lemon: Benefits of consuming lemon

Benefits of Lemon

The properties of the lemon are multifunctional for the organism; It contains vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, bioflavonoids, water, fiber, potassium , among other minerals and nutrients that will be present every time you cook, drink tea or prepare a mask with this citrus fruit. Therefore, the benefits of consuming lemon are countless!

Among the most outstanding are: Activates the immune system, takes care of the heart, fights anemia, regulates digestion, disinfects food or surfaces,  optimizes recipes to beautify the skin. 

Today we present an article where you will find 10 protective characteristics of this magnificent fruit, which you can consume as you wish; in juice, infusion, as a base to enhance the flavor of meats, in smoothies… Imagination is the limit.

10 benefits of consuming lemon

1. Activates and strengthens the immune system

Thanks to the concentration of vitamin C or ascorbic acid, lemon is a specialist in activating and strengthening the immune system, helping to fight infections and maintaining healthy tissues .

In fact, due to its composition of vitamin P in fusion with C, it allows wounds to heal quickly, as it tones the blood vessels and capillaries.

Every time you eat 100 grams of this fruit, you get 50 milligrams of ascorbic acid.

Its versatility is so wide that you can mix it with other foods and still preserve its properties. For example, the kiwi smoothie with lemon is a source of vitamin C and antioxidants.

2. Prevents anemia

Very few people know the power of lemon to absorb iron from food , a mineral that is essential for the production of hemoglobin and hormones.

This citrus fruit helps the body absorb the iron contained mainly in poultry, lean meats, seafood, lentils, beans, green leaves, nuts; and thus helps prevent anemia.

3. Fight anxiety and stress

Vitamin C and the rest of the antioxidants that make up the fruit have a relaxing effect on the central nervous system, so one of the natural remedies against stress is to drink a cup of warm water  with a few drops of lemon on an empty stomach .

This infusion – without added sugar – also serves to reduce chronic tiredness and fatigue .

4. Fight depression

Among the benefits of consuming lemon we find that it energizes the body and, therefore, prevents episodes of depression. It achieves this when its properties influence the central nervous system.

5. Protect the heart

This citrus will not be able to prevent someone from breaking your heart, but it can prevent you from suffering from atherosclerosis, from increasing your blood pressure or suffering from heart failure.

How? Well, thanks to the fact that it contains naringenin , it prevents plaque (fat) from accumulating in the arteries , which in medical terms is called atherosclerosis. When suffering from this disease, the blood cannot circulate properly or carry oxygen to the organs.

As for blood pressure, it prevents it from rising because its antioxidant and purifying properties break the rigidity of blood vessels; but its concentration of vitamin B is key to preventing heart failure.

6. Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides

The hesperidin that makes it up is capable of reducing the levels of triglycerides and LDL cholesterol (which affects the body).

The normal value of LDL cholesterol is 70 to 130 mg/dL, while that of HDL (the healthy one that contains nuts, fatty fish such as tuna, olive oil) is 50 mg/dL or more.

The normal value for triglycerides is 10 to 150 mg/dL.

7. Regulates intestinal functions

Due to its high levels of fiber, this citrus fruit can regulate digestion and help release the necessary amount of bile, a substance that breaks down food and digests it.

If you want to activate your digestive system and cleanse the intestinal tract , it is advisable to drink warm water with a few drops of lemon on an empty stomach.

8. Helps eliminate kidney stones

The acidity of this fruit indicates that it is composed of high levels of citrate, which can dilute kidney stones and prevent new ones from forming; and together with the diuretic function of lemon, dangerous toxins are eliminated.

9. Protect body beauty

Physical care is important because it is our appearance to the world, and the lemon has characteristics that favor this part. Its vitamin C is involved in the production of collagen , which is important for the regeneration of skin, bones and even blood vessels.

That is why we observe the use of this fruit in beauty rituals to maintain radiant skin, strengthen nails, eliminate blackheads, control dandruff.

10. Disinfect fruits and vegetables

Two of the best known properties of this citrus fruit are that it is disinfectant and antibacterial , especially for fruits and vegetables.

You only have to mix half a liter of water with the juice of a large lemon, if you wish you can add a teaspoon of salt or a splash of vinegar. Let the fruits and vegetables soak for a period of 10 minutes. Then you rinse them.

It is necessary to clarify that the lemon does not replace the cooking of any food , nor can it eliminate the pathogens that are present in chicken, fish, meat or shellfish. To avoid food poisoning there are a series of recommendations that include refrigeration, proper cooking and disinfection.

