote calcium intake, this is vitamin D. So if you take enough vitamin D and calcium, you do not run the risk of a deficiency. Otherwise this is also the case. Are you taking enough calcium, but hardly getting any vitamin D? Then you run a high risk of a calcium deficiency. Vitamin D is therefore just as important for bone loss and bone strengthening as the calcium itself.

Too much calcium in your body can also be dangerous. An excess of calcium can cause difficulties in absorbing other minerals or irons. It can also happen that you get kidney stones due to too much calcium.

The recommended maximum amount of calcium that is safe per day is 2500 milligrams. Many packages often state how much calcium is in this product, so you can keep track of this. However, 2500 milligrams is quite a lot so the chance that you ingest too much is not very large.

What’s in it?

As many people think, calcium is not only found in milk or dairy. Calcium is absorbed from the soil by various plants. Because animals then eat these plants, the calcium also ends up in the end product. So these are often the dairy products. Some vegetables also contain a lot of calcium. The plants get this directly from the ground.

In summary, calcium is a very important mineral for humans. It is especially important for babies and the elderly. It is important for babies because the bones and teeth of a baby are not yet very strong and they must therefore be strengthened with help from outside, namely by calcium. It is important for the elderly because at an older age people suffer from osteoporosis and other problems with the bones. Calcium counteracts these problems and provides stronger bones for the elderly. Calcium can be dangerous if someone ingests too much of it, but this is extremely rare and almost never occurs.


Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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