Bulimia: diagnosis and treatment

In order to  a doctor needs to take a careful  . At the same time, he can ask about the eating habits, physical and mental condition, lifestyle and social environment of the patient. In addition, the doctor will perform a thorough physical examination and may request some other tests.  is to “normalize” eating habits and maintain a stable  .

The diagnosis is established on the basis of  interview and after clarification of physical and mental problems or problems:

  •  .  also includesthe determination of various laboratory values, such as function test( and ), ( and ), test , , total and , , transaminase and . the doctor can have the level of certain (such as ) or other laboratory values ​​determined.
  • Another examination. The doctor may also  and, if necessary, some other examinations, such as  ,  and/or  .

Bulimia treatment

 is to “normalize” eating habits and stabilize  . This can mostly be achieved through  . In some cases, it is also necessary to take medication. Treatment is focused not only on physical, but also mental  . The doctor decides on the most suitable form of treatment. Not only the patient, but also his/her relatives are informed about the disease itself and its treatment. Especially at the beginning of treatment, but also later throughout its course, it is often very important to maintain the motivation of the affected person for treatment.

Outpatient treatment, day care or 

Treatment of bulimia is most often carried out on an outpatient basis and according to a stepped plan. In recent times, the support of specialized  has proven itself . Under certain circumstances, treatment may be necessary in the form of a daily inpatient stay or even hospitalization (e.g. in very poor health, danger of self-harm,  or some type of addiction ). When deciding on the form of treatment, the doctor takes into account not only the individual physical condition, but also the psychological and social factors of the affected person. In any case, treatment should be started as soon as possible.

Eating habits

Eating habits can be normalized with a balanced healthy diet . Sometimes it is also necessary to ensure the supply of certain  and  (e.g.  ,  , etc.). It is often necessary to monitor the sufficient intake of fluids and electrolytes, which can be achieved, for example, by drinking suitable mineral waters or a mixture of fruit juices and mineral water. In some cases, additional administration of electrolytes is also necessary (e.g. by intravenous  ).

Attacks of overeating can be prevented, for example, by regular food intake. The patient sometimes has to learn how to differentiate between  and hunger. Information about a healthy and  and the consequences  can be obtained from nutritional counseling.

In some cases, for example, if the sufferer is diagnosed with depression at the same time as  , the doctor may prescribe medication (e.g.  ).

Family environment

For the success of the treatment, the contribution of the parents is often decisive in all stages of the diagnostic and treatment process: from the recognition of symptoms to the diagnosis to intensive cooperation with  team.

Not only for children, but also for teenagers, important decisions and tasks rest on the shoulders of their parents or  . They often have to first convince the affected person to undergo treatment at all, and at the same time, if possible, not interfere too strongly with his/her autonomy (especially in the case of juveniles).

At the same time, relatives usually find it difficult to come to terms with the fact that they can help relatively little. Many relatives bear the burden of not being able to constantly check on their child, although they are interested in the course of treatment and would like to participate in it. During treatment, conflict situations may arise in the family, which are sometimes better resolved with professional help, e.g. with the use of psychotherapy, family  or couple therapy. The patient often successfully hides his bouts of overeating and  behavior. Not only for this reason, relatives often do not even notice bouts of overeating, especially at first.

For more information on this topic, see the article Eating disorders: what can relatives do?

Treatment control and 

Recurrences may occur during treatment and after its termination, or even (repeated) interruption of treatment. During the treatment, regular examinations are carried out, the purpose of which is to control the progress of the treatment. In addition, it is necessary to prepare the patient for the period after the treatment is finished. The doctor can thus talk with the patient and his/her relatives about the future return to “normal life” and what to do in the event of a relapse.

Who can I contact?

Adults should first contact their  , while children and adolescents should first contact their  . If necessary, the general practitioner will provide further examination and treatment. Doctors of various specializations, possibly even psychotherapists, participate in the treatment itself.


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