Celery: What are the benefits and properties of consuming celery?

benefits and properties of consuming celery

Its exquisite flavor and unique aroma make celery  one of the favorite vegetables when cooking. It is perfect for making  soups, creams  and juices, although you can also eat it in  stews, salads or  raw. Whatever the form,  Apium graveolens is delicious, but in addition to that it contains many properties that you may not have known about and that benefit the body.

Belonging to the large family of  umbelliferae , celery is useful for the proper functioning of the body. Its ability to regulate the digestive system  thanks to its high  fiber content has been demonstrated,  as well as to strengthen the vascular system  due to its important dose of vitamins and minerals.

But this vegetable native to the Mediterranean is much more than that. In addition to being used like cauliflower  for a delicious soup that grandmothers prepare every Sunday, they leave behind a host of benefits after consumption. And today we will tell you what they are.

The most important properties of celery

1. It is important for cardiovascular health

The  apigenin  contained in celery stands out among its many properties for preventing  cardiovascular diseases such  as  high blood pressure. The soup or cream is perfect for people who suffer from hypertension. In fact, professionals recommend its consumption to prevent this type of ailment from taking a toll on health.

2. The plant is also purifying and diuretic

Regular consumption has been shown to provide the body with significant doses of sodium  and  potassium. But in addition, it supplies what is known as apiol essential oil  and all together they become a powerful depurative capable of eliminating toxins such as uric acid through urine. Its diuretic value has also been proven, which is extremely useful for expelling kidney stones.

3. It is useful for blood coagulation

If something is to be recognized in celery, regardless of the way you consume it, it is its high content of vitamins. To be more specific, it provides a lot of vitamin A, vitamin E  and  vitamin K,  which greatly helps during the  blood coagulation process. Although it turns out to be a highly nutritious plant, some experts in the area of ​​healthy eating consider that it should not be consumed in large quantities  by pregnant women.

4. Perfect vegetable for those who want to lose weight

It is well known that celery is recommended for people who want to lose weight. It is rich in  fibers  and therefore generates a satiety effect that you cannot even imagine, but it also has very high levels of water, which significantly improves its effect. If you want to add food for a healthy diet, do not forget to buy this plant.

5. No more inflammation

The  anti- inflammatory properties  prevent swelling of certain parts of the body, so including them in the diet is essential. In addition, it greatly improves the appearance of the skin and hair, since it is also a very important source of  antioxidants  such as  flavonoids, tannins  and  polyphenols.

7. Optimizes the digestive process

Did you know that Apium graveolens  can optimize the digestive process? It is definitely excellent news for those who suffer from diseases such as constipation. This is due to its high content of healthy fiber, which is also useful against  aerophagia  and  inflammation of the stomach. But that’s not all, because the same fiber in this vegetable also prevents  acidity,  so the chances of gastric ulcers appearing are reduced to zero.

8. It is also useful for its great sedative effects

Insomnia? Well, it will no longer be a problem if you consume a little celery. Thanks to its  sedative effects  you will be able to fall asleep at night as quickly as possible. It acts directly on the nervous system, which will help relieve stress and achieve the long-awaited relaxation. If you consume it through juices at night, adding a little honey to the recipe, you will get a favorable result.

9. Attention women! This is for you

You will not be able to avoid eating celery knowing that this powerful plant helps  regulate menstruation,  but it is also useful for women with menopause. It is possible thanks to its high content of  vitamin C  and folic acid. It has shown effectiveness when cleaning the lungs and providing minerals to the entire body.

Most common ways to consume celery

When we say that celery is a versatile plant in the kitchen, it is because it can be prepared in any way. But it is quite common to prepare it in the following way:

1. A delicious salad to eat raw celery

In addition to the celery, you will need  carrot, grated bonduelle, apple, salt, vinegar and  oil. Then, get to work to make a simple but delicious salad.

First,  cut the celery by the stem  and do the same with the apple and carrot. Add all these ingredients in a container and mix. Do not forget to season with a little salt, oil and vinegar.

2. Try celery in a little juice

If you are looking for an option to cleanse your body of these harmful substances, then try some celery juice. You will need apple and carrot to complete this healthy recipe, which is also quite easy to prepare.

Start by separating the celery from its own leaves. Cut the stem into very small pieces and repeat the same procedure with both the apple and the carrot. Mix everything in a blender and blend until you get the desired mixture. Now serve and enjoy the drink.

As you have seen, celery is an extremely useful plant for the body. Its long list of properties have confirmed this for a long time. In fact, many nutrition professionals recommend including it in your regular diet.

But it is also extremely delicious and aromatic, which is why it has also become a great essential when it comes to cooking.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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