Brazil Nuts: Health Benefits and Nutritional Value of Brazil Nuts

Brazil Nuts

A handful of nuts a day is healthy, but what about Brazil nuts? Are they healthier or unhealthier? Read it here!

Are Brazil nuts healthy?

This typical nut is a good addition to a healthy diet. It is packed with minerals and vitamins and is a good source of proteins and fats.

What are Brazil nuts?

This nut is a fruit with a lignified pericarp. Brazil nuts grow on a tree from the Lecythidaceae family, Bertholletia excelsa. In English they are called ‘Brazil nuts’.

This tree is found in South America: in the countries of Suriname, Colombia, Guyana, Venezuela, Peru, Brazil and Bolivia. It is one of the largest trees in the rainforest.

The taste of Brazil nuts resembles the taste of a coconut. It also has an earthy taste. This flavor makes Brazil nuts very versatile nuts. They are used in desserts, salads, cheese, smoothies, smoothie bowls and power bars.

What nutritional value do Brazil nuts contain?

Below you can read the nutritional values ​​of a handful (25 grams) of Brazil nuts.

  • Energy: 172 kcal
  • Fat: 16.8 g
    -Of which saturated fat: 4 g
  • Carbohydrates: 0.6 g
    -Of which sugars: 0.6 g
  • Fiber: 1.9 g
  • Protein: 3.6 g
  • Salt: 0 g

What nutrients do Brazil nuts contain?

Below you can read which and how many nutrients this nut contains per 25 grams (a handful).

Nutrient Quantity Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)
Potassium 148 mg 3500 mg
Calcium 40 mg Men and women 18-24 years: 1000 mg
Men 25-69 years and women 25-49 years 950 mg
Women 60-69 years 1100 mg
Magnesium 88 mg Men 350 mg
Women 300 mg
Iron 0.8mg Men and women who do not menstruate 11 g
Women who do menstruate 16 mg*
Selenium 479 µg 70 µg
Vitamin A 0 µg Men 800 μg
Women 680 μg
Vitamin D 0 µg 10 μg
>70 years
People with tanned skin
People who rarely go outside and/or cover their hands and face 20 μg
Vitamin E 1.7mg Men 13 mg
Women 11 mg
Thiamine (vitamin B1) 0.16 mg 0.1mg
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) 0.01 mg 1.6mg
Vitamin B6 0.03mg Men and women 1.5 mg
Men >50 years 1.8 mg
Folic acid 6 μg 300 μg
Pregnant and lactating women 400 μg
Vitamin B12 0 µg 2.8 μg
Niacin 0.1mg 16 mg
Vitamin C 0 mg 75 mg
Iodine 1 μg [1] 150 μg
Pregnant and/or lactating women 200 μg

What are the health benefits of Brazil nuts?

Brazil nuts have many benefits for your health. For example, it contains a lot of the mineral selenium and is packed with healthy fats. Some of the health benefits are listed below.

It is a source of many nutrients

Brazil nuts contain various vitamins, minerals and bioactive substances. Brazil nuts mainly contain a lot of selenium, namely no less than 479 ug (micrograms). It also contains a lot of thiamin (vitamin B1), namely 0.16 mg.

Selenium is a trace element that protects cells from damage. It also protects red blood cells. It is mainly found in meat and oily fish.

This makes Brazil nuts an extra good source of selenium for vegetarians and vegans. Thiamine is, among other things, important for energy metabolism.

The trace element selenium has another health benefit. It also increases levels of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase (GPx).

This enzyme can help reduce inflammation, protecting against oxidative stress. Oxidative stress means that there is not the right balance between free radicals and antioxidants, which can lead to cellular damage.

Brazil nuts contain many vitamins, minerals and bioactive substances such as selenium and thiamine, which protect cells and red blood cells, and contribute to energy metabolism and reducing inflammation.

Contains a lot of proteins

A handful contains no less than 3.6 grams of proteins. This makes it a good plant-based protein source. For example, add some Brazil nuts to your lunch to get more protein.

These nuts contain the following amino acids (building blocks of proteins): methionine, glutamine, cysteine, glutamic acid, arginine and glutamine. Methionine is an essential amino acid that you can only obtain through food.

