9 Ways to Keep Veins Young

Blood vessels are structures primarily responsible for maintaining life functions. It is responsible for the distribution of nutrients and oxygen throughout the body and the survival of tissues and organs from the formation of the embryo to the end of life. Measures such as consuming plenty of water and fruits and vegetables, adding active activities to every moment of daily life, and restricting sugar and fat consumption help the healthy formation of new veins and maintain the health of existing veins.

9 Precautions to Protect Vascular Health

Vascular health is directly related to heart health. Factors such as smoking, stress and inactivity; It has bad consequences for cardiovascular health. Conditions such as vascular occlusion, clotting, and sudden death are often caused by cardiovascular problems. Hardening of the arteries due to calcification, plaque accumulation and vascular occlusion are closely related to uncontrolled high blood pressure , diabetes , high cholesterol , stroke and heart attack. Maintaining vascular health and extending the life of the vessels is necessary not only for the heart but for all tissues and organs in the body. All structures in the body, from hair to toenails, are fed by veins and maintain their vitality. Protecting the veins in every part of the body and keeping them young is important to prolong the life of all organs. The skin, one of the largest and most valuable organs in the body, gains vitality and contributes to a youthful appearance if the vessels are young and healthy. It is recommended to take precautions even in your twenties to protect vascular health and prevent undesirable events such as heart attack. These measures may include methods that can be applied by anyone, such as lifestyle changes. To protect cardiovascular health and keep the vessels young; Although there are some risk factors that cannot be changed, such as age, gender, and genetic factors, it is important to pay attention to modifiable risk factors. A healthy body mass index, preventing obesity and avoiding diabetes are among the steps that can be taken in this direction. The rest of the article includes the main points that should be taken into consideration to keep the veins young.

Getting Rid of Excess Weight

Weight loss and having a healthy body mass index in overweight individuals is one of the most effective ways to prevent almost all diseases along with cardiovascular health. With a weight in the appropriate range, blood pressure decreases and thus high blood pressure is prevented. Balancing the fat-muscle ratio in the body and getting rid of excess weight regulates the hormonal balance in the body and reduces the risk of diabetes by keeping blood sugar within normal limits. High cholesterol and triglyceride levels can also be balanced by weight control. Various nutrition programs, intermittent nutrition and detox diets can be preferred to reach a healthy body mass index. The Mediterranean diet, which is frequently recommended by experts today, is not only effective in losing weight but also helps protect against many chronic diseases. The Mediterranean diet includes the consumption of traditional foods adopted in countries bordering the Mediterranean. It is not a diet with very strict restrictions; But he recommends avoiding the consumption of refined sugars, processed and packaged foods as much as possible.

Keeping Blood Pressure, Cholesterol and Sugar Levels under Control

In a healthy adult, the blood pressure value should be around 120/80 mmHg. Blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg is known as high blood pressure, and this health problem causes different negative consequences in the body. High blood pressure is often the factor held responsible for conditions such as plaque formation in the vessels, heart attack and stroke. High cholesterol is one of the risk factors that predisposes to cardiovascular diseases. Having high levels of bad cholesterol and low levels of good cholesterol is a condition encountered in the majority of individuals with cardiovascular disease. Staying away from smoking, regular exercise and nutritional control can increase good cholesterol levels. Eating foods rich in Omega 3, such as fish, and adequate intake of niacin, known as vitamin B3, may also lead to an increase in good cholesterol levels. Foods rich in niacin:

  • Maya
  • Milk and milk products
  • Egg
  • Meat and offal
  • Bulgur, legumes and grains
  • They can be listed as nuts such as walnuts, hazelnuts and peanuts.

There are certain points to consider when consuming niacin as a supplement. It is not recommended to take niacin with food or on an empty stomach. Niacin taken on an empty stomach may have side effects such as nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, itching and increased heart rate.  Fasting blood sugar level is expected to be below 100 mg/dL in a healthy person. High blood sugar can damage blood vessels, organs, especially the heart and kidneys, and other tissues in the long term. Blood sugar levels may increase, especially in situations such as type 2 diabetes , aging, fat in the waist area, poor nutrition and inactivity. Uncontrolled consumption of sugar and carbohydrates can lead to insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is also closely associated with type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome .  

Avoiding Bad Habits Like Smoking

Smoking and passive smoking are held responsible for vascular diseases, as well as other known related diseases. Cigarettes, along with the tobacco contained in thousands of chemicals, spread through the lungs and throughout the body, causing aging and death in all cells over time. Even if you are not an active smoker, exposure to cigarette smoke, especially being in smoking environments from a young age, seriously affects vascular health. Risk of heart diseases, cancer and stroke; It increases significantly with exposure to cigarette smoke.

Creating a Healthy Nutrition Plan

Nutritional models developed for cardiovascular health are frequently preferred today. Fish, poultry, nuts, vegetable oils, natural dairy products, whole grains, legumes, and colorful fruits and vegetables; These are the foods recommended to be consumed. Processed foods, foods high in sugar and carbohydrates, fatty red meat and salt are among the foods whose consumption should be limited. Foods with high polyphenol levels can prevent arteriosclerosis by preventing high blood pressure. Polyphenols are natural chemicals found in plants, and olive oil, one of the vegetable oils, is one of the best-known sources. Foods rich in polyphenols are plant compounds that often contain antioxidant properties. Walnuts, hazelnuts, black and green tea, extra virgin olive oil; It is among the foods rich in polyphenols.

Limiting Salt Use

Adding flavor to meals with spices such as turmeric, black pepper, red pepper, thyme and black cumin prevents excessive salt consumption and makes it easier to gain healthy eating habits by experiencing new tastes. Consuming high amounts of salt in the long term can lead to high blood pressure. With high blood pressure, there may be damage to the vascular wall and deterioration in its function. Edema in the body and loss of kidney function are among the negative consequences of high salt consumption.

Being Active

An active lifestyle is important for weight control as well as the development of new and healthy veins. Since competitive sports can also cause adrenaline discharge and pose a risk to the heart, it may be right to include less competitive sports in the exercise plan.

Managing Stress

Although it is not always possible to stay away from a stressful life, it is possible to cope with stress Although the ways to cope with stress vary among individuals, when successful, the risk of contracting diseases is significantly reduced and the results obtained in the treatment of diseases are also improved. Stress management is essential to keep the veins and therefore the body young, and it is recommended to get support from an expert when necessary.

Creating a Sleeping Routine

According to the evidence obtained as a result of new studies, it has been seen that sleep can prevent the mechanisms that lead to hardening of the arteries and loss of vascular health. Quality sleep is important for cardiovascular health. It has been determined that blood vessels can be protected from damage by various mechanisms regulated by the brain during sleep. Light-paced exercises and walks in open areas are the best ways to improve sleep quality and fall asleep in a healthy way. An active lifestyle improves sleep quality and also helps reduce stress levels.

Not Disrupting Heart Checks

Regular heart checks are important in early diagnosis and treatment of diseases. It is important to comply with the treatment plan given for heart and related diseases such as high blood pressure, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes, use medications regularly and pay attention to the disease. Aging is not a process that can be prevented; But it is possible to age healthily. Aging is no longer considered a disease but a natural part of life and is an expected process. To keep the veins young, taking precautions should be started at a young age and continued throughout life. It is never too late to get rid of excuses and take action, and healthy aging is possible for every individual. To live a long and healthy life; In the presence of symptoms that limit daily living activities and reduce the quality of life, it is recommended to seek the opinion of a specialist and not to neglect health examinations.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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