4 Benefits that vitamin K brings to the body

This nutrient is obtained from the consumption of foods such as: fruits, vegetables, cheeses, grains and eggs, among others.
Vitamins are substances that help the body to grow and develop normally and K is key, because without it the blood would not coagulate, says the MedlinePlus medical library.
This nutrient is stored in the liver and other body tissues including the brain, heart, pancreas, and bones; mostly, it is obtained through food , especially through the consumption of fruits and vegetables.
According to the National Institutes Health of the United States, the amount of this vitamin that a person requires depends on age and sex; to obtain it you need the consumption of: green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale (or cabbage), broccoli and lettuce; vegetable oils; some fruits such as blueberries and figs, as well as cheese, eggs and soybeans.
Additionally, bacteria in the colon make a certain amount of this substance that the body absorbs. However, some people have difficulty getting enough amounts, including: newborns who do not receive a vitamin K shot at birth; those with certain disorders such as cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, which decrease the amount of vitamin K the body absorbs, and those who have had bariatric surgery.
Take care of the heart
This vitamin provides a series of benefits to the body. One of them is that it prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases. This is largely because it fights calcification in the arteries.
A publication by the AARP, a US entity that cares for people over 50, cites studies according to which people who consume less vitamin K are more prone to coronary heart disease, possibly because the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart become more stiff and narrow without it.
An investigation carried out with 7,216 people with a high risk of suffering cardiovascular diseases concluded that “an increase in the dietary intake of vitamin K is related to a lower risk of cardiovascular mortality, from cancer or from any cause”, specifies the aforementioned source.
On the other hand, a study conducted by researchers at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston followed more than 1,300 older adults. In the analysis, he recorded the participants’ ability to walk and climb 10 steps without rest and found that those with low levels of this nutrient in their blood were twice as likely to have problems with these tasks, compared to those with sufficient vitamin K. in your organism.
This vitamin is important for healthy bones. Scientific evidence indicates that people who eat more foods rich in vitamin K have strong bone structure and are less likely to break their hips than those who eat less of these foods, according to MedlinePlus . However, more research is required on the subject.
One of its most important benefits is that it facilitates blood clotting. When a person does not consume the amount of vitamin K that the body needs, they may experience various symptoms such as bleeding and bruising. If an individual has very liquid blood he is more prone to bleeding.
In this sense, it is important to check the levels of this vitamin, because if a person goes to the dentist or undergoes some minor intervention or surgery, it can get complicated. This without ruling out the possibility of more or less invasive internal bleeding.
Side effects
According to information from the National Institutes of Health, vitamin K from food has not been shown to cause harm. However, when supplements are used in high doses, hypervitaminosis may occur.
Among the effects that this situation can trigger are the following: interference with medications, especially warfarin (anticoagulant); alterations in blood coagulation , jaundice, which is the yellowing of the eyes and skin due to excess bilirubin and liver changes.