Allergies to nuts and peanuts

Nuts and peanuts contain substances that have  and can sometimes cause a very serious  . Botanically, walnuts are not in the same family as peanuts. People suffering from nut  most often show allergic reactions to hazelnuts and peanuts. Nut allergies are usually limited to a specific type of nut, but cross-allergy to other nuts can occur.

 to the following  are possible :

  • hazelnuts,
  •  ,
  • pistachio,
  • walnuts,
  • cashew nuts,
  • pecans,
  • Brazil nuts,
  • macadamia nuts.

What symptoms can occur with a nut or peanut allergy?

 of nuts is very high. Difficulties can occur immediately after consumption or with a delay. In people suffering from a very strong nut allergy, touching or inhaling nut particles can trigger  . Laboratory  using the microarray method of determining  can help distinguish dangerous nut allergies from harmless ones. Mild symptoms are manifested in the area of ​​the mouth and  , e.g. itchy  or a tingling sensation on  (so-called  allergy  ). People with severe allergies are at risk  (in extreme cases even suffocation!) and  (  ). Allergies to nuts are often the result of a pre-existing pollen allergy (  to  allergens). If  first reacts allergically to e.g. pear, hazel, alder or beech, it can subsequently react hypersensitively to hazelnuts, walnuts, Brazil nuts, cashew nuts or almonds. For more information, see the article Crossed  .

Allergy to peanuts usually arises as a primary sensitization (i.e. without a previous pollen allergy ). Peanuts are very resistant to  processes and cause allergies in sensitive patients directly through  . Targeted avoidance of peanuts (in a healthy person) can be counterproductive, as  system does not learn to tolerate peanuts; on the contrary, there is a risk of developing an allergy to peanuts.

You can find more detailed information about allergic problems in the article Allergy: what is it?

 for nut or peanut allergy

Depending on the severity of the nut allergy, a person must avoid the types of nuts that trigger allergic symptoms, or completely exclude them from the diet. This is not always easy: even if nuts are not listed as an ingredient or if the food product is not directly related to nuts, they may be present “hiddenly”. Contamination of a food product with nuts can occur through so-called “cross – contact”, if, for example  in a company different products are produced on the same machine, or if in the kitchen – whether domestic or large-scale – uses the same utensils and appliances to prepare different dishes.

Producers are responsible for their products and have the obligation to include appropriate warnings about the possible occurrence of allergens. However, rather imprecise claims (such as “may contain traces of nuts”) are obviously not satisfactory for consumers.

Labeling of allergens

According to Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the provision of food information to consumers [1], not only peanuts and products derived from them, but also products containing nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews , pecans, brazil nuts, pistachios and macadamia nuts, marked and highlighted in the list of ingredients, for example, by font type or background color. This extended labeling obligation has been mandatory since December 2014 for both packaged and unpackaged (open, bulk) goods.

You can find more detailed information in the articles Mandatory labeling of foods containing allergens and What the label of a food product tells us .

Allergy diagnosis by a specialist doctor or in an  clinic, the purpose of which is the targeted elimination of the allergy  , can literally save a life in these cases. For example, a qualified  can help you create a balanced menu .

If a person suffering from a nut allergy finds a “may contain traces of nuts” warning on a large number of foods, their choices are greatly limited. Adhering to the principles  is difficult, but not impossible. You can be inspired by the food pyramid , of course taking into account the existing allergy.

How is nut or peanut allergy treated?

Depending on the severity of the allergy, it is necessary to avoid certain types of nuts, or completely exclude them from the diet. However, nuts are often “hidden” in foods, as mentioned above.

Be careful with products such as, in particular:

  • marzipan,
  • nougat,
  • bread and various pastries,
  • cookies,
  • muesli mixes and cereal mixes,
  • potato semi-finished products,
  • various ready meals,
  • chocolate and cocoa products,
  • various sweets,
  • margarine.

Nut oils can also cause allergy symptoms. Allergy sufferers generally tolerate refined oils better than cold pressed oils. A suitable alternative for people suffering from nut allergies are pumpkin seeds.

Pay attention to the composition!

Read labels and packaging carefully. In case of uncertainty, you should ask the manufacturer or rather give up the food and choose another product. Allergens in hazelnuts and peanuts cannot be “destroyed” in any way (not even by heat treatment, etc.). Conversely, the allergenic potential of almonds can be reduced if you peel them.

First aid measures in case of emergency

If allergy symptoms appear, the treatment is  . First of all, it is necessary to take appropriate measures to reduce  and itching, and, if necessary, to stabilize  (especially lying down with the legs elevated). People suffering from severe allergies should carry an emergency kit with them at all times , which should contain:

  •  (especially if a severe allergic reaction has occurred in the past),
  •  ,
  •  ,
  •  .

Relatives of a person suffering from a food allergy should be trained in the use of emergency medications.


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