4 Ways to Switch to Healthy Eating This Year

In today’s fast-moving era, maintaining a healthy diet, undeniably, is an uphill struggle. Because it isn’t just about letting go of bad habits. Instead, it requires you to develop healthy ones simultaneously. Most of us, if not all, are aware of this challenge.

First off, scouting through a broad range of options to learn the best diet for yourself is a tall order. For any expert that states that a specific diet is beneficial for you, you will find another health expert taking a 180° turn and saying the polar opposite. And even if you’ve figured out the healthy diets or eating patterns, sticking to healthy eating has its equitable portion of complexities.

Nonetheless, the good news is that irrespective of how complicated healthy eating may seem, it’s now possible. And if you think you’ll need to make substantial changes in your dietary patterns and eliminate your favorite food, think again.

Healthy eating isn’t about stringent restrictions, keeping yourself idealistically thin, or divesting yourself of the food items you enjoy eating. On the contrary, healthy eating enhances your well-being, improves your mood, and makes you feel good. 

Here, we’ve rounded up some simple ways that you should put into action today to yield massive-impact results:

Eat healthy breakfast

Every time you drink a smoothie for your breakfast, add some flaxseed. These seeds energize your body with healthy plant omega-3 acids, phytoestrogens, and fiber.

Wish to eliminate one step from your morning smoothie routine? Then, make use of an immersion blender. Add yogurt, your favorite fruit, spinach, or any other healthy item that makes you energetic into a container that can adjust the head of the immersion blender. Switch on, blend, and enjoy your smoothie. 

And if you own an eatery and want to create different smoothie blends for large groups of people. In that case, check out commercial immersion blenders to tackle ice chunks and whip up frothy beverages. There’s no need to wash the jar, only disentangle the wand once done.

However, the purpose of commercial immersion blenders isn’t just to blend smoothies. It can also whip cream, butter, mayonnaise, puree soups, or chop multiple soft produce. Additionally, these handheld blenders come with various power and speed. Not only this, but they also help prepare food timely. 

Avoid grilled and fried items

The method you decide to prepare your meal impacts your well-being. Fish, undoubtedly, is an essential constituent of a healthy diet. And some of the common ways to cook it include deep-frying, grilling, or broiling. But unfortunately, these cooking methods cause the formation of various toxic substances, such as heterocyclic amines and aromatic hydrocarbons. 

Therefore, it’s imperative to use healthier cooking methods. For instance, you can try slow cooking, poaching, baking, simmering, or stewing. Likewise, fries usually comprise unhealthy substances such as trans fats and aldehydes. So, try to choose boiled or baked potatoes to avoid these toxic compounds and shed some calories.

Also, when dining out, opt for roasted fish instead of steak. This way, you can significantly lessen the percentage of saturated fat present in the meal. Not only this, but baked fish also contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for the proper functioning of blood vessels, the heart, the immune system, and the lungs.

Make reasonable meal portions on the plate

The next step to start eating healthy is to balance your plate. First, contemplate which food should be a part of your diet. For instance, certain food items are a must-to-have for every meal – fruits and vegetables are the cornerstones of a healthy, nutritional diet. Next, don’t forget to add lean protein such as cottage cheese, fish, or skinless chicken to your diet.

Moreover, picking a smaller plate is another key to a healthier diet. Reason? It’s primarily a visual illusion. By keeping smaller portions in check, you can delude your mind into thinking that it’s a rather large portion, and this way, you can eat less. 

Therefore, try to reach out for almost three to four ounces of meat, rice, chicken, or fish for every meal. Here’s the pro tip – if you are uncertain what three to four ounces seem like, make it equal to the size of deck cards. And if you don’t feel content at the end of the meal, complement your food with fresh fruits or leafy greens.

Give a try to new healthy recipes (weekly)

Deciding which meal to prepare every night can be a frequent source of frustration. And that’s the reason why most people always follow the same recipes. You might also be using the same cooking recipes without conscious thought for many years.

To get rid of this routine, try to make a new healthy recipe every week. This way, you can spice up your eating patterns and add diversification to your diet. For instance, select a vegetable you have never eaten before in your entire life, research various recipes about it, and incorporate it into your meal.

Similarly, you can try something fun by making a nutritional version of your favorite food – experiment with different ingredients, such as turmeric, thyme, spinach, or curds. Trying healthy recipes once a week can help you stick to healthy eating and won’t make you feel overwhelmed. Don’t forget to do exercises like get a jiggly or yoga. 

Final Words

Overhauling your dietary patterns all of a sudden is a surefire path to disaster. Healthy eating isn’t about an all-or-nothing proposition. No, you don’t need to let go of your favorite food completely, nor do you need to be perfect. On the contrary, these dietary habits will only cause you to cheat and throw in the towel.

So, try to make subtle changes such as the tips discussed above in your diet. A few of these tips will help you acclimatize to new habits, while others will help you achieve portion control. Altogether, all these gradual changes can make your diet healthy and sustainable over the long haul without a massive difference in habits or you feeling deprived.

Remember, switching to healthy eating is a marathon, not just a sprint. Figuring out the best diet for yourself might require trial and error, and some days might be more challenging than others. 

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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