A set of exercises to maintain the shape and size of the breasts

The shape and size of the mammary glands is largely determined by genetic factors, in other words, they are inherited, and these parameters can only be radically changed by surgery. The bust consists of 15-20 glandular lobules, which look like a grape cluster and are located in the thickness of the connective tissue; there are no muscles in it. But his muscles support – the pectoral and shoulder girdle. Full development, one might say, flourish, the mammary glands reach by the age of 18-20, and at first the muscles, as a rule, do their job quite well. All the grief associated with the bust begins in a woman after the birth of a child. Exercises on the chest will help.
Exercises for the muscles of the chest and their need
It is known that in a nursing mother, the mammary glands increase significantly in size. Accordingly, the skin is stretched, and the supporting muscles are too weak to hold this “new”, heavier chest in the right place. When the feeding period ends, the breast itself returns to its previous size, but its internal structure changes somewhat: the elastic glandular tissue is partially replaced by loose connective tissue. The skin on the chest does not shrink to its former area, as it constantly experiences considerable stretching, and the muscles naturally weaken with age.
All this taken together leads to the fact that the breasts “sag”, and few of the women who have given birth are satisfied with the condition of their bust.
To restore the elasticity and beauty of the breast, it is necessary to influence both the muscles and the skin.
In general, the most beneficial chest exercises are swimming and rowing (especially in a kayak). But special exercises for the chest are quite effective; one should only remember that strengthening the muscles of the chest for some reason requires tremendous efforts – exercises should be frequent, regular, intense, and then, perhaps, in four months you will notice the result.
Dumbbell Chest Exercises
The most effective exercises for the bust with dumbbells. It is best to take two 2 kg dumbbells. In the first week of classes, each exercise on the chest proposed below the complex perform 10-15 times, then gradually increase the number of repetitions. You don’t need to increase the weight of the dumbbells.
- On your knees, put your right leg forward, bending the knee at a right angle. Tilt the body forward, while the back is straight. Hands (in each hand with dumbbells) bent in front of the chest. Spread your arms to the sides and bring them together again in front of the chest. Then do the same with support on the left leg and right knee.
- Take a wide step forward (half-lunge) with your right leg, with your right hand resting on the thigh of your right leg, slightly bent at the knee. Raise the other hand with a dumbbell forward and up to shoulder level, while inhaling. As you exhale, take your hand back as far as possible. Do the same with your right hand.
- Stand with legs wider than shoulder width apart and arms extended with dumbbells forward. Bending your arms, bring the dumbbells to your chest, trying not to lower your elbows, then stretch your arms forward again.
- On your knees, put your right leg forward, bending the knee at a right angle. The hand rests on the thigh. A dumbbell in the other hand. Take the elbow of this hand as far back as possible and slowly lead the dumbbell to the shoulder, then back again.
- Stand straight with your knees slightly bent for better support. Raise your arms with dumbbells up so that the elbows bent as much as possible are near the ears. Push both arms up and then “drop” them again without changing the position of the elbows.
- Lie on your back, knees slightly bent, arms with dumbbells bend at the elbows at a right angle so that the forearms are perpendicular to the floor. Slowly straighten your arms, stretching with dumbbells to the ceiling (exhale). Return PI.
- Lie on your back with your knees slightly bent and arms extended with dumbbells up. As slowly as possible, spread your arms to the sides and lower them to the floor, return to the IP. Stand with your legs wider than your shoulders and stretching your arms with dumbbells forward. Alternately bend one or the other arm at the elbow, bringing the forearm to the shoulder.
Seven dumbbell-free exercises
- Sit on a stool; the back is straight, the head is proudly raised, the arms bent at the elbows are raised to shoulder height. Slowly pull your arms back, bringing the shoulder blades together and straining the pectoral muscles. Repeat 6-10 times.
- Spreading your arms to the sides at shoulder height, perform circular movements – first small circles, then more and more, first forward, then back. Make sure that the swing is large enough when rotating.
- Fold the brushes together in front of the chest, fingers towards you. Try to raise your arms with folded hands as high as possible, and then slowly lower your arms and press them to the body.
- Sit on a stool or chair, straighten your back and lower your arms freely. Slowly raise your arms through the sides up, so as to connect your palms above your head. Press vigorously 5 times with one palm on the other, then move your hands back to the previous position. After a short pause, repeat the exercise 3 times.
- On open palms, slowly lift up (“squeeze”) two books. Repeat 10 times. Pay attention to keeping the elbows in the correct position.
- Push-ups: put your hands on two stools or an ottoman and slowly, bending your arms, lower the body. The body and legs are straight all the time, do not bend the back. Return to IP. Repeat 10 times.
- Sit in a comfortable chair with your hands on the armrests. Leaning on your hands and stretching your legs forward, raise your torso. (The trunk and legs are straight.) Slowly lower yourself into a chair. Repeat 5 times.