benefits of omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3s have been very fashionable in recent years, but what exactly are they? We find it in our food, but also in the form of supplements. Come find out if you should take your fish pill!


The Inuit of Greenland seem to have discovered long before North Americans the secret to living a long life while preserving the health of their hearts. In fact, we noticed that these natives, despite a diet rich in fat, suffered very little from cardiovascular diseases. But what is their recipe? Fish, rich in omega-3, of course!

Omega-3s are so-called “essential” good fats, which means that our body cannot make them itself. We must therefore obtain it through food. You need to consume them regularly, but where are they found? They are present in different foods, including:

  • oily fish: salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines, tuna, trout, etc.;
  • vegetable oils: flax, canola, walnut;
  • walnuts;
  • soybeans;
  • seeds: flax, hemp, chia.

The best way to consume omega-3 is, without a doubt, the “natural” method which consists of adopting a balanced diet. It is recommended to have two meals of fish, preferably oily, per week.


Omega-3 supplements are available at pharmacies. Useful when the dietary intake of these good fats is not sufficient, they contribute to maintaining good general health. In addition, they have demonstrated their effectiveness in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases that must be diagnosed and evaluated regularly by a doctor. Omega-3 supplements must therefore be used with the agreement of your doctor and in no way replace your usual medication. Here are the health problems where they have been proven to work:

  • certain heart diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • elevated triglycerides (a type of “fat” in the blood);
  • Alzheimer’s disease;
  • depression;
  • rheumatoid arthritis.

It may take several weeks of use before the beneficial effects of omega-3 begin to appear.


Omega-3 supplements are generally very well tolerated. Side effects are often digestive: burping, bad breath, nausea, heartburn, etc. Here are some tips to prevent them:

  • Start taking one capsule per day, then gradually increase the number of capsules up to the recommended dose.
  • Take your omega-3 supplement with food.
  • Opt for capsules with an “enterosoluble” coating, which are easier to digest.
  • Avoid taking your supplement with irritating drinks or foods, such as coffee, citrus juice, tomato juice, etc.


  • Ask your pharmacist to advise you on the different formulations, taking into account the proportions of, for example, omega-3 and omega-6. They can also tell you about the different types of omega-3 contained in supplements. The intricacies of ingredient lists can be confusing, so ask them to shed some light and help you make a choice based on your needs.
  • Keep in mind that omega-3 capsules are often very large. If you have difficulty swallowing them, opt for the liquid form or chewable capsules.
  • Avoid cod liver oil: although once fashionable, it contains far too much vitamin A, which accumulates in our fats and can be toxic.
  • The recommended dose of omega-3 changes depending on why you are taking a supplement. Consult your pharmacist or doctor for the appropriate dosage.
  • Opt for a recognized brand, from a manufacturer with a proven track record of product quality, integrity and professional ethics. Ask your pharmacist for their opinion on this question.

Yes, omega-3s are good for you! The best way to get enough is to eat oily fish twice a week and consume the oils and seeds where they are present. Omega-3 supplements are effective against some diseases, but they are not a substitute for a healthy diet. So, get cooking! Are you up for the challenge of incorporating new fish recipes into your menu?


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