Effective ways to consume lemon and include it in your daily diet

Like a perfect and tasty dressing

Ideal for those who want to reduce or cannot consume vinegar or salt, lemon becomes the most suitable alternative, since it enhances the flavor in a natural way. It is possible to use the lemon juice directly or prepare a kind of seasoning together with other aromatic herbs (thyme, dill, ginger, oregano or bay leaf).

Lemons, by containing vitamin C, allow the body to absorb all the iron contained in the foods that make up our diet. Hence, it is an unconditional ally in the nutrition and feeding of people suffering from anemia or chronic exhaustion. So remember to dress or season your fish, vegetables and meat with a good squeeze of lemon and enjoy its benefits.

A handy antacid

If you consume it after meals you can get a great effect to combat heaviness and to cut the effects of eating large amounts of fat. You can consume it with a little water or in the form of a digestive infusion accompanied by mint, cinnamon or plantain.

At any time of the day as a refreshing drink

Vitamin C will always be welcome at any time of the day, a good glass of lemon juice with cold water will sit perfectly on your body and flood each cell with its antioxidant powers , in addition to hydrating you, achieving a pleasant effect and regularizing your blood pressure levels .

A practical way: Frozen or grated

Another excellent alternative for its consumption is to freeze it and grate it little by little and as you need it to season your food. Lemon skin should not be wasted either , much less if they are certified organic specimens, this skin is much more beneficial than its own pulp and you can add it to your biscuits, cakes, cookies or in candied form as well as to the vinaigrette to get many types of sauces or to season your favorite oils.

Final recommendations for lemon consumption

Although it is a fruit considered highly beneficial for the human body and with proven health benefits, it is important to clarify that it is not a miraculous fruit, its consumption is conditioned by a healthy lifestyle with a balanced and balanced diet and a good dose of physical exercise.

Taking it in the morning will increase its countless benefits and will increase its effectiveness in favor of bringing benefits and perfect natural substances to enjoy iron health, achieving effective antioxidant protection against many diseases and activating your immune system, regulating your blood pressure and maintaining a healthy and optimal digestion .

Let’s delve into the benefits of this delicious and tropical fruit

The lemon, limes or lemons are highly appreciated in Spain, their wide range of culinary, gastronomic, medicinal and cosmetic uses make them essential foods in homes and although they stand out for strengthening the immune system and being perfect for consuming their juice In flu and cold seasons it is also possible to distinguish a large number of other benefits , among which are:

  1. An effective antibacterial power : Thanks to its continuous fighting effect to combat many types of infections supported by its high content of vitamin C.
  2. A purifying fruit : With its great diuretic qualities , limes are capable of eliminating many accumulated toxins and thus maintain a very healthy renal system with a urinary tract.
  3. Reduces stomach acidity : By achieving a perfect pH balance thanks to its alkaline effects and its content of citric acid and ascorbic acid.
  4. Protects the immune system : Through its contributions of calcium, citric acid, vitamin C, magnesium, pectin, limonene and bioflavones, managing to provide the necessary support to the immune system.
  5. A healthy and healthy skin : Vitamin C is an antioxidant by nature and its great effectiveness in achieving healthy and elastic skin, capable of being protected from the relentless attack of free radicals, is fully proven.
  6. It maintains digestive properties : Thanks to the fact that its consumption encourages the liver to produce bile correctly , increasing the capacity of the digestive system to process food and emulsify fats.
  7. A fresh breath : Consuming lemon juice on a daily basis allows you to maintain a very fresh breath, this juice effectively eliminates all the bacteria that cause annoying halitosis.
  8. Protects the entire respiratory system : An excellent fruit and an ally in the prevention and cure of many of the most common respiratory problems, many of them a product of the cold season or caused by seasonal allergies.
  9. Ideal for weight loss diets : By accelerating the metabolism , lemon juice is perfect for burning accumulated fat and that you keep in excess, in addition, studies link an alkaline diet with a greater relationship with fat loss. It also contains pectin fiber which combats anxiety creating a feeling of satiety.

The lemon is a fruit known mainly for its high content of vitamin C (50 mg) and citric acid (49 mg) , allowing functions of protection and enhancement of the immune system and an antioxidant effect of great medicinal value as well as the correct acceleration of the loss of accumulated body fat by detoxifying the liver and digestive system in unison.

More than enough reasons to recommend drinking at least the juice of 2 lemons daily (much better if done on an empty stomach ), its use is perfect for dressing salads and for being an integral part of many smoothies and refreshing drinks, as well as offering a correct degree of acidity to many culinary preparations , in addition to a wide spectrum related to the maceration of meats, without counting its aesthetic and cosmetic attributes .

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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