Brazil nuts are rich in antioxidants

These nuts contain various antioxidants, such as polyphenols. Antioxidants can probably protect our bodies against premature aging and diseases. These substances can scavenge free radicals.

Free radicals can cause premature aging and disease by causing damage to tissues and cells. Free radicals are caused by, among other things, body processes and external factors, such as smoking and the sun.

Some of the vitamins in Brazil nuts are also antioxidants, such as vitamin E.

Are good for your heart

Brazil nuts are good for your heart for several reasons. For example, they mainly contain unsaturated fats, which lower LDL cholesterol (‘the bad cholesterol’). This reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. A diet with sufficient fiber also contributes to this. Brazil nuts now also contain these.

May possibly support thyroid function

Too little selenium intake can have various consequences for the thyroid gland. It is an important trace element for thyroid function.

There are various studies in which selenium appears to have a protective effect against the development of autoimmune thyroid disorders.

This was demonstrated, for example, in a study among 6152 subjects. It is also said to lower thyroid antibodies and improve symptoms of a thyroid-related eye disease (Graves’ disease).

Sufficient selenium intake during pregnancy and immediately after delivery would also reduce the risk of developing thyroid problems in the mother. There are also conflicting studies, so there is no hard evidence for these health benefits yet.

Brazil nuts are rich in antioxidants that can prevent premature aging and diseases. They also contain fiber and unsaturated fats that are good for heart health. Selenium may support thyroid function, but studies are conflicting.

Are Brazil nuts good for weight loss?

Eating Brazil nuts can certainly contribute to weight loss. The proteins and healthy fats keep you feeling full for longer, which makes losing weight easier. The fibers in Brazil nuts can also contribute to this.

How many Brazil nuts can you eat per day?

It is an energy-dense food, meaning it contains many calories per gram. Unfortunately, you cannot eat too much of it.

You will then have too little space left to eat other valuable foods and/or you increase the chance of gaining weight.

Therefore, stick to one to two handfuls of Brazil nuts per day. Are you going to buy Brazil nuts? Make sure you keep them tightly closed to prevent dehydration.

Are Brazil nuts healthy for your skin?

It is said that Brazil nuts are good for your skin. Unfortunately, there is no hard evidence of this yet. However, Brazil nuts may help prevent premature aging and are therefore also good for your skin.

In addition, a varied and healthy diet ensures healthy skin, which Brazil nuts go well with.

Are salted or unsalted Brazil nuts healthier?

Preferably choose the unsalted variant. In the Netherlands we already consume far too much salt on average. The sodium in salt increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and is not good for your kidneys.

Would you like to add a flavor to your Brazil nuts? Then choose low-sodium salt or season them with chili pepper or paprika powder.

How many Brazil nuts per day?

You may have read that you can only eat 2 Brazil nuts per day. The reason for this is that Brazil nuts contain a very high amount of selenium. It is unhealthy if you consume too many nutrients. This can cause health problems.

However, this does not mean that you have to eat 2 Brazil nuts every day. Your body stores selenium in the thyroid glands and muscles. So you can eat a handful of Brazil nuts as long as you alternate enough with other nuts and do not do this every day.

When are Brazil nuts dangerous?

Brazil nuts are dangerous if you eat them too much and too often. You will then quickly consume too much selenium, which can cause skin disorders and loss of teeth, hair and nails.

If you have a nut allergy, Brazil nuts are also dangerous. If you have a nut intolerance, Brazil nuts can often be eaten in small quantities.

Roasted versus raw Brazil nuts

Preferably choose raw Brazil nuts. The roasted variant contains more fats because they are roasted in oil. A large portion of the nutrients are also lost during roasting.

Are organic Brazil nuts healthier?

There are also organic Brazil nuts. For example, fewer pesticides are used in organic foods. It has not been proven that organic foods are healthier, but on an individual level fewer pesticide residues are often found.


Brazil nuts are healthy nuts, provided you eat the unsalted and unroasted variety of Brazil nuts. They are rich in healthy fats and proteins. They also contain many different amino acids.

Do not eat a handful every day, because then you will consume too much selenium. Alternate with other nuts, such as peanuts , pecans and almonds .

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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