Allergy to insect stings: how it is treated

This article describes how to treat insect sting allergies . It is also written here how to reduce the allergic reaction when you are bitten by an insect.

Insect bite treatment

You can treat the place where the insect stung you. The area is coated with a special cream or gel. This medicine has cortisone in it. These are hormones that help keep the area from itching and swelling.

You can also cool the sting area with something cold. You can cool for 20 minutes. Then wait a few hours and refrigerate again. Like every three hours.

You can also apply a cooling gel or ointment to the area. You can buy these at a pharmacy without a prescription.

You may also have medication in tablets to help manage an allergic reaction . You can also buy some without a prescription. Some are very strong.

Caution: First consult with your general practitioner if you can take allergy medication .

Long-term treatment

If you know you have a strong allergy to insect stings , it’s a good idea to get treatment.

This treatment lasts 3 to 5 years. It is called specific allergen immunotherapy and has the abbreviation SAIT . This treatment helps people with allergies a lot.

There are two types of this treatment. The doctor will tell you how the treatment will proceed.

  • SLIT – sublingual immunotherapy

This type of treatment is done by taking drops every day. There are allergens in the drops (that’s what you’re allergic to). Your body gets used to the allergens and then knows how to fight them.

  • SCIT – subcutaneous immunotherapy

This type of treatment is done by receiving injections from a doctor. You receive one injection each week for several weeks. Then you get one injection every month for several months.

There are allergens in these injections (that’s what you’re allergic to). Your body gets used to the allergens and then knows how to fight them.

What do these words mean:

An allergen is anything to which a person can be allergic. It can be, for example, pollen, dust, mold , animal fur, bee stings or medicines. When a person encounters an allergen, they may have an allergic reaction.

An allergic reaction occurs when a person encounters what they are allergic to. An allergic reaction can look like a rash, sneezing, runny nose or swelling and difficulty breathing. It can manifest immediately after meeting the allergen, in a few hours or even in a few days. Most people have an allergic reaction right away.


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