Benefits of Aqul Herb

Benefits of Aqul Herb

Among the benefits of the aqul herb:

  • constipation treatment
  • Fighting infections
  • Treatment of liver diseases
  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Improve respiratory health
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • The juice extracted from the leaves of the aqul herb is used as nasal drops and helps relieve headaches
  • Aqul herb is considered a good medicine for treating skin infections, and is used as a soothing cream for smallpox
  • The aqul herb is used to prepare massage oil. This oil is useful for treating rheumatoid arthritis, and helps relieve pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Boiling the aqul herb and gargling reduces inflammation of the oral mucosa

Treating constipation : This herb is used to treat many digestive disorders such as constipation. This herb provides immediate relief from hemorrhoids by reducing itching, irritation, and swelling in the rectal area. This herb helps regulate bowel movements. It is also prescribed to improve appetite, reduce bloating, and reduce the burning sensation that occurs due to ulcers in the stomach.

Fighting infections: Aqul herb contains many antimicrobial properties, and helps fight diarrhea and dysentery caused by Escherichia coli . The aqul herb also helps in getting rid of skin infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus. The herb also helps fight fungal infections caused by Aspergillus and others.

Treating liver diseases: The aqul herb helps in treating liver diseases. The protective properties of the aqul herb that are beneficial to the liver help improve liver function, reduce complications resulting from fatty liver, and prevent infections that can occur in liver cells.

Rich in antioxidants : The presence of methanol, flavonoids and phenols are important in protecting the body from free radicals, thus reducing oxidative stress. Antioxidants help prevent chronic diseases and premature aging, and stimulate metabolic processes.

Improving respiratory health : The aqul herb is considered useful for fighting respiratory infections, because it improves immunity, treats colds, coughs, and chronic disorders such as asthma and bronchitis.

Anti-inflammatory properties : The aqul herb has anti-inflammatory properties, so it is used to treat pain in the joints, arms, legs, and other parts of the body.

Form of the aqul herb

The aqul herb is a perennial herb with many thorns. It is characterized by the presence of bright red, crimson flowers that appear in the summer among the thorns. It is also known as the camel thistle herb. The name camel thorn was given to the aqul herb due to the large number of thorns that grow on the stems of this herb. The roots of the cuttings are sunk in the ground and their depth is 10 to 15 metres. This helps them absorb moisture from the soil.

The aqo herb is also characterized by its simple, smooth-edged leaves, oval and rectangular in shape, and butterfly-shaped flowers. As for the fruits of the Aqul herb, they are horn-shaped, straight to cylindrical, dark red.

Many types of Aqul herb have been explored, and their names in Latin are:

  • Alhagi pseudoalhagi
  • graecorum
  • sparsifolia
  • kirgisorum
  • maurorum
  • camelorum

This herb is widely used for its nutritional value and antioxidant potential, in addition to its various medicinal properties. There are many active secondary antioxidants in it, such as flavonoids, alkaloids, phospholipids, and sugars.

Many benefits of this herb have been revealed because it contains many antioxidants, and it has cardiovascular benefits, anti-ulcer, anti-diarrheal, anti-spasmodic, and anti-pain benefits, in addition to reducing fever, inflammation, rheumatism, and germs and fungi.

The aqul plant is also considered an important source of digestible protein and important minerals.

Locations of the Aqul herb

The Aqul herb is found in many regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , especially in the central region, because it is one of the plants that can withstand the harsh climate. The Aqul herb is also found in Kuwait. It is spread in Kuwait in the Sharq region and is called Al-Aqul Fareej due to the abundance of this herb in Al-Farij or the neighborhood.

This herb has been of great importance to the Arabs since ancient times, and they used it to treat flank pain, get rid of kidney stones, and to treat liver diseases. This plant is widely spread in many countries of Asia, Australia and Europe, and is known as camel thistle, and it has many popular medicinal uses

How to use the aqul herb

The aqul herb can be used in the following ways:

  • The aqul herb is available in powder form, and can be used with water or honey after lunch or dinner.
  • Aqul herb can be prepared by boiling one tablespoon of the powder in 4 cups of water for 5 minutes, filtering the mixture, and leaving it to cool.
  • Aqul herb powder can be used as a topical application for skin infections. Mix the herb with water and apply it to the affected areas in order to get immediate relief from irritation and itching and reduce redness.
  • You can mix the aqul herb with coconut oil and apply it to the joints in order to relieve the pain caused by arthritis. This herb also helps reduce inflammation.
  • Applying frozen pieces of a mixture of aqul herb and rose water helps prevent acne outbreaks and leads to immediate relief to the skin.

Harmful effects of aqul herb

Get emergency medical care if you experience symptoms of an allergic reaction, including:

  • Urticaria
  • difficulty breathing
  • Swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat

Common side effects of camel thistle can include:

  • Indigestion, bloating, gas, stomach pain
  • diarrhea
  • Anorexia, nausea

Before you use the powder or this product in general, you must make sure that you are not allergic to this herb in order to avoid an allergic reaction, or if you have:

  • Previous cancer of the breast, uterus or ovary
  • History of endometriosis or uterine fibrosis

You should consult your doctor, pharmacist or healthcare provider if it is safe to take this herb or use traditional herbal medicines that contain it if:

  • Having an allergy to plants such as chrysanthemums or marigolds
  • Pregnancy or breast-feeding: It is not known if this herb can harm the fetus if the woman is pregnant, so a doctor should be consulted
  • When breastfeeding: The product should not be used without medical advice

